# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2011-01-11 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import sys import os import os.path as op import re from math import ceil import glob import shutil from datetime import timedelta from .path import Path, pathify, log_io_error def nonone(value, replace_value): """Returns ``value`` if ``value`` is not ``None``. Returns ``replace_value`` otherwise. """ if value is None: return replace_value else: return value def tryint(value, default=0): """Tries to convert ``value`` to in ``int`` and returns ``default`` if it fails. """ try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return default def minmax(value, min_value, max_value): """Returns `value` or one of the min/max bounds if `value` is not between them. """ return min(max(value, min_value), max_value) #--- Sequence related def dedupe(iterable): """Returns a list of elements in ``iterable`` with all dupes removed. The order of the elements is preserved. """ result = [] seen = {} for item in iterable: if item in seen: continue seen[item] = 1 result.append(item) return result def flatten(iterables, start_with=None): """Takes a list of lists ``iterables`` and returns a list containing elements of every list. If ``start_with`` is not ``None``, the result will start with ``start_with`` items, exactly as if ``start_with`` would be the first item of lists. """ result = [] if start_with: result.extend(start_with) for iterable in iterables: result.extend(iterable) return result def first(iterable): """Returns the first item of ``iterable``. """ try: return next(iter(iterable)) except StopIteration: return None def stripfalse(seq): """Returns a sequence with all false elements stripped out of seq. """ return [x for x in seq if x] def extract(predicate, iterable): """Separates the wheat from the shaft (`predicate` defines what's the wheat), and returns both. """ wheat = [] shaft = [] for item in iterable: if predicate(item): wheat.append(item) else: shaft.append(item) return wheat, shaft def allsame(iterable): """Returns whether all elements of 'iterable' are the same. """ it = iter(iterable) try: first_item = next(it) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("iterable cannot be empty") return all(element == first_item for element in it) def trailiter(iterable, skipfirst=False): """Yields (prev_element, element), starting with (None, first_element). If skipfirst is True, there will be no (None, item1) element and we'll start directly with (item1, item2). """ it = iter(iterable) if skipfirst: prev = next(it) else: prev = None for item in it: yield prev, item prev = item def iterconsume(seq, reverse=True): """Iterate over ``seq`` and pops yielded objects. Because we use the ``pop()`` method, we reverse ``seq`` before proceeding. If you don't need to do that, set ``reverse`` to ``False``. This is useful in tight memory situation where you are looping over a sequence of objects that are going to be discarded afterwards. If you're creating other objects during that iteration you might want to use this to avoid ``MemoryError``. """ if reverse: seq.reverse() while seq: yield seq.pop() #--- String related def escape(s, to_escape, escape_with='\\'): """Returns ``s`` with characters in ``to_escape`` all prepended with ``escape_with``. """ return ''.join((escape_with + c if c in to_escape else c) for c in s) def get_file_ext(filename): """Returns the lowercase extension part of filename, without the dot. """ pos = filename.rfind('.') if pos > -1: return filename[pos + 1:].lower() else: return '' def rem_file_ext(filename): """Returns the filename without extension. """ pos = filename.rfind('.') if pos > -1: return filename[:pos] else: return filename def pluralize(number, word, decimals=0, plural_word=None): """Returns a pluralized string with ``number`` in front of ``word``. Adds a 's' to s if ``number`` > 1. ``number``: The number to go in front of s ``word``: The word to go after number ``decimals``: The number of digits after the dot ``plural_word``: If the plural rule for word is more complex than adding a 's', specify a plural """ number = round(number, decimals) format = "%%1.%df %%s" % decimals if number > 1: if plural_word is None: word += 's' else: word = plural_word return format % (number, word) def format_time(seconds, with_hours=True): """Transforms seconds in a hh:mm:ss string. If ``with_hours`` if false, the format is mm:ss. """ minus = seconds < 0 if minus: seconds *= -1 m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) if with_hours: h, m = divmod(m, 60) r = '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (h, m, s) else: r = '%02d:%02d' % (m,s) if minus: return '-' + r else: return r def format_time_decimal(seconds): """Transforms seconds in a strings like '3.4 minutes'. """ minus = seconds < 0 if minus: seconds *= -1 if seconds < 60: r = pluralize(seconds, 'second', 1) elif seconds < 3600: r = pluralize(seconds / 60.0, 'minute', 1) elif seconds < 86400: r = pluralize(seconds / 3600.0, 'hour', 1) else: r = pluralize(seconds / 86400.0, 'day', 1) if minus: return '-' + r else: return r SIZE_DESC = ('B','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB') SIZE_VALS = tuple(1024 ** i for i in range(1,9)) def format_size(size, decimal=0, forcepower=-1, showdesc=True): """Transform a byte count in a formatted string (KB, MB etc..). ``size`` is the number of bytes to format. ``decimal`` is the number digits after the dot. ``forcepower`` is the desired suffix. 0 is B, 1 is KB, 2 is MB etc.. if kept at -1, the suffix will be automatically chosen (so the resulting number is always below 1024). if ``showdesc`` is ``True``, the suffix will be shown after the number. Usage example:: >>> format_size(1234, decimal=2, showdesc=True) '1.21 KB' """ if forcepower < 0: i = 0 while size >= SIZE_VALS[i]: i += 1 else: i = forcepower if i > 0: div = SIZE_VALS[i-1] else: div = 1 format = '%%%d.%df' % (decimal,decimal) negative = size < 0 divided_size = ((0.0 + abs(size)) / div) if decimal == 0: divided_size = ceil(divided_size) else: divided_size = ceil(divided_size * (10 ** decimal)) / (10 ** decimal) if negative: divided_size *= -1 result = format % divided_size if showdesc: result += ' ' + SIZE_DESC[i] return result _valid_xml_range = '\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD' if sys.maxunicode > 0x10000: _valid_xml_range += '%s-%s' % (chr(0x10000), chr(min(sys.maxunicode, 0x10FFFF))) RE_INVALID_XML_SUB = re.compile('[^%s]' % _valid_xml_range, re.U).sub def remove_invalid_xml(s, replace_with=' '): return RE_INVALID_XML_SUB(replace_with, s) def multi_replace(s, replace_from, replace_to=''): """A function like str.replace() with multiple replacements. ``replace_from`` is a list of things you want to replace. Ex: ['a','bc','d'] ``replace_to`` is a list of what you want to replace to. If ``replace_to`` is a list and has the same length as ``replace_from``, ``replace_from`` items will be translated to corresponding ``replace_to``. A ``replace_to`` list must have the same length as ``replace_from`` If ``replace_to`` is a string, all ``replace_from`` occurence will be replaced by that string. ``replace_from`` can also be a str. If it is, every char in it will be translated as if ``replace_from`` would be a list of chars. If ``replace_to`` is a str and has the same length as ``replace_from``, it will be transformed into a list. """ if isinstance(replace_to, str) and (len(replace_from) != len(replace_to)): replace_to = [replace_to for r in replace_from] if len(replace_from) != len(replace_to): raise ValueError('len(replace_from) must be equal to len(replace_to)') replace = list(zip(replace_from, replace_to)) for r_from, r_to in [r for r in replace if r[0] in s]: s = s.replace(r_from, r_to) return s #--- Date related def iterdaterange(start, end): """Yields every day between ``start`` and ``end``. """ date = start while date <= end: yield date date += timedelta(1) #--- Files related @pathify def modified_after(first_path: Path, second_path: Path): """Returns ``True`` if first_path's mtime is higher than second_path's mtime. If one of the files doesn't exist or is ``None``, it is considered "never modified". """ try: first_mtime = first_path.stat().st_mtime except (EnvironmentError, AttributeError): return False try: second_mtime = second_path.stat().st_mtime except (EnvironmentError, AttributeError): return True return first_mtime > second_mtime def find_in_path(name, paths=None): """Search for `name` in all directories of `paths` and return the absolute path of the first occurrence. If `paths` is None, $PATH is used. """ if paths is None: paths = os.environ['PATH'] if isinstance(paths, str): # if it's not a string, it's already a list paths = paths.split(os.pathsep) for path in paths: if op.exists(op.join(path, name)): return op.join(path, name) return None @log_io_error @pathify def delete_if_empty(path: Path, files_to_delete=[]): """Deletes the directory at 'path' if it is empty or if it only contains files_to_delete. """ if not path.exists() or not path.isdir(): return contents = path.listdir() if any(p for p in contents if (p.name not in files_to_delete) or p.isdir()): return False for p in contents: p.remove() path.rmdir() return True def open_if_filename(infile, mode='rb'): """If ``infile`` is a string, it opens and returns it. If it's already a file object, it simply returns it. This function returns ``(file, should_close_flag)``. The should_close_flag is True is a file has effectively been opened (if we already pass a file object, we assume that the responsibility for closing the file has already been taken). Example usage:: fp, shouldclose = open_if_filename(infile) dostuff() if shouldclose: fp.close() """ if isinstance(infile, Path): return (infile.open(mode), True) if isinstance(infile, str): return (open(infile, mode), True) else: return (infile, False) def ensure_folder(path): "Create `path` as a folder if it doesn't exist." if not op.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def ensure_file(path): "Create `path` as an empty file if it doesn't exist." if not op.exists(path): open(path, 'w').close() def delete_files_with_pattern(folder_path, pattern, recursive=True): """Delete all files (or folders) in `folder_path` that match the glob `pattern`. """ to_delete = glob.glob(op.join(folder_path, pattern)) for fn in to_delete: if op.isdir(fn): shutil.rmtree(fn) else: os.remove(fn) if recursive: subpaths = [op.join(folder_path, fn) for fn in os.listdir(folder_path)] subfolders = [p for p in subpaths if op.isdir(p)] for p in subfolders: delete_files_with_pattern(p, pattern, True) class FileOrPath: """Does the same as :func:`open_if_filename`, but it can be used with a ``with`` statement. Example:: with FileOrPath(infile): dostuff() """ def __init__(self, file_or_path, mode='rb'): self.file_or_path = file_or_path self.mode = mode self.mustclose = False self.fp = None def __enter__(self): self.fp, self.mustclose = open_if_filename(self.file_or_path, self.mode) return self.fp def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.fp and self.mustclose: self.fp.close()