{# Get a generic title element #} {% set page_title = article.title if article else page.title if page else category.name if category else tag.name if tag else author.name if author else page_name|title %} {# fetch description, tags, author from article, page or CONFIGURATION file #} {% set page_descrip = article.summary|striptags if article else page.summary|striptags if page else PAGE_DESC[page_title.lower()]|default(SITE_DESCR) if PAGE_DESC else SITE_DESCR %} {% set page_tags = article.tags|join(', ') if (article and article.tags) else page.tags|join(', ') if (page and page.tags) else SITE_KEY %} {% set page_author = article.author if article else page.author if page else AUTHOR %} {% block title %}{{ SITENAME }}{{ ' - '+page_title if not page_title.lower() =='index' }}{% endblock %} {% include '_feeds.html' %} {% include '_navigation.html' %}
{% block content_title %}

{{ page_title if not page_title.lower()=='index' else SITENAME }}

{% endblock %} {% block content_image %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
    {% for article in articles_page.object_list %} {% include '_list_item.html' %} {% endfor %}
{% if DEFAULT_PAGINATION and articles_paginator.num_pages>1 %} {% include '_pagination.html' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% if GOOGLE_ANALYTICS %} {% include '_google_analytics.html' %} {% endif %} {% if GO_SQUARED %} {% include '_gosquared.html' %} {% endif %} {% if DISQUS_SN %} {% endif %}