"%@ is Fairware" = "%@ is Fairware"; "Although the application should continue to run after this error, it may be in an instable state, so it is recommended that you restart the application." = "Although the application should continue to run after this error, it may be in an instable state, so it is recommended that you restart the application."; "Buy" = "Buy"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Clear List" = "Clear List"; "Contribute" = "Contribute"; "Don't Send" = "Don't Send"; "Enter Key" = "Enter Key"; "Enter your key" = "Enter your key"; "Error Report" = "Error Report"; "Fairware?" = "Fairware?"; "No" = "No"; "OK" = "OK"; "Please wait..." = "Please wait..."; "Register" = "Register"; "Registration e-mail:" = "Registration e-mail:"; "Registration key:" = "Registration key:"; "Send" = "Send"; "Something went wrong. Would you like to send the error report to Hardcoded Software?" = "Something went wrong. Would you like to send the error report to Hardcoded Software?"; "Status: Working..." = "Status: Working..."; "Submit" = "Submit"; "This app is registered, thanks!" = "This app is registered, thanks!"; "Try" = "Try"; "Type the key you received when you contributed to %@, as well as the e-mail used as a reference for the purchase." = "Type the key you received when you contributed to %@, as well as the e-mail used as a reference for the purchase."; "Work in progress, please wait." = "Work in progress, please wait."; "Work in progress..." = "Work in progress..."; "Yes" = "Yes";