# Copyright 2017 Virgil Dupras # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license from __future__ import unicode_literals from ctypes import cdll, byref, Structure, c_char, c_char_p from ctypes.util import find_library from ..compat import binary_type from ..util import preprocess_paths Foundation = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("Foundation")) CoreServices = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("CoreServices")) GetMacOSStatusCommentString = Foundation.GetMacOSStatusCommentString GetMacOSStatusCommentString.restype = c_char_p FSPathMakeRefWithOptions = CoreServices.FSPathMakeRefWithOptions FSMoveObjectToTrashSync = CoreServices.FSMoveObjectToTrashSync kFSPathMakeRefDefaultOptions = 0 kFSPathMakeRefDoNotFollowLeafSymlink = 0x01 kFSFileOperationDefaultOptions = 0 kFSFileOperationOverwrite = 0x01 kFSFileOperationSkipSourcePermissionErrors = 0x02 kFSFileOperationDoNotMoveAcrossVolumes = 0x04 kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight = 0x08 class FSRef(Structure): _fields_ = [("hidden", c_char * 80)] def check_op_result(op_result): if op_result: msg = GetMacOSStatusCommentString(op_result).decode("utf-8") raise OSError(msg) def send2trash(paths): paths = preprocess_paths(paths) paths = [path.encode("utf-8") if not isinstance(path, binary_type) else path for path in paths] for path in paths: fp = FSRef() opts = kFSPathMakeRefDoNotFollowLeafSymlink op_result = FSPathMakeRefWithOptions(path, opts, byref(fp), None) check_op_result(op_result) opts = kFSFileOperationDefaultOptions op_result = FSMoveObjectToTrashSync(byref(fp), None, opts) check_op_result(op_result)