* Directories dialog, Results window and ignore list dialog are the three dialog windows which can now be tabbed instead of previously floating. * Menus are automatically updated depending on the type of dialog as the current tab. Menu items which do not apply to the currently displayed tab are disabled but not hidden. * The floating windows logic is preserved in case we want to use them again later (I don't see why though) * There are two different versions of the tab bar: the default one used in TabBarWindow class places the tabs next to the top menu to save screen real estate. The other option is to use TabWindow which uses a regular QTabWidget where the tab bar is placed right on top of the displayed window. * There is a toggle option in the View menu to hide the tabs, the windows can still be navigated to with the View menu items.
dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system. It's written mostly in Python 3 and has the peculiarity of using multiple GUI toolkits, all using the same core Python code. On OS X, the UI layer is written in Objective-C and uses Cocoa. On Linux, it's written in Python and uses Qt5.
The Cocoa UI of dupeGuru is hosted in a separate repo: https://github.com/hsoft/dupeguru-cocoa
Current status
Development has been slow this past year, however very close to getting all the different 4.0.4 releases posted. Most of the work this past year (2019) has been towards packaging the application and issues related to that.
Still looking for additional help especially with regards to:
- OSX maintenance (reproducing bugs & cocoa version)
- Linux maintenance (reproducing bugs)
Contents of this folder
This folder contains the source for dupeGuru. Its documentation is in help
, but is also
available online in its built form. Here's how this source tree is organized:
- core: Contains the core logic code for dupeGuru. It's Python code.
- qt: UI code for the Qt toolkit. It's written in Python and uses PyQt.
- images: Images used by the different UI codebases.
- pkg: Skeleton files required to create different packages
- help: Help document, written for Sphinx.
- locale: .po files for localization.
- hscommon: A collection of helpers used across HS applications.
- qtlib: A collection of helpers used across Qt UI codebases of HS applications.
How to build dupeGuru from source
For windows instructions see the Windows Instructions.
- Python 3.5+
- PyQt5
dupeGuru is built with "make":
$ make
$ make run
Generate Debian/Ubuntu package
$ bash -c "python3 -m venv --system-site-packages env && source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt && python3 build.py --clean && python3 package.py"
Running tests
The complete test suite is run with Tox 1.7+. If you have it installed system-wide, you
don't even need to set up a virtualenv. Just cd
into the root project folder and run tox
If you don't have Tox system-wide, install it in your virtualenv with pip install tox
and then
run tox
You can also run automated tests without Tox. Extra requirements for running tests are in
. So, you can do pip install -r requirements-extra.txt
inside your
virtualenv and then py.test core hscommon