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Virgil Dupras 508e9a5d94 Reorganized hscommon documentation
Removed hscommon's "docs" folder and moved all documentation directly
into docstrings. Then, in dupeGuru's developer documentation, added
autodoc references to relevant modules.

The result is a much more usable hscommon documentation.
2013-11-16 14:46:34 -05:00

393 lines
12 KiB

# Created By: Virgil Dupras
# Created On: 2011-01-11
# Copyright 2013 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
import sys
import os
import os.path as op
import re
from math import ceil
import glob
import shutil
from datetime import timedelta
from .path import Path, pathify, log_io_error
def nonone(value, replace_value):
"""Returns ``value`` if ``value`` is not ``None``. Returns ``replace_value`` otherwise.
if value is None:
return replace_value
return value
def tryint(value, default=0):
"""Tries to convert ``value`` to in ``int`` and returns ``default`` if it fails.
return int(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return default
def minmax(value, min_value, max_value):
"""Returns `value` or one of the min/max bounds if `value` is not between them.
return min(max(value, min_value), max_value)
#--- Sequence related
def dedupe(iterable):
"""Returns a list of elements in ``iterable`` with all dupes removed.
The order of the elements is preserved.
result = []
seen = {}
for item in iterable:
if item in seen:
seen[item] = 1
return result
def flatten(iterables, start_with=None):
"""Takes a list of lists ``iterables`` and returns a list containing elements of every list.
If ``start_with`` is not ``None``, the result will start with ``start_with`` items, exactly as
if ``start_with`` would be the first item of lists.
result = []
if start_with:
for iterable in iterables:
return result
def first(iterable):
"""Returns the first item of ``iterable``.
return next(iter(iterable))
except StopIteration:
return None
def stripfalse(seq):
"""Returns a sequence with all false elements stripped out of seq.
return [x for x in seq if x]
def extract(predicate, iterable):
"""Separates the wheat from the shaft (`predicate` defines what's the wheat), and returns both.
wheat = []
shaft = []
for item in iterable:
if predicate(item):
return wheat, shaft
def allsame(iterable):
"""Returns whether all elements of 'iterable' are the same.
it = iter(iterable)
first_item = next(it)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("iterable cannot be empty")
return all(element == first_item for element in it)
def trailiter(iterable, skipfirst=False):
"""Yields (prev_element, element), starting with (None, first_element).
If skipfirst is True, there will be no (None, item1) element and we'll start
directly with (item1, item2).
it = iter(iterable)
if skipfirst:
prev = next(it)
prev = None
for item in it:
yield prev, item
prev = item
#--- String related
def escape(s, to_escape, escape_with='\\'):
"""Returns ``s`` with characters in ``to_escape`` all prepended with ``escape_with``.
return ''.join((escape_with + c if c in to_escape else c) for c in s)
def get_file_ext(filename):
"""Returns the lowercase extension part of filename, without the dot.
pos = filename.rfind('.')
if pos > -1:
return filename[pos + 1:].lower()
return ''
def rem_file_ext(filename):
"""Returns the filename without extension.
pos = filename.rfind('.')
if pos > -1:
return filename[:pos]
return filename
def pluralize(number, word, decimals=0, plural_word=None):
"""Returns a pluralized string with ``number`` in front of ``word``.
Adds a 's' to s if ``number`` > 1.
``number``: The number to go in front of s
``word``: The word to go after number
``decimals``: The number of digits after the dot
``plural_word``: If the plural rule for word is more complex than adding a 's', specify a plural
number = round(number, decimals)
format = "%%1.%df %%s" % decimals
if number > 1:
if plural_word is None:
word += 's'
word = plural_word
return format % (number, word)
def format_time(seconds, with_hours=True):
"""Transforms seconds in a hh:mm:ss string.
If ``with_hours`` if false, the format is mm:ss.
minus = seconds < 0
if minus:
seconds *= -1
m, s = divmod(seconds, 60)
if with_hours:
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
r = '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (h, m, s)
r = '%02d:%02d' % (m,s)
if minus:
return '-' + r
return r
def format_time_decimal(seconds):
"""Transforms seconds in a strings like '3.4 minutes'.
minus = seconds < 0
if minus:
seconds *= -1
if seconds < 60:
r = pluralize(seconds, 'second', 1)
elif seconds < 3600:
r = pluralize(seconds / 60.0, 'minute', 1)
elif seconds < 86400:
r = pluralize(seconds / 3600.0, 'hour', 1)
r = pluralize(seconds / 86400.0, 'day', 1)
if minus:
return '-' + r
return r
SIZE_DESC = ('B','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB')
SIZE_VALS = tuple(1024 ** i for i in range(1,9))
def format_size(size, decimal=0, forcepower=-1, showdesc=True):
"""Transform a byte count in a formatted string (KB, MB etc..).
``size`` is the number of bytes to format.
``decimal`` is the number digits after the dot.
``forcepower`` is the desired suffix. 0 is B, 1 is KB, 2 is MB etc.. if kept at -1, the suffix
will be automatically chosen (so the resulting number is always below 1024).
if ``showdesc`` is ``True``, the suffix will be shown after the number.
Usage example::
>>> format_size(1234, decimal=2, showdesc=True)
'1.21 KB'
if forcepower < 0:
i = 0
while size >= SIZE_VALS[i]:
i += 1
i = forcepower
if i > 0:
div = SIZE_VALS[i-1]
div = 1
format = '%%%d.%df' % (decimal,decimal)
negative = size < 0
divided_size = ((0.0 + abs(size)) / div)
if decimal == 0:
divided_size = ceil(divided_size)
divided_size = ceil(divided_size * (10 ** decimal)) / (10 ** decimal)
if negative:
divided_size *= -1
result = format % divided_size
if showdesc:
result += ' ' + SIZE_DESC[i]
return result
_valid_xml_range = '\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD'
if sys.maxunicode > 0x10000:
_valid_xml_range += '%s-%s' % (chr(0x10000), chr(min(sys.maxunicode, 0x10FFFF)))
RE_INVALID_XML_SUB = re.compile('[^%s]' % _valid_xml_range, re.U).sub
def remove_invalid_xml(s, replace_with=' '):
return RE_INVALID_XML_SUB(replace_with, s)
def multi_replace(s, replace_from, replace_to=''):
"""A function like str.replace() with multiple replacements.
``replace_from`` is a list of things you want to replace. Ex: ['a','bc','d']
``replace_to`` is a list of what you want to replace to.
If ``replace_to`` is a list and has the same length as ``replace_from``, ``replace_from``
items will be translated to corresponding ``replace_to``. A ``replace_to`` list must
have the same length as ``replace_from``
If ``replace_to`` is a string, all ``replace_from`` occurence will be replaced
by that string.
``replace_from`` can also be a str. If it is, every char in it will be translated
as if ``replace_from`` would be a list of chars. If ``replace_to`` is a str and has
the same length as ``replace_from``, it will be transformed into a list.
if isinstance(replace_to, str) and (len(replace_from) != len(replace_to)):
replace_to = [replace_to for r in replace_from]
if len(replace_from) != len(replace_to):
raise ValueError('len(replace_from) must be equal to len(replace_to)')
replace = list(zip(replace_from, replace_to))
for r_from, r_to in [r for r in replace if r[0] in s]:
s = s.replace(r_from, r_to)
return s
#--- Date related
def iterdaterange(start, end):
"""Yields every day between ``start`` and ``end``.
date = start
while date <= end:
yield date
date += timedelta(1)
#--- Files related
def modified_after(first_path: Path, second_path: Path):
"""Returns ``True`` if first_path's mtime is higher than second_path's mtime.
If one of the files doesn't exist or is ``None``, it is considered "never modified".
first_mtime = first_path.stat().st_mtime
except (EnvironmentError, AttributeError):
return False
second_mtime = second_path.stat().st_mtime
except (EnvironmentError, AttributeError):
return True
return first_mtime > second_mtime
def find_in_path(name, paths=None):
"""Search for `name` in all directories of `paths` and return the absolute path of the first
occurrence. If `paths` is None, $PATH is used.
if paths is None:
paths = os.environ['PATH']
if isinstance(paths, str): # if it's not a string, it's already a list
paths = paths.split(os.pathsep)
for path in paths:
if op.exists(op.join(path, name)):
return op.join(path, name)
return None
def delete_if_empty(path: Path, files_to_delete=[]):
"""Deletes the directory at 'path' if it is empty or if it only contains files_to_delete.
if not path.exists() or not path.isdir():
contents = path.listdir()
if any(p for p in contents if (p.name not in files_to_delete) or p.isdir()):
return False
for p in contents:
return True
def open_if_filename(infile, mode='rb'):
"""If ``infile`` is a string, it opens and returns it. If it's already a file object, it simply returns it.
This function returns ``(file, should_close_flag)``. The should_close_flag is True is a file has
effectively been opened (if we already pass a file object, we assume that the responsibility for
closing the file has already been taken). Example usage::
fp, shouldclose = open_if_filename(infile)
if shouldclose:
if isinstance(infile, Path):
return (infile.open(mode), True)
if isinstance(infile, str):
return (open(infile, mode), True)
return (infile, False)
def ensure_folder(path):
"Create `path` as a folder if it doesn't exist."
if not op.exists(path):
def ensure_file(path):
"Create `path` as an empty file if it doesn't exist."
if not op.exists(path):
open(path, 'w').close()
def delete_files_with_pattern(folder_path, pattern, recursive=True):
"""Delete all files (or folders) in `folder_path` that match the glob `pattern`.
to_delete = glob.glob(op.join(folder_path, pattern))
for fn in to_delete:
if op.isdir(fn):
if recursive:
subpaths = [op.join(folder_path, fn) for fn in os.listdir(folder_path)]
subfolders = [p for p in subpaths if op.isdir(p)]
for p in subfolders:
delete_files_with_pattern(p, pattern, True)
class FileOrPath:
"""Does the same as :func:`open_if_filename`, but it can be used with a ``with`` statement.
with FileOrPath(infile):
def __init__(self, file_or_path, mode='rb'):
self.file_or_path = file_or_path
self.mode = mode
self.mustclose = False
self.fp = None
def __enter__(self):
self.fp, self.mustclose = open_if_filename(self.file_or_path, self.mode)
return self.fp
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if self.fp and self.mustclose: