# Unit Name: dupeguru_pe.block # Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/09/01 # $Id$ # Copyright 2009 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) from _block import NoBlocksError, DifferentBlockCountError, avgdiff, getblocks2 # Converted to Cython # def getblock(image): # """Returns a 3 sized tuple containing the mean color of 'image'. # # image: a PIL image or crop. # """ # if image.size[0]: # pixel_count = image.size[0] * image.size[1] # red = green = blue = 0 # for r,g,b in image.getdata(): # red += r # green += g # blue += b # return (red // pixel_count, green // pixel_count, blue // pixel_count) # else: # return (0,0,0) # This is not used anymore # def getblocks(image,blocksize): # """Returns a list of blocks (3 sized tuples). # # image: A PIL image to base the blocks on. # blocksize: The size of the blocks to be create. This is a single integer, defining # both width and height (blocks are square). # """ # if min(image.size) < blocksize: # return () # result = [] # for i in xrange(image.size[1] // blocksize): # for j in xrange(image.size[0] // blocksize): # box = (blocksize * j, blocksize * i, blocksize * (j + 1), blocksize * (i + 1)) # crop = image.crop(box) # result.append(getblock(crop)) # return result # Converted to Cython # def getblocks2(image,block_count_per_side): # """Returns a list of blocks (3 sized tuples). # # image: A PIL image to base the blocks on. # block_count_per_side: This integer determine the number of blocks the function will return. # If it is 10, for example, 100 blocks will be returns (10 width, 10 height). The blocks will not # necessarely cover square areas. The area covered by each block will be proportional to the image # itself. # """ # if not image.size[0]: # return [] # width,height = image.size # block_width = max(width // block_count_per_side,1) # block_height = max(height // block_count_per_side,1) # result = [] # for ih in range(block_count_per_side): # top = min(ih * block_height, height - block_height) # bottom = top + block_height # for iw in range(block_count_per_side): # left = min(iw * block_width, width - block_width) # right = left + block_width # box = (left,top,right,bottom) # crop = image.crop(box) # result.append(getblock(crop)) # return result # Converted to Cython # def diff(first, second): # """Returns the difference between the first block and the second. # # It returns an absolute sum of the 3 differences (RGB). # """ # r1, g1, b1 = first # r2, g2, b2 = second # return abs(r1 - r2) + abs(g1 - g2) + abs(b1 - b2) # Converted to Cython # def avgdiff(first, second, limit=768, min_iterations=1): # """Returns the average diff between first blocks and seconds. # # If the result surpasses limit, limit + 1 is returned, except if less than min_iterations # iterations have been made in the blocks. # """ # if len(first) != len(second): # raise DifferentBlockCountError # if not first: # raise NoBlocksError # count = len(first) # sum = 0 # zipped = izip(xrange(1, count + 1), first, second) # for i, first, second in zipped: # sum += diff(first, second) # if sum > limit * i and i >= min_iterations: # return limit + 1 # result = sum // count # if (not result) and sum: # result = 1 # return result # This is not used anymore # def maxdiff(first,second,limit=768): # """Returns the max diff between first blocks and seconds. # # If the result surpasses limit, the first max being over limit is returned. # """ # if len(first) != len(second): # raise DifferentBlockCountError # if not first: # raise NoBlocksError # result = 0 # zipped = zip(first,second) # for first,second in zipped: # result = max(result,diff(first,second)) # if result > limit: # return result # return result