/* Copyright 2014 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license */ #import "HSOutlineView.h" @implementation HSOutlineView - (id )delegate { return (id )[super delegate]; } - (void)setDelegate:(id )aDelegate { [super setDelegate:aDelegate]; id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineViewWasDoubleClicked:)]) { [self setTarget:[self delegate]]; [self setDoubleAction:@selector(outlineViewWasDoubleClicked:)]; } } /* NSOutlineView overrides */ - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event { if (![self dispatchSpecialKeys:event]) { [super keyDown:event]; } } - (BOOL)shouldEditTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)column row:(NSInteger)row { BOOL result = [super shouldEditTableColumn:column row:row]; if (!result) return result; id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineView:shouldEditTableColumn:item:)]) return [delegate outlineView:self shouldEditTableColumn:column item:[self itemAtRow:row]]; return YES; } /* Notifications & Delegate */ - (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification { notification = [self processTextDidEndEditing:notification]; NSView *nextKeyView = [self nextKeyView]; [self setNextKeyView:nil]; [super textDidEndEditing:notification]; [self setNextKeyView:nextKeyView]; if ([self editedColumn] == -1) { if (!manualEditionStop) { id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineViewDidEndEditing:)]) { [delegate outlineViewDidEndEditing:self]; } } // We may have lost the focus [[self window] makeFirstResponder:self]; } } - (BOOL)textView:(NSTextView *)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)command { if (command == @selector(cancelOperation:)) { [self stopEditing]; // The stop editing has to happen before the cancelEdits id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineViewCancelsEdition:)]) { [delegate outlineViewCancelsEdition:self]; } return YES; } return NO; } /* Public */ - (NSIndexPath *)selectedPath { NSInteger row = [self selectedRow]; return [self itemAtRow:row]; } - (void)selectPath:(NSIndexPath *)aPath { [self selectNodePaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:aPath]]; } - (NSArray *)selectedNodePaths { NSMutableArray *r = [NSMutableArray array]; NSIndexSet *indexes = [self selectedRowIndexes]; NSInteger i = [indexes firstIndex]; while (i != NSNotFound) { NSIndexPath *path = [self itemAtRow:i]; [r addObject:path]; i = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:i]; } return r; } - (void)selectNodePaths:(NSArray *)aPaths { NSMutableIndexSet *toSelect = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet]; /* To ensure that we have correct row indexes, we must first expand all paths, and *then* select * row indexes. **/ for (NSIndexPath *path in aPaths) { [self ensureExpanded:path]; } for (NSIndexPath *path in aPaths) { [toSelect addIndex:[self rowForItem:path]]; } [self selectRowIndexes:toSelect byExtendingSelection:NO]; if ([toSelect count] > 0) { [self scrollRowToVisible:[toSelect firstIndex]]; } } - (void)ensureExpanded:(NSIndexPath *)aPath { /* Expands aPath and make sure that its parent items are expanded as well. */ id delegate = [self delegate]; NSIndexPath *tmppath = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex:[aPath indexAtPosition:0]]; for (NSInteger i=1; i<[aPath length]; i++) { [self expandItem:[delegate internalizedPath:tmppath]]; tmppath = [tmppath indexPathByAddingIndex:[aPath indexAtPosition:i]]; } } - (void)stopEditing { // If we're not editing, don't do anything because we don't want to steal focus from another view if ([self editedColumn] >= 0) { manualEditionStop = YES; [[self window] makeFirstResponder:self]; // This will abort edition manualEditionStop = NO; } } - (void)updateSelection { id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(selectedIndexPaths)]) { [self selectNodePaths:[delegate selectedIndexPaths]]; } } /* Actions */ - (IBAction)copy:(id)sender { NSString *data = [[self delegate] dataForCopyToPasteboard]; if (data != nil) { NSPasteboard *p = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [p declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSStringPboardType, nil] owner:nil]; [p setString:data forType:NSStringPboardType]; } } /* BIG HACK ZONE When tracking clicks in the NSTextField, the NSTableView goes in edition mode even if we click on the arrow or the button. The only way I found to avoid this is this scheme: let the HSOutlineView know of the event that caused the click, and don't go in edit mode if it happens. */ - (void)ignoreEventForEdition:(NSEvent *)aEvent { eventToIgnore = aEvent; } - (void)editColumn:(NSInteger)columnIndex row:(NSInteger)rowIndex withEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent select:(BOOL)flag { if ((theEvent != nil) && (theEvent == eventToIgnore)) return; [super editColumn:columnIndex row:rowIndex withEvent:theEvent select:flag]; } @end