mirror of https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru.git synced 2025-03-10 21:54:36 +00:00
2011-09-06 14:44:05 -04:00

64 lines
2.8 KiB

"Add New Folder..." = "Add New Folder...";
"Load from file..." = "Load from file...";
"Reset to Default" = "Reset to Default";
"Add iTunes Directory" = "Add iTunes Directory";
"Remove Dead Tracks in iTunes" = "Remove Dead Tracks in iTunes";
"Add iPhoto Library" = "Add iPhoto Library";
"Clear Picture Cache" = "清空图片缓存";
/* Columns */
"Folder" = "文件夹";
"Size (KB)" = "大小 (KB)";
"Size (MB)" = "大小 (MB)";
"Kind" = "类型";
"Modification" = "编辑日期";
"Match %" = "匹配度 %";
"Words Used" = "使用过的词语";
"Dupe Count" = "重复文件数";
"Time" = "时间";
"Bitrate" = "比特";
"Sample Rate" = "采样率";
"Title" = "歌曲名";
"Artist" = "演唱者";
"Album" = "专辑";
"Genre" = "音乐类型";
"Year" = "年";
"Track Number" = "音轨号";
"Comment" = "注释";
"Dimensions" = "规格";
/* Messages */
"SelectResultToLoadMsg" = "选择一个结果文件并载入";
"SelectCopyDestinationMsg" = "Select a directory to copy marked files to";
"SelectMoveDestinationMsg" = "Select a directory to move marked files to";
"SelectResultToSaveMsg" = "将结果保存为...";
"SelectFolderToAddMsg" = "请选择一个文件夹并加入到扫描列表中";
"ReallyWantToQuitMsg" = "您还没有保存扫描结果,确定要退出吗?";
"ReallyWantToContinueMsg" = "目前还有结果尚未保存,确定要继续吗?";
"FolderAlreadyInListMsg" = "'%@' already is in the list.";
"FolderDoesNotExistMsg" = "'%@' does not exist.";
"FileRemovalConfirmMsg" = "你将从结果中移除 {} 个文件。继续吗?";
"FilenameAlreadyExistsMsg" = "The name '%@' already exists.";
"NoScannableFileMsg" = "所选文件夹中不包含可供扫描的文件。";
"UnknownErrorMsg" = "Unknown Error.";
"SendToTrashConfirmMsg" = "即将有 {} 个文件被移到回收站。继续吗?";
"HardlinkConfirmMsg" = "即将有 {} 个文件被移动垃圾桶并删除硬盘上的文件。继续吗?";
"ClearIgnoreListConfirmMsg" = "确定要从忽略列表中移除 {} 项吗?";
"IgnoreConfirmMsg" = "目前已选的 {} 个匹配项将在后续的扫描中被忽略。继续吗?";
"NoCustomCommandMsg" = "你没有设定自定义命令。请在首选项中进行设定。";
"CopySuccessMsg" = "All marked files were copied sucessfully.";
"MoveSuccessMsg" = "All marked files were moved sucessfully.";
"SendToTrashSuccessMsg" = "All marked files were sucessfully sent to Trash.";
"NoDuplicateFoundMsg" = "没有找到重复文件。";
"TaskHangingMsg" = "目前还有任务在执行,新任务无法开启。请等待几秒钟后再重新试一次。";
"RemoveDeadTracksConfirmMsg" = "Your iTunes Library contains %d dead tracks ready to be removed. Continue?";
"NoDeadTrackMsg" = "You have no dead tracks in your iTunes Library";
"IPhotoAppNotFoundMsg" = "The iPhoto application couldn't be found.";
"ClearPictureCacheConfirmMsg" = "确定要移除所有缓存图片?";