/* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Deletion Options"; ObjectID = "1"; */ "1.title" = "Deletion Options"; /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Hardlink deleted files"; ObjectID = "4"; */ "4.title" = "Hardlink deleted files"; /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "After having deleted a duplicate, place a hardlink targeting the reference file to replace the deleted file."; ObjectID = "8"; */ "8.title" = "After having deleted a duplicate, place a hardlink targeting the reference file to replace the deleted file."; /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Directly delete files"; ObjectID = "36"; */ "36.title" = "Directly delete files"; /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Instead of sending files to trash, delete them directly. This option is usually used as a workaround when the normal deletion method doesn't work."; ObjectID = "38"; */ "38.title" = "Instead of sending files to trash, delete them directly. This option is usually used as a workaround when the normal deletion method doesn't work."; /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Proceed"; ObjectID = "40"; */ "40.title" = "Proceed"; /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Cancel"; ObjectID = "42"; */ "42.title" = "Cancel";