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# encoding: utf-8
import os
import shutil
import sys
import pytest
from os import path as op
from send2trash import send2trash as s2t
# import the two versions as well as the "automatic" version
if sys.platform == "win32":
from send2trash.plat_win_modern import send2trash as s2t_modern
from send2trash.plat_win_legacy import send2trash as s2t_legacy
pytest.skip("Skipping windows-only tests", allow_module_level=True)
def _create_tree(path):
dirname = op.dirname(path)
if not op.isdir(dirname):
with open(path, "w") as writer:
writer.write("send2trash test")
def testdir(tmp_path):
dirname = "\\\\?\\" + str(tmp_path)
yield dirname
shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True)
def testfile(testdir):
file = op.join(testdir, "testfile.txt")
yield file
# Note dir will cleanup the file
def testfiles(testdir):
files = [op.join(testdir, "testfile{}.txt".format(index)) for index in range(10)]
[_create_tree(file) for file in files]
yield files
# Note dir will cleanup the files
def _trash_folder(dir, fcn):
assert op.exists(dir) is False
def _trash_file(file, fcn):
assert op.exists(file) is False
def _trash_multifile(files, fcn):
assert any([op.exists(file) for file in files]) is False
def _file_not_found(dir, fcn):
file = op.join(dir, "otherfile.txt")
pytest.raises(WindowsError, fcn, file)
def test_trash_folder(testdir):
_trash_folder(testdir, s2t)
def test_trash_file(testfile):
_trash_file(testfile, s2t)
def test_trash_multifile(testfiles):
_trash_multifile(testfiles, s2t)
def test_file_not_found(testdir):
_file_not_found(testdir, s2t)
def test_trash_folder_modern(testdir):
_trash_folder(testdir, s2t_modern)
def test_trash_file_modern(testfile):
_trash_file(testfile, s2t_modern)
def test_trash_multifile_modern(testfiles):
_trash_multifile(testfiles, s2t_modern)
def test_file_not_found_modern(testdir):
_file_not_found(testdir, s2t_modern)
def test_trash_folder_legacy(testdir):
_trash_folder(testdir, s2t_legacy)
def test_trash_file_legacy(testfile):
_trash_file(testfile, s2t_legacy)
def test_trash_multifile_legacy(testfiles):
_trash_multifile(testfiles, s2t_legacy)
def test_file_not_found_legacy(testdir):
_file_not_found(testdir, s2t_legacy)
# Long path tests
def longdir(tmp_path):
dirname = "\\\\?\\" + str(tmp_path)
name = "A" * 100
yield op.join(dirname, name, name, name)
shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True)
def longfile(longdir):
name = "A" * 100
path = op.join(longdir, name + "{}.txt")
file = path.format("")
yield file
def longfiles(longdir):
name = "A" * 100
path = op.join(longdir, name + "{}.txt")
files = [path.format(index) for index in range(10)]
[_create_tree(file) for file in files]
yield files
# NOTE: both legacy and modern test "pass" on windows, but actually are not moving files to the
# recycle bin, this was tested on latest windows 10, thought to have worked previously
def test_trash_long_file_modern(longfile):
_trash_file(longfile, s2t_modern)
def test_trash_long_multifile_modern(longfiles):
_trash_multifile(longfiles, s2t_modern)
# @pytest.skipif(
# op.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[0] != op.splitdrive(gettempdir())[0],
# "Cannot trash long path from other drive",
# )
# def test_trash_long_folder_modern(self):
# self._trash_folder(s2t_modern)
def test_trash_long_file_legacy(longfile):
_trash_file(longfile, s2t_legacy)
def test_trash_long_multifile_legacy(longfiles):
_trash_multifile(longfiles, s2t_legacy)
# @pytest.skipif(
# op.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[0] != op.splitdrive(gettempdir())[0],
# "Cannot trash long path from other drive",
# )
# def test_trash_long_folder_legacy(self):
# self._trash_folder(s2t_legacy)