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# Created By: Virgil Dupras
# Created On: 2007/02/25
# Copyright 2011 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
import logging
import multiprocessing
from itertools import combinations
from hscommon.util import extract
from hscommon.trans import tr
from jobprogress import job
from core.engine import Match
from .block import avgdiff, DifferentBlockCountError, NoBlocksError
from .cache import Cache
# The bottleneck of the matching phase is CPU, which is why we use multiprocessing. However, another
# bottleneck that shows up when a lot of pictures are involved is Disk IO's because blocks
# constantly have to be read from disks by subprocesses. This problem is especially big on CPUs
# with a lot of cores. Therefore, we must minimize Disk IOs. The best way to achieve that is to
# separate the files to scan in "chunks" and it's by chunk that blocks are read in memory and
# compared to each other. Each file in a chunk has to be compared to each other, of course, but also
# to files in other chunks. So chunkifying doesn't save us any actual comparison, but the advantage
# is that instead of reading blocks from disk number_of_files**2 times, we read it
# number_of_files*number_of_chunks times.
# Determining the right chunk size is tricky, bceause if it's too big, too many blocks will be in
# memory at the same time and we might end up with memory trashing, which is awfully slow. So,
# because our *real* bottleneck is CPU, the chunk size must simply be enough so that the CPU isn't
# starved by Disk IOs.
# Enough so that we're sure that the main thread will not wait after a result.get() call
# cpucount+1 should be enough to be sure that the spawned process will not wait after the results
# collection made by the main process.
RESULTS_QUEUE_LIMIT = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1
except Exception:
# I had an IOError on app launch once. It seems to be a freak occurrence. In any case, we want
# the app to launch, so let's just put an arbitrary value.
logging.warning("Had problems to determine cpu count on launch.")
def prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, with_dimensions, j=job.nulljob):
# The MemoryError handlers in there use logging without first caring about whether or not
# there is enough memory left to carry on the operation because it is assumed that the
# MemoryError happens when trying to read an image file, which is freed from memory by the
# time that MemoryError is raised.
cache = Cache(cache_path)
prepared = [] # only pictures for which there was no error getting blocks
for picture in j.iter_with_progress(pictures, tr("Analyzed %d/%d pictures")):
picture.unicode_path = str(picture.path)
logging.debug("Analyzing picture at {}".format(picture.unicode_path))
if with_dimensions:
picture.dimensions # pre-read dimensions
if picture.unicode_path not in cache:
blocks = picture.get_blocks(BLOCK_COUNT_PER_SIDE)
cache[picture.unicode_path] = blocks
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
except MemoryError:
logging.warning('Ran out of memory while reading %s of size %d' % (picture.unicode_path, picture.size))
if picture.size < 10 * 1024 * 1024: # We're really running out of memory
except MemoryError:
logging.warning('Ran out of memory while preparing pictures')
return prepared
def get_chunks(pictures):
min_chunk_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 # have enough chunks to feed all subprocesses
chunk_count = len(pictures) // DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
chunk_count = max(min_chunk_count, chunk_count)
chunk_size = (len(pictures) // chunk_count) + 1
chunk_size = max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_size)
logging.info("Creating {} chunks with a chunk size of {} for {} pictures".format(
chunk_count, chunk_size, len(pictures)))
chunks = [pictures[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(pictures), chunk_size)]
return chunks
def get_match(first, second, percentage):
if percentage < 0:
percentage = 0
return Match(first, second, percentage)
def async_compare(ref_ids, other_ids, dbname, threshold, picinfo):
# The list of ids in ref_ids have to be compared to the list of ids in other_ids. other_ids
# can be None. In this case, ref_ids has to be compared with itself
# picinfo is a dictionary {pic_id: (dimensions, is_ref)}
cache = Cache(dbname)
limit = 100 - threshold
ref_pairs = list(cache.get_multiple(ref_ids))
if other_ids is not None:
other_pairs = list(cache.get_multiple(other_ids))
comparisons_to_do = [(r, o) for r in ref_pairs for o in other_pairs]
comparisons_to_do = list(combinations(ref_pairs, 2))
results = []
for (ref_id, ref_blocks), (other_id, other_blocks) in comparisons_to_do:
ref_dimensions, ref_is_ref = picinfo[ref_id]
other_dimensions, other_is_ref = picinfo[other_id]
if ref_is_ref and other_is_ref:
if ref_dimensions != other_dimensions:
diff = avgdiff(ref_blocks, other_blocks, limit, MIN_ITERATIONS)
percentage = 100 - diff
except (DifferentBlockCountError, NoBlocksError):
percentage = 0
if percentage >= threshold:
results.append((ref_id, other_id, percentage))
return results
def getmatches(pictures, cache_path, threshold=75, match_scaled=False, j=job.nulljob):
def get_picinfo(p):
if match_scaled:
return (None, p.is_ref)
return (p.dimensions, p.is_ref)
def collect_results(collect_all=False):
# collect results and wait until the queue is small enough to accomodate a new results.
nonlocal async_results, matches, comparison_count
limit = 0 if collect_all else RESULTS_QUEUE_LIMIT
while len(async_results) > limit:
ready, working = extract(lambda r: r.ready(), async_results)
for result in ready:
matches += result.get()
comparison_count += 1
progress_msg = tr("Performed %d/%d chunk matches") % (comparison_count, len(comparisons_to_do))
j.set_progress(comparison_count, progress_msg)
j = j.start_subjob([3, 7])
pictures = prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, with_dimensions=not match_scaled, j=j)
j = j.start_subjob([9, 1], tr("Preparing for matching"))
cache = Cache(cache_path)
id2picture = {}
for picture in pictures:
picture.cache_id = cache.get_id(picture.unicode_path)
id2picture[picture.cache_id] = picture
except ValueError:
pictures = [p for p in pictures if hasattr(p, 'cache_id')]
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
async_results = []
matches = []
chunks = get_chunks(pictures)
# We add a None element at the end of the chunk list because each chunk has to be compared
# with itself. Thus, each chunk will show up as a ref_chunk having other_chunk set to None once.
comparisons_to_do = list(combinations(chunks + [None], 2))
comparison_count = 0
for ref_chunk, other_chunk in comparisons_to_do:
picinfo = {p.cache_id: get_picinfo(p) for p in ref_chunk}
ref_ids = [p.cache_id for p in ref_chunk]
if other_chunk is not None:
other_ids = [p.cache_id for p in other_chunk]
picinfo.update({p.cache_id: get_picinfo(p) for p in other_chunk})
other_ids = None
args = (ref_ids, other_ids, cache_path, threshold, picinfo)
async_results.append(pool.apply_async(async_compare, args))
result = []
for ref_id, other_id, percentage in j.iter_with_progress(matches, tr("Verified %d/%d matches"), every=10):
ref = id2picture[ref_id]
other = id2picture[other_id]
if percentage == 100 and ref.md5 != other.md5:
percentage = 99
if percentage >= threshold:
ref.dimensions # pre-read dimensions for display in results
result.append(get_match(ref, other, percentage))
return result