# coding: utf-8 import os import shutil import sys import unittest from os import path as op from tempfile import gettempdir from send2trash import send2trash as s2t @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform != "win32", "Windows only") class TestNormal(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dirname = "\\\\?\\" + op.join(gettempdir(), "python.send2trash") self.file = op.join(self.dirname, "testfile.txt") self._create_tree(self.file) self.files = [ op.join(self.dirname, "testfile{}.txt".format(index)) for index in range(10) ] [self._create_tree(file) for file in self.files] def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.dirname, ignore_errors=True) def _create_tree(self, path): dirname = op.dirname(path) if not op.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(path, "w") as writer: writer.write("send2trash test") def test_trash_file(self): s2t(self.file) self.assertFalse(op.exists(self.file)) def test_trash_multifile(self): s2t(self.files) self.assertFalse(any([op.exists(file) for file in self.files])) def test_file_not_found(self): file = op.join(self.dirname, "otherfile.txt") self.assertRaises(WindowsError, s2t, file) @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform != "win32", "Windows only") class TestLongPath(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): filename = "A" * 100 self.dirname = "\\\\?\\" + op.join(gettempdir(), filename) path = op.join( self.dirname, filename, filename, # From there, the path is not trashable from Explorer filename, filename + "{}.txt", ) self.file = path.format("") self._create_tree(self.file) self.files = [path.format(index) for index in range(10)] [self._create_tree(file) for file in self.files] def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.dirname, ignore_errors=True) def _create_tree(self, path): dirname = op.dirname(path) if not op.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(path, "w") as writer: writer.write("Looong filename!") def test_trash_file(self): s2t(self.file) self.assertFalse(op.exists(self.file)) def test_trash_multifile(self): s2t(self.files) self.assertFalse(any([op.exists(file) for file in self.files])) @unittest.skipIf( op.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[0] != op.splitdrive(gettempdir())[0], "Cannot trash long path from other drive", ) def test_trash_folder(self): s2t(self.dirname) self.assertFalse(op.exists(self.dirname))