mirror of https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru.git synced 2025-03-10 13:44:37 +00:00
Virgil Dupras ac32305532 Integrated the jobprogress library into hscommon
I have a fix to make in it and it's really silly to pretend that this
lib is of any use to anybody outside HS apps. Bringing it back here will
make things more simple.
2014-10-05 16:31:16 -04:00

504 lines
20 KiB

# Created By: Virgil Dupras
# Created On: 2007-06-23
# Copyright 2014 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
import os
import os.path as op
import logging
from pytest import mark
from hscommon.path import Path
import hscommon.conflict
import hscommon.util
from hscommon.testutil import CallLogger, eq_, log_calls
from hscommon.jobprogress.job import Job
from .base import DupeGuru, TestApp
from .results_test import GetTestGroups
from .. import app, fs, engine
from ..scanner import ScanType
def add_fake_files_to_directories(directories, files):
directories.get_files = lambda j=None: iter(files)
directories._dirs.append('this is just so Scan() doesnt return 3')
class TestCaseDupeGuru:
def test_apply_filter_calls_results_apply_filter(self, monkeypatch):
dgapp = TestApp().app
monkeypatch.setattr(dgapp.results, 'apply_filter', log_calls(dgapp.results.apply_filter))
eq_(2, len(dgapp.results.apply_filter.calls))
call = dgapp.results.apply_filter.calls[0]
assert call['filter_str'] is None
call = dgapp.results.apply_filter.calls[1]
eq_('foo', call['filter_str'])
def test_apply_filter_escapes_regexp(self, monkeypatch):
dgapp = TestApp().app
monkeypatch.setattr(dgapp.results, 'apply_filter', log_calls(dgapp.results.apply_filter))
call = dgapp.results.apply_filter.calls[1]
eq_('\\(\\)\\[\\]\\\\\\.\\|\\+\\?\\^abc', call['filter_str'])
dgapp.apply_filter('(*)') # In "simple mode", we want the * to behave as a wilcard
call = dgapp.results.apply_filter.calls[3]
eq_('\(.*\)', call['filter_str'])
dgapp.options['escape_filter_regexp'] = False
call = dgapp.results.apply_filter.calls[5]
eq_('(abc)', call['filter_str'])
def test_copy_or_move(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
# The goal here is just to have a test for a previous blowup I had. I know my test coverage
# for this unit is pathetic. What's done is done. My approach now is to add tests for
# every change I want to make. The blowup was caused by a missing import.
p = Path(str(tmpdir))
monkeypatch.setattr(hscommon.conflict, 'smart_copy', log_calls(lambda source_path, dest_path: None))
# XXX This monkeypatch is temporary. will be fixed in a better monkeypatcher.
monkeypatch.setattr(app, 'smart_copy', hscommon.conflict.smart_copy)
monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'makedirs', lambda path: None) # We don't want the test to create that fake directory
dgapp = TestApp().app
[f] = dgapp.directories.get_files()
dgapp.copy_or_move(f, True, 'some_destination', 0)
eq_(1, len(hscommon.conflict.smart_copy.calls))
call = hscommon.conflict.smart_copy.calls[0]
eq_(call['dest_path'], op.join('some_destination', 'foo'))
eq_(call['source_path'], f.path)
def test_copy_or_move_clean_empty_dirs(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
tmppath = Path(str(tmpdir))
sourcepath = tmppath['source']
app = TestApp().app
[myfile] = app.directories.get_files()
monkeypatch.setattr(app, 'clean_empty_dirs', log_calls(lambda path: None))
app.copy_or_move(myfile, False, tmppath['dest'], 0)
calls = app.clean_empty_dirs.calls
eq_(1, len(calls))
eq_(sourcepath, calls[0]['path'])
def test_Scan_with_objects_evaluating_to_false(self):
class FakeFile(fs.File):
def __bool__(self):
return False
# At some point, any() was used in a wrong way that made Scan() wrongly return 1
app = TestApp().app
f1, f2 = [FakeFile('foo') for i in range(2)]
f1.is_ref, f2.is_ref = (False, False)
assert not (bool(f1) and bool(f2))
add_fake_files_to_directories(app.directories, [f1, f2])
app.start_scanning() # no exception
@mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'link')")
def test_ignore_hardlink_matches(self, tmpdir):
# If the ignore_hardlink_matches option is set, don't match files hardlinking to the same
# inode.
tmppath = Path(str(tmpdir))
os.link(str(tmppath['myfile']), str(tmppath['hardlink']))
app = TestApp().app
app.scanner.scan_type = ScanType.Contents
app.options['ignore_hardlink_matches'] = True
eq_(len(app.results.groups), 0)
def test_rename_when_nothing_is_selected(self):
# Issue #140
# It's possible that rename operation has its selected row swept off from under it, thus
# making the selected row None. Don't crash when it happens.
dgapp = TestApp().app
# selected_row is None because there's no result.
assert not dgapp.result_table.rename_selected('foo') # no crash
class TestCaseDupeGuru_clean_empty_dirs:
def pytest_funcarg__do_setup(self, request):
monkeypatch = request.getfuncargvalue('monkeypatch')
monkeypatch.setattr(hscommon.util, 'delete_if_empty', log_calls(lambda path, files_to_delete=[]: None))
# XXX This monkeypatch is temporary. will be fixed in a better monkeypatcher.
monkeypatch.setattr(app, 'delete_if_empty', hscommon.util.delete_if_empty)
self.app = TestApp().app
def test_option_off(self, do_setup):
eq_(0, len(hscommon.util.delete_if_empty.calls))
def test_option_on(self, do_setup):
self.app.options['clean_empty_dirs'] = True
calls = hscommon.util.delete_if_empty.calls
eq_(1, len(calls))
eq_(Path('/foo/bar'), calls[0]['path'])
eq_(['.DS_Store'], calls[0]['files_to_delete'])
def test_recurse_up(self, do_setup, monkeypatch):
# delete_if_empty must be recursively called up in the path until it returns False
def mock_delete_if_empty(path, files_to_delete=[]):
return len(path) > 1
monkeypatch.setattr(hscommon.util, 'delete_if_empty', mock_delete_if_empty)
# XXX This monkeypatch is temporary. will be fixed in a better monkeypatcher.
monkeypatch.setattr(app, 'delete_if_empty', mock_delete_if_empty)
self.app.options['clean_empty_dirs'] = True
calls = hscommon.util.delete_if_empty.calls
eq_(3, len(calls))
eq_(Path('not-empty/empty/empty'), calls[0]['path'])
eq_(Path('not-empty/empty'), calls[1]['path'])
eq_(Path('not-empty'), calls[2]['path'])
class TestCaseDupeGuruWithResults:
def pytest_funcarg__do_setup(self, request):
app = TestApp()
self.app = app.app
self.objects,self.matches,self.groups = GetTestGroups()
self.app.results.groups = self.groups
self.dpanel = app.dpanel
self.dtree = app.dtree
self.rtable = app.rtable
tmpdir = request.getfuncargvalue('tmpdir')
tmppath = Path(str(tmpdir))
def test_GetObjects(self, do_setup):
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups
r = self.rtable[0]
assert r._group is groups[0]
assert r._dupe is objects[0]
r = self.rtable[1]
assert r._group is groups[0]
assert r._dupe is objects[1]
r = self.rtable[4]
assert r._group is groups[1]
assert r._dupe is objects[4]
def test_GetObjects_after_sort(self, do_setup):
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups[:] # we need an un-sorted reference
self.rtable.sort('name', False)
r = self.rtable[1]
assert r._group is groups[1]
assert r._dupe is objects[4]
def test_selected_result_node_paths_after_deletion(self, do_setup):
# cases where the selected dupes aren't there are correctly handled
self.rtable.select([1, 2, 3])
# The first 2 dupes have been removed. The 3rd one is a ref. it stays there, in first pos.
eq_(self.rtable.selected_indexes, [1]) # no exception
def test_selectResultNodePaths(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
self.rtable.select([1, 2])
eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 2)
assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1]
assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
def test_selectResultNodePaths_with_ref(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
self.rtable.select([1, 2, 3])
eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1]
assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
assert app.selected_dupes[2] is self.groups[1].ref
def test_selectResultNodePaths_after_sort(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups[:] #To keep the old order in memory
self.rtable.sort('name', False) #0
#Now, the group order is supposed to be reversed
self.rtable.select([1, 2, 3])
eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4]
assert app.selected_dupes[1] is groups[0].ref
assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1]
def test_selected_powermarker_node_paths(self, do_setup):
# app.selected_dupes is correctly converted into paths
self.rtable.power_marker = True
self.rtable.select([0, 1, 2])
self.rtable.power_marker = False
eq_(self.rtable.selected_indexes, [1, 2, 4])
def test_selected_powermarker_node_paths_after_deletion(self, do_setup):
# cases where the selected dupes aren't there are correctly handled
app = self.app
self.rtable.power_marker = True
self.rtable.select([0, 1, 2])
eq_(self.rtable.selected_indexes, []) # no exception
def test_selectPowerMarkerRows_after_sort(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
self.rtable.power_marker = True
self.rtable.sort('name', False)
self.rtable.select([0, 1, 2])
eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4]
assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1]
def test_toggle_selected_mark_state(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
eq_(app.results.mark_count, 0)
self.rtable.select([1, 4])
eq_(app.results.mark_count, 2)
assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[0])
assert app.results.is_marked(objects[1])
assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[2])
assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[3])
assert app.results.is_marked(objects[4])
def test_toggle_selected_mark_state_with_different_selected_state(self, do_setup):
# When marking selected dupes with a heterogenous selection, mark all selected dupes. When
# it's homogenous, simply toggle.
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
# index 0 is unmarkable, but we throw it in the bunch to be sure that it doesn't make the
# selection heterogenoug when it shouldn't.
self.rtable.select([0, 1, 4])
eq_(app.results.mark_count, 2)
eq_(app.results.mark_count, 0)
def test_refreshDetailsWithSelected(self, do_setup):
self.rtable.select([1, 4])
eq_(self.dpanel.row(0), ('Filename', 'bar bleh', 'foo bar'))
eq_(self.dpanel.row(0), ('Filename', '---', '---'))
def test_makeSelectedReference(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups
self.rtable.select([1, 4])
assert groups[0].ref is objects[1]
assert groups[1].ref is objects[4]
def test_makeSelectedReference_by_selecting_two_dupes_in_the_same_group(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups
self.rtable.select([1, 2, 4])
#Only [0, 0] and [1, 0] must go ref, not [0, 1] because it is a part of the same group
assert groups[0].ref is objects[1]
assert groups[1].ref is objects[4]
def test_removeSelected(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
self.rtable.select([1, 4])
eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 1) # the first path is now selected
eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 0)
def test_addDirectory_simple(self, do_setup):
# There's already a directory in self.app, so adding another once makes 2 of em
app = self.app
# any other path that isn't a parent or child of the already added path
otherpath = Path(op.dirname(__file__))
eq_(len(app.directories), 2)
def test_addDirectory_already_there(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
otherpath = Path(op.dirname(__file__))
eq_(len(app.view.messages), 1)
assert "already" in app.view.messages[0]
def test_addDirectory_does_not_exist(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
eq_(len(app.view.messages), 1)
assert "exist" in app.view.messages[0]
def test_ignore(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
self.rtable.select([4]) #The dupe of the second, 2 sized group
eq_(len(app.scanner.ignore_list), 1)
self.rtable.select([1]) #first dupe of the 3 dupes group
#BOTH the ref and the other dupe should have been added
eq_(len(app.scanner.ignore_list), 3)
def test_purgeIgnoreList(self, do_setup, tmpdir):
app = self.app
p1 = str(tmpdir.join('file1'))
p2 = str(tmpdir.join('file2'))
open(p1, 'w').close()
open(p2, 'w').close()
dne = '/does_not_exist'
assert app.scanner.ignore_list.AreIgnored(p1,p2)
assert not app.scanner.ignore_list.AreIgnored(dne,p1)
def test_only_unicode_is_added_to_ignore_list(self, do_setup):
def FakeIgnore(first,second):
if not isinstance(first,str):
if not isinstance(second,str):
app = self.app
app.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore = FakeIgnore
def test_cancel_scan_with_previous_results(self, do_setup):
# When doing a scan with results being present prior to the scan, correctly invalidate the
# results table.
app = self.app
app.JOB = Job(1, lambda *args, **kw: False) # Cancels the task
add_fake_files_to_directories(app.directories, self.objects) # We want the scan to at least start
app.start_scanning() # will be cancelled immediately
eq_(len(self.rtable), 0)
def test_selected_dupes_after_removal(self, do_setup):
# Purge the app's `selected_dupes` attribute when removing dupes, or else it might cause a
# crash later with None refs.
app = self.app
self.rtable.select([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
eq_(len(self.rtable), 0)
eq_(app.selected_dupes, [])
def test_dont_crash_on_delta_powermarker_dupecount_sort(self, do_setup):
# Don't crash when sorting by dupe count or percentage while delta+powermarker are enabled.
# Ref #238
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
self.rtable.delta_values = True
self.rtable.power_marker = True
self.rtable.sort('dupe_count', False)
# don't crash
self.rtable.sort('percentage', False)
# don't crash
class TestCaseDupeGuru_renameSelected:
def pytest_funcarg__do_setup(self, request):
tmpdir = request.getfuncargvalue('tmpdir')
p = Path(str(tmpdir))
fp = open(str(p['foo bar 1']),mode='w')
fp = open(str(p['foo bar 2']),mode='w')
fp = open(str(p['foo bar 3']),mode='w')
files = fs.get_files(p)
for f in files:
f.is_ref = False
matches = engine.getmatches(files)
groups = engine.get_groups(matches)
g = groups[0]
g.prioritize(lambda x:x.name)
app = TestApp()
app.app.results.groups = groups
self.app = app.app
self.rtable = app.rtable
self.groups = groups
self.p = p
self.files = files
def test_simple(self, do_setup):
app = self.app
g = self.groups[0]
assert app.rename_selected('renamed')
names = [p.name for p in self.p.listdir()]
assert 'renamed' in names
assert 'foo bar 2' not in names
eq_(g.dupes[0].name, 'renamed')
def test_none_selected(self, do_setup, monkeypatch):
app = self.app
g = self.groups[0]
monkeypatch.setattr(logging, 'warning', log_calls(lambda msg: None))
assert not app.rename_selected('renamed')
msg = logging.warning.calls[0]['msg']
eq_('dupeGuru Warning: list index out of range', msg)
names = [p.name for p in self.p.listdir()]
assert 'renamed' not in names
assert 'foo bar 2' in names
eq_(g.dupes[0].name, 'foo bar 2')
def test_name_already_exists(self, do_setup, monkeypatch):
app = self.app
g = self.groups[0]
monkeypatch.setattr(logging, 'warning', log_calls(lambda msg: None))
assert not app.rename_selected('foo bar 1')
msg = logging.warning.calls[0]['msg']
assert msg.startswith('dupeGuru Warning: \'foo bar 1\' already exists in')
names = [p.name for p in self.p.listdir()]
assert 'foo bar 1' in names
assert 'foo bar 2' in names
eq_(g.dupes[0].name, 'foo bar 2')
class TestAppWithDirectoriesInTree:
def pytest_funcarg__do_setup(self, request):
tmpdir = request.getfuncargvalue('tmpdir')
p = Path(str(tmpdir))
app = TestApp()
self.app = app.app
self.dtree = app.dtree
def test_set_root_as_ref_makes_subfolders_ref_as_well(self, do_setup):
# Setting a node state to something also affect subnodes. These subnodes must be correctly
# refreshed.
node = self.dtree[0]
eq_(len(node), 3) # a len() call is required for subnodes to be loaded
subnode = node[0]
node.state = 1 # the state property is a state index
node = self.dtree[0]
eq_(len(node), 3)
subnode = node[0]
eq_(subnode.state, 1)