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# Created By: Virgil Dupras
# Created On: 2006/09/01
# Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
# The commented out tests are tests for function that have been converted to pure C for speed
from pytest import raises, skip
from hscommon.testutil import eq_
from ..block import *
except ImportError:
skip("Can't import the block module, probably hasn't been compiled.")
def my_avgdiff(first, second, limit=768, min_iter=3): # this is so I don't have to re-write every call
return avgdiff(first, second, limit, min_iter)
BLACK = (0,0,0)
RED = (0xff,0,0)
GREEN = (0,0xff,0)
BLUE = (0,0,0xff)
class FakeImage:
def __init__(self, size, data):
self.size = size
self.data = data
def getdata(self):
return self.data
def crop(self, box):
pixels = []
for i in range(box[1], box[3]):
for j in range(box[0], box[2]):
pixel = self.data[i * self.size[0] + j]
return FakeImage((box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1]), pixels)
def empty():
return FakeImage((0,0), [])
def single_pixel(): #one red pixel
return FakeImage((1, 1), [(0xff,0,0)])
def four_pixels():
pixels = [RED,(0,0x80,0xff),(0x80,0,0),(0,0x40,0x80)]
return FakeImage((2, 2), pixels)
class TestCasegetblock:
def test_single_pixel(self):
im = single_pixel()
[b] = getblocks2(im, 1)
def test_no_pixel(self):
im = empty()
eq_([], getblocks2(im, 1))
def test_four_pixels(self):
im = four_pixels()
[b] = getblocks2(im, 1)
meanred = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
meangreen = (0x80 + 0x40) // 4
meanblue = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# class TCdiff(unittest.TestCase):
# def test_diff(self):
# b1 = (10, 20, 30)
# b2 = (1, 2, 3)
# eq_(9 + 18 + 27,diff(b1,b2))
# def test_diff_negative(self):
# b1 = (10, 20, 30)
# b2 = (1, 2, 3)
# eq_(9 + 18 + 27,diff(b2,b1))
# def test_diff_mixed_positive_and_negative(self):
# b1 = (1, 5, 10)
# b2 = (10, 1, 15)
# eq_(9 + 4 + 5,diff(b1,b2))
# class TCgetblocks(unittest.TestCase):
# def test_empty_image(self):
# im = empty()
# blocks = getblocks(im,1)
# eq_(0,len(blocks))
# def test_one_block_image(self):
# im = four_pixels()
# blocks = getblocks2(im, 1)
# eq_(1,len(blocks))
# block = blocks[0]
# meanred = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# meangreen = (0x80 + 0x40) // 4
# meanblue = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# eq_((meanred,meangreen,meanblue),block)
# def test_not_enough_height_to_fit_a_block(self):
# im = FakeImage((2,1), [BLACK, BLACK])
# blocks = getblocks(im,2)
# eq_(0,len(blocks))
# def xtest_dont_include_leftovers(self):
# # this test is disabled because getblocks is not used and getblock in cdeffed
# pixels = [
# RED,(0,0x80,0xff),BLACK,
# (0x80,0,0),(0,0x40,0x80),BLACK,
# ]
# im = FakeImage((3,3), pixels)
# blocks = getblocks(im,2)
# block = blocks[0]
# #Because the block is smaller than the image, only blocksize must be considered.
# meanred = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# meangreen = (0x80 + 0x40) // 4
# meanblue = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# eq_((meanred,meangreen,meanblue),block)
# def xtest_two_blocks(self):
# # this test is disabled because getblocks is not used and getblock in cdeffed
# pixels = [BLACK for i in xrange(4 * 2)]
# pixels[0] = RED
# pixels[1] = (0,0x80,0xff)
# pixels[4] = (0x80,0,0)
# pixels[5] = (0,0x40,0x80)
# im = FakeImage((4, 2), pixels)
# blocks = getblocks(im,2)
# eq_(2,len(blocks))
# block = blocks[0]
# #Because the block is smaller than the image, only blocksize must be considered.
# meanred = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# meangreen = (0x80 + 0x40) // 4
# meanblue = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# eq_((meanred,meangreen,meanblue),block)
# eq_(BLACK,blocks[1])
# def test_four_blocks(self):
# pixels = [BLACK for i in xrange(4 * 4)]
# pixels[0] = RED
# pixels[1] = (0,0x80,0xff)
# pixels[4] = (0x80,0,0)
# pixels[5] = (0,0x40,0x80)
# im = FakeImage((4, 4), pixels)
# blocks = getblocks2(im, 2)
# eq_(4,len(blocks))
# block = blocks[0]
# #Because the block is smaller than the image, only blocksize must be considered.
# meanred = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# meangreen = (0x80 + 0x40) // 4
# meanblue = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
# eq_((meanred,meangreen,meanblue),block)
# eq_(BLACK,blocks[1])
# eq_(BLACK,blocks[2])
# eq_(BLACK,blocks[3])
class TestCasegetblocks2:
def test_empty_image(self):
im = empty()
blocks = getblocks2(im,1)
def test_one_block_image(self):
im = four_pixels()
blocks = getblocks2(im,1)
block = blocks[0]
meanred = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
meangreen = (0x80 + 0x40) // 4
meanblue = (0xff + 0x80) // 4
def test_four_blocks_all_black(self):
im = FakeImage((2, 2), [BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK])
blocks = getblocks2(im,2)
for block in blocks:
def test_two_pixels_image_horizontal(self):
pixels = [RED,BLUE]
im = FakeImage((2, 1), pixels)
blocks = getblocks2(im,2)
def test_two_pixels_image_vertical(self):
pixels = [RED,BLUE]
im = FakeImage((1, 2), pixels)
blocks = getblocks2(im,2)
class TestCaseavgdiff:
def test_empty(self):
with raises(NoBlocksError):
my_avgdiff([], [])
def test_two_blocks(self):
im = empty()
b1 = (5,10,15)
b2 = (255,250,245)
b3 = (0,0,0)
b4 = (255,0,255)
blocks1 = [b1,b2]
blocks2 = [b3,b4]
expected1 = 5 + 10 + 15
expected2 = 0 + 250 + 10
expected = (expected1 + expected2) // 2
eq_(expected, my_avgdiff(blocks1, blocks2))
def test_blocks_not_the_same_size(self):
b = (0,0,0)
with raises(DifferentBlockCountError):
def test_first_arg_is_empty_but_not_second(self):
#Don't return 0 (as when the 2 lists are empty), raise!
b = (0,0,0)
with raises(DifferentBlockCountError):
def test_limit(self):
ref = (0,0,0)
b1 = (10,10,10) #avg 30
b2 = (20,20,20) #avg 45
b3 = (30,30,30) #avg 60
blocks1 = [ref,ref,ref]
blocks2 = [b1,b2,b3]
def test_min_iterations(self):
ref = (0,0,0)
b1 = (10,10,10) #avg 30
b2 = (20,20,20) #avg 45
b3 = (10,10,10) #avg 40
blocks1 = [ref,ref,ref]
blocks2 = [b1,b2,b3]
eq_(40,my_avgdiff(blocks1,blocks2,45 - 1,3))
# Bah, I don't know why this test fails, but I don't think it matters very much
# def test_just_over_the_limit(self):
# #A score just over the limit might return exactly the limit due to truncating. We should
# #ceil() the result in this case.
# ref = (0,0,0)
# b1 = (10,0,0)
# b2 = (11,0,0)
# blocks1 = [ref,ref]
# blocks2 = [b1,b2]
# eq_(11,my_avgdiff(blocks1,blocks2,10))
def test_return_at_least_1_at_the_slightest_difference(self):
ref = (0,0,0)
b1 = (1,0,0)
blocks1 = [ref for i in range(250)]
blocks2 = [ref for i in range(250)]
blocks2[0] = b1
def test_return_0_if_there_is_no_difference(self):
ref = (0,0,0)
blocks1 = [ref,ref]
blocks2 = [ref,ref]
# class TCmaxdiff(unittest.TestCase):
# def test_empty(self):
# self.assertRaises(NoBlocksError,maxdiff,[],[])
# def test_two_blocks(self):
# b1 = (5,10,15)
# b2 = (255,250,245)
# b3 = (0,0,0)
# b4 = (255,0,255)
# blocks1 = [b1,b2]
# blocks2 = [b3,b4]
# expected1 = 5 + 10 + 15
# expected2 = 0 + 250 + 10
# expected = max(expected1,expected2)
# eq_(expected,maxdiff(blocks1,blocks2))
# def test_blocks_not_the_same_size(self):
# b = (0,0,0)
# self.assertRaises(DifferentBlockCountError,maxdiff,[b,b],[b])
# def test_first_arg_is_empty_but_not_second(self):
# #Don't return 0 (as when the 2 lists are empty), raise!
# b = (0,0,0)
# self.assertRaises(DifferentBlockCountError,maxdiff,[],[b])
# def test_limit(self):
# b1 = (5,10,15)
# b2 = (255,250,245)
# b3 = (0,0,0)
# b4 = (255,0,255)
# blocks1 = [b1,b2]
# blocks2 = [b3,b4]
# expected1 = 5 + 10 + 15
# expected2 = 0 + 250 + 10
# eq_(expected1,maxdiff(blocks1,blocks2,expected1 - 1))