mirror of https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru.git synced 2024-10-19 00:55:58 +00:00
Virgil Dupras e5ce6680ca Modernized progress window GUI
Following the refactoring that has been initiated in pdfmasher's
"vala" branch, I pushed more progress window logic into the

The UI code is now a bit dumber than it used to be, and the core
now directly decides when the progress window is shown and
hidden. The "job finished" notification is also directly sent by the
core. Job description update logic is handled by a core gui

Job description contsants also moved to the core, triggering
a localisation migration from "ui" to "core".
2013-08-03 16:27:36 -04:00

79 lines
3.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import os.path as op
top = '.'
out = 'build'
def options(opt):
opt.load('compiler_c python')
opt.add_option('--edition', default='se', help="dupeGuru edition to build (se, me pe)")
def configure(conf):
if conf.options.edition not in ('se', 'me', 'pe'):
conf.options.edition = 'se'
print("Building dupeGuru {}".format(conf.options.edition.upper()))
conf.env.DGEDITION = conf.options.edition
# We use clang to compile our app
conf.env.CC = 'clang'
# WAF has a "pyembed" feature allowing us to automatically find Python and compile by linking
# to it. The problem is that because we made a copy of the Python library to mangle with its
# "install name", we don't actually want to link to our installed python, but to our mangled
# Python. The line below tells the "pyembed" WAF feature to look in ../build for Python.
conf.env.LIBPATH_PYEMBED = op.abspath('../build')
# I did a lot of fiddling-around, but I didn't find how to tell WAF the Python library name
# to look for without making the whole compilation process fail, so I just create a symlink
# with the name WAF is looking for.
versioned_dylib_path = '../build/libpython{}.dylib'.format(sys.version[:3])
if not op.exists(versioned_dylib_path):
os.symlink('../build/Python', versioned_dylib_path)
# The rest is standard WAF code that you can find the the python and macapp demos.
conf.load('compiler_c python')
conf.env.FRAMEWORK_COCOA = 'Cocoa'
conf.env.ARCH_COCOA = ['x86_64']
# Add cocoalib dir to the framework search path so we can find Sparkle.
conf.env.CFLAGS = ['-F'+op.abspath('../cocoalib')]
conf.env.LINKFLAGS = ['-F'+op.abspath('../cocoalib')]
def build(ctx):
# What do we compile?
cocoalib_node = ctx.srcnode.find_dir('..').find_dir('cocoalib')
cocoalib_folders = ['controllers', 'views']
cocoalib_includes = [cocoalib_node] + [cocoalib_node.find_dir(folder) for folder in cocoalib_folders]
cocoalib_uses = ['NSEventAdditions', 'Dialogs', 'HSFairwareAboutBox', 'HSFairwareReminder', 'Utils',
'HSPyUtil', 'ProgressController', 'HSRecentFiles', 'HSQuicklook', 'ValueTransformers',
'NSImageAdditions', 'NSNotificationAdditions',
'views/HSTableView', 'views/HSOutlineView', 'views/NSIndexPathAdditions',
'controllers/HSColumns', 'controllers/HSGUIController', 'controllers/HSTable',
'controllers/HSOutline', 'controllers/HSPopUpList', 'controllers/HSSelectableList',
'controllers/HSTextField', 'controllers/HSProgressWindow']
cocoalib_src = [cocoalib_node.find_node(usename + '.m') for usename in cocoalib_uses] + cocoalib_node.ant_glob('autogen/*.m')
project_folders = ['autogen', 'base', ctx.env.DGEDITION]
project_src = sum([ctx.srcnode.ant_glob('%s/*.m' % folder) for folder in project_folders], [])
# Compile
# "pyembed" takes care of the include and linking stuff to compile an app that embed Python.
features = 'c cprogram pyembed',
target = ctx.bldnode.make_node("dupeGuru"),
source = cocoalib_src + project_src,
includes = project_folders + cocoalib_includes,
use = 'COCOA',
# Because our python lib's install name is "@rpath/Python", we need to set the executable's
# rpath. Fortunately, WAF supports it and we just need to supply the "rpath" argument.
rpath = '@executable_path/../Frameworks',
framework = ['Sparkle', 'Quartz'],
from waflib import TaskGen
def m_hook(self, node):
"""Alias .m files to be compiled the same as .c files, gcc will do the right thing."""
return self.create_compiled_task('c', node)