language: python matrix: include: - os: windows language: sh python: 3 # Perform the manual steps on windows to install python3 before_install: - choco install python3 --params "/InstallDir:C:\Python" - export PATH="/c/Python:/c/Python/Scripts:$PATH" - python -m pip install --upgrade pip - python -m pip install pywin32 before_script: - export TOXENV=py3-win - python: "2.7" - python: "3.4" - python: "3.5" - python: "3.6" - python: "3.7" - python: "3.8" - python: "3.9" - python: "nightly" # 3.10 before_script: - export TOXENV=py310 - python: "2.7" arch: ppc64le - python: "3.6" arch: ppc64le install: - python -m pip install tox before_script: - export TOXENV=$(echo py$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION | tr -d .) script: - python -m tox