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2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
Pelican-red is a [pelican]( theme designed to be readable on every device. It is a responsive layout which utilizes the [Foundation 4]( framework. The theme was originally created for the blog [VoltaicIdeas]( and has a few additional features in addition to the original design to make it more useful. Pelican-red is Licensed under the MIT-License.
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
The following is a list of features:
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* Responsive design view-able on mobile down to about 300px wide
* Top-bar w/drop-down navigation & social links
* Social links with Icons from [Entypo]( by Daniel Bruce or [Zocial]( by Sam Collins; currently supported ( icon font pack in parenthesis ):
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
* Blogger ( Zocial )
* Dribbble ( Entypo )
* Facebook ( Entypo )
* Flickr ( Entypo )
* Github ( Entypo )
* GrooveShark ( Zocial )
* Google+ ( Entypo )
* Instagram ( Entypo )
* Lastfm ( Entypo )
* LinkedIn ( Entypo )
* Picasa ( Entypo )
* Pinterest ( Entypo )
* Rdio ( Entypo )
* Reddit ( Zocial )
* Skype ( Entypo )
* SoundCloud ( Entypo )
* Steam ( Zocial )
* StumbleUpon ( Entypo )
* Tumblr ( Entypo )
* Twitter ( Entypo )
* Vimeo ( Entypo )
* YouTube ( Zocial )
* Style-sheets built using sass & compass
* zeptos.js used instead of jQuery when possible
* Javascript files loaded via [yepnope.js]( (part of modernizr) from CDN [jsDelivr]( with local fallback
* Analytics via Google Analytics ( new version ) or GoSquared
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* Disqus comments support
* pygments code highlighting with responsive layout
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* Site Icons for Creative Commons Licenses, VCards, Tags, PDF download, Search, and Translation selection using [Entypo]( by Daniel Bruce
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* Google Custom Search Support (works with overlay)
* Open Sans used for style font
* Source Code Pro used for code blocks
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* Vcards (hcards) and micro-formatting for articles, pages, and authors
* Supports the following pelican-plugins (plus others):
* multi_part
* neighbors
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* related_posts
To install pelican-red first either clone the repository or download the zip of the current version to a destination of your choice ( `~/pelican-red` used in example ):
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git clone ~/pelican-red
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
mv pelican-red-master ~/pelican-red
The theme can then either be used by installing the theme or just by pointing to it.
### Option 1 - Install
Using pelican-themes (~/pelican-red is path to the theme used in previous example):
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
pelican-themes --install ~/pelican-red
Then change the theme in the Pelican settings file for the site you want to use pelican-red:
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
THEME = "pelican-red"
### Option 2 - Just Point to It
Edit your Pelican settings file for the site you want to use pelican-red (~/pelican-red is path to the theme used in previous example):
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
THEME = "~/pelican-red"
In addition the to general Pelican configuration variables pelican-red supports a few additional settings. All the variables are set in your Pelican settings file for the site you are using pelican-red with.
Variables are listed as `variable` : description
### General
* `SITE_DESCR`: Description of site used for meta if you want
* `SITE_KEY`: Keywords for meta ex. `"keyword1, keyword2, keyword3"`
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* `FAVICON`: Path to favicon ex. `images/favicon`
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* `PAGE_DESC` : a dictionary of page descriptions used to generate unique description meta on articles.html, authors.html, index.html, tags.html, and categories.html pages; keyed on lowercase page name.
### Copyright
* `COPYRIGHTS`: Copyright dictionary `['Abbreviation': ('name','url')]`
* using `cc`, `cc-nc`, etc will generate iconified copyright links
* `DEFAULT_COPYRIGHT` : Default copyright to use is an abbreviation key from the `COPYRIGHTS` dictionary
* `COPYRIGHT_ARTICLE` : Show default copyright on articles (over-ridable with article value)
* `COPYRIGHT_PAGE` : Show default copyright on pages (over-ridable with page value)
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* `COPYRIGHT_HOLDER` : set the holder of the copyright, defaults to `AUTHOR`
* `COPYRIGHT_YEAR` : set the copyright year, no default value
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### Navigation
* `MENUITEMS`: Custom Links to place in the menu e. `(('Item', 'Link'))`
* `DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU`: Show pages on the menu; has three options `False` - do not display, `Compact` - display as dropdown with 'Pages' Heading, and `Expanded` - display each as a seperate top level item.
* `DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU` : Show the categories on the menu; has same options `False` - do not display, `Compact` - display as dropdown with 'Categories' Heading, and `Expanded` - display each as a seperate top level item.
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* `DISPLAY_ARCHIVE_ON_MENU` : True / False Show a link to the archive on the navigation menu
### Sidebar
* `INCLUDE_TAGS_LINK` : True / False Include link to tags page on sidebar.
* `INCLUDE_CATS_LINK` : True / False Include link to categories page on sidebar.
* `INCLUDE_ARCH_LINK` : True / False Include link to archives page on sidebar.
* `INCLUDE_AUTH_LINK` : True / False Include link to authors page on sidebar.
### Social
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* `SOCIAL`: List of the social links and urls ex. `(('Network','url'),)`, supported w/icon listed below:
* Blogger : `('blogger','')`
* Dribbble : `('dribble','')`
* Facebook : `('facebook','')`
* Flickr : `('flickr','')`
* Github : `('github','')`
* GrooveShark : `('grooveshark','')`
* Google+ : `('gplus','')`
* Instagram : `('instagram','')`
* Lastfm : `('lasstfm','')`
* LinkedIn : `('linkedin','')`
* Picasa : `('picasa','http://')`
* Pinterest : `('pinterest','')`
* Rdio : `('rdio','')`
* Reddit : `('reddit','')`
* Skype : `('skype','skype:username?chat')`
* SoundCloud : `('soudcloud','')`
* Steam : `('steam','')`
* StumbleUpon : `('stumbleupon','')`
* Tumblr : `('tumblr','')`
* Twitter : `('twitter','')`
* Vimeo : `('vimeo','')`
* YouTube : `('youtube','')`
### Index Page
* `ARTICLES_ON_INDEX` : number of recent articles to show
* `PAGES_ON_INDEX` : True / False
### Comments ( Disqus )
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* `DISQUS_SN`: Disqus Shortname of site ( VoltaicIdeas )
* `COMMENTS_PAGE`: Include Comments on pages set True/False
* `COMMENTS_ARTICLE`: Include Comments on articles set True/False
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### Authors ( vcards / hcards ) w/ microformats
* `AUTHORS` : a dictionary of authors
* `vcard` : a tuple of tuples of author vcard values support includes (not limited though ):
* `fn` : Full Name
* `email` :
* `photo` : url to an image about 150px
* `title` : Awesome Person, Blog Writer, etc
* `org` : some company
* `notes` : this can be a bio / anything really
* `social` : (('network','link'),) same as SITE_SOCIAL parameters
### Analytics ( Google Analytics and GoSquared )
* `GOOGLE_ANALYTICS`: Google Analytics Code and Domain ex. `( UA-xxxxxxxx-x' , '' )`
* `GO_SQUARED`: GoSquared Code ex. `'GSN-xxxxxx-x'`
### Google Custom Search
* `GOOGLE_SEARCH`: set to the unique search id number "var cx = 'this value' "
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
Per Article / Page Variables
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
In addition to the additional configuration variables the theme supports the following variables in articles / pages.
* `comments`: show comments True/False overrides the site comments setting
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* `copyright`: copyright to display at bottom of page / article overrides the site `DEFAULT_COPYRIGHT` value
* `modified` : a modified time
* `image` : a cover image for the article also used as icon in listings path relative to `static` directory
2013-08-05 12:12:13 -05:00
A live preview of the theme can be seen on the blog [VoltaicIdeas](
Previews of the site main page are shown below as desktop and mobile (bonus print preview of article).
### Desktop Previews
![Index Page](previews/index.png)
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### Mobile Previews
![Mobile Index](previews/
2013-08-05 12:12:13 -05:00
![Mobile Article](previews/
2013-08-05 12:12:13 -05:00
### Print Preview (print layout to be improved & disqus hidden)
![Print Article](previews/article.print.png)
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
* Allow for multilevel MENUITEMS
2013-08-05 12:12:13 -05:00
* Migrate some template hacks into pelican plugins
2013-07-13 19:25:08 -05:00
Change-log ( Major Details )
2013-08-05 12:12:13 -05:00
* `v0.1.0` First Release <- Current