# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/01/29 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import difflib import itertools import logging import string from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from unicodedata import normalize from hscommon.util import flatten, multi_replace from hscommon.trans import tr from hscommon.jobprogress import job ( WEIGHT_WORDS, MATCH_SIMILAR_WORDS, NO_FIELD_ORDER, ) = range(3) JOB_REFRESH_RATE = 100 def getwords(s): # We decompose the string so that ascii letters with accents can be part of the word. s = normalize("NFD", s) s = multi_replace(s, "-_&+():;\\[]{}.,<>/?~!@#$*", " ").lower() # logging.debug(f"DEBUG chars for: {s}\n" # f"{[c for c in s if ord(c) != 32]}\n" # f"{[ord(c) for c in s if ord(c) != 32]}") # HACK We shouldn't ignore non-ascii characters altogether. Any Unicode char # above common european characters that cannot be "sanitized" (ie. stripped # of their accents, etc.) are preserved as is. The arbitrary limit is # obtained from this one: ord("\u037e") GREEK QUESTION MARK s = "".join( c for c in s if (ord(c) <= 894 and c in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.whitespace) or ord(c) > 894 ) return [_f for _f in s.split(" ") if _f] # remove empty elements def getfields(s): fields = [getwords(field) for field in s.split(" - ")] return [_f for _f in fields if _f] def unpack_fields(fields): result = [] for field in fields: if isinstance(field, list): result += field else: result.append(field) return result def compare(first, second, flags=()): """Returns the % of words that match between ``first`` and ``second`` The result is a ``int`` in the range 0..100. ``first`` and ``second`` can be either a string or a list (of words). """ if not (first and second): return 0 if any(isinstance(element, list) for element in first): return compare_fields(first, second, flags) second = second[:] # We must use a copy of second because we remove items from it match_similar = MATCH_SIMILAR_WORDS in flags weight_words = WEIGHT_WORDS in flags joined = first + second total_count = sum(len(word) for word in joined) if weight_words else len(joined) match_count = 0 in_order = True for word in first: if match_similar and (word not in second): similar = difflib.get_close_matches(word, second, 1, 0.8) if similar: word = similar[0] if word in second: if second[0] != word: in_order = False second.remove(word) match_count += len(word) if weight_words else 1 result = round(((match_count * 2) / total_count) * 100) if (result == 100) and (not in_order): result = 99 # We cannot consider a match exact unless the ordering is the same return result def compare_fields(first, second, flags=()): """Returns the score for the lowest matching :ref:`fields`. ``first`` and ``second`` must be lists of lists of string. Each sub-list is then compared with :func:`compare`. """ if len(first) != len(second): return 0 if NO_FIELD_ORDER in flags: results = [] # We don't want to remove field directly in the list. We must work on a copy. second = second[:] for field1 in first: max_score = 0 matched_field = None for field2 in second: r = compare(field1, field2, flags) if r > max_score: max_score = r matched_field = field2 results.append(max_score) if matched_field: second.remove(matched_field) else: results = [compare(field1, field2, flags) for field1, field2 in zip(first, second)] return min(results) if results else 0 def build_word_dict(objects, j=job.nulljob): """Returns a dict of objects mapped by their words. objects must have a ``words`` attribute being a list of strings or a list of lists of strings (:ref:`fields`). The result will be a dict with words as keys, lists of objects as values. """ result = defaultdict(set) for object in j.iter_with_progress(objects, "Prepared %d/%d files", JOB_REFRESH_RATE): for word in unpack_fields(object.words): result[word].add(object) return result def merge_similar_words(word_dict): """Take all keys in ``word_dict`` that are similar, and merge them together. ``word_dict`` has been built with :func:`build_word_dict`. Similarity is computed with Python's ``difflib.get_close_matches()``, which computes the number of edits that are necessary to make a word equal to the other. """ keys = list(word_dict.keys()) keys.sort(key=len) # we want the shortest word to stay while keys: key = keys.pop(0) similars = difflib.get_close_matches(key, keys, 100, 0.8) if not similars: continue objects = word_dict[key] for similar in similars: objects |= word_dict[similar] del word_dict[similar] keys.remove(similar) def reduce_common_words(word_dict, threshold): """Remove all objects from ``word_dict`` values where the object count >= ``threshold`` ``word_dict`` has been built with :func:`build_word_dict`. The exception to this removal are the objects where all the words of the object are common. Because if we remove them, we will miss some duplicates! """ uncommon_words = set(word for word, objects in word_dict.items() if len(objects) < threshold) for word, objects in list(word_dict.items()): if len(objects) < threshold: continue reduced = set() for o in objects: if not any(w in uncommon_words for w in unpack_fields(o.words)): reduced.add(o) if reduced: word_dict[word] = reduced else: del word_dict[word] # Writing docstrings in a namedtuple is tricky. From Python 3.3, it's possible to set __doc__, but # some research allowed me to find a more elegant solution, which is what is done here. See # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1606436/adding-docstrings-to-namedtuples-in-python class Match(namedtuple("Match", "first second percentage")): """Represents a match between two :class:`~core.fs.File`. Regarless of the matching method, when two files are determined to match, a Match pair is created, which holds, of course, the two matched files, but also their match "level". .. attribute:: first first file of the pair. .. attribute:: second second file of the pair. .. attribute:: percentage their match level according to the scan method which found the match. int from 1 to 100. For exact scan methods, such as Contents scans, this will always be 100. """ __slots__ = () def get_match(first, second, flags=()): # it is assumed here that first and second both have a "words" attribute percentage = compare(first.words, second.words, flags) return Match(first, second, percentage) def getmatches( objects, min_match_percentage=0, match_similar_words=False, weight_words=False, no_field_order=False, j=job.nulljob, ): """Returns a list of :class:`Match` within ``objects`` after fuzzily matching their words. :param objects: List of :class:`~core.fs.File` to match. :param int min_match_percentage: minimum % of words that have to match. :param bool match_similar_words: make similar words (see :func:`merge_similar_words`) match. :param bool weight_words: longer words are worth more in match % computations. :param bool no_field_order: match :ref:`fields` regardless of their order. :param j: A :ref:`job progress instance `. """ COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD = 50 LIMIT = 5000000 j = j.start_subjob(2) sj = j.start_subjob(2) for o in objects: if not hasattr(o, "words"): o.words = getwords(o.name) word_dict = build_word_dict(objects, sj) reduce_common_words(word_dict, COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD) if match_similar_words: merge_similar_words(word_dict) match_flags = [] if weight_words: match_flags.append(WEIGHT_WORDS) if match_similar_words: match_flags.append(MATCH_SIMILAR_WORDS) if no_field_order: match_flags.append(NO_FIELD_ORDER) j.start_job(len(word_dict), tr("0 matches found")) compared = defaultdict(set) result = [] try: # This whole 'popping' thing is there to avoid taking too much memory at the same time. while word_dict: items = word_dict.popitem()[1] while items: ref = items.pop() compared_already = compared[ref] to_compare = items - compared_already compared_already |= to_compare for other in to_compare: m = get_match(ref, other, match_flags) if m.percentage >= min_match_percentage: result.append(m) if len(result) >= LIMIT: return result j.add_progress(desc=tr("%d matches found") % len(result)) except MemoryError: # This is the place where the memory usage is at its peak during the scan. # Just continue the process with an incomplete list of matches. del compared # This should give us enough room to call logging. logging.warning("Memory Overflow. Matches: %d. Word dict: %d" % (len(result), len(word_dict))) return result return result def getmatches_by_contents(files, bigsize=0, j=job.nulljob): """Returns a list of :class:`Match` within ``files`` if their contents is the same. :param bigsize: The size in bytes over which we consider files big enough to justify taking samples of md5. If 0, compute md5 as usual. :param j: A :ref:`job progress instance `. """ size2files = defaultdict(set) for f in files: if f.size: size2files[f.size].add(f) del files possible_matches = [files for files in size2files.values() if len(files) > 1] del size2files result = [] j.start_job(len(possible_matches), tr("0 matches found")) for group in possible_matches: for first, second in itertools.combinations(group, 2): if first.is_ref and second.is_ref: continue # Don't spend time comparing two ref pics together. if first.md5partial == second.md5partial: if bigsize > 0 and first.size > bigsize: if first.md5samples == second.md5samples: result.append(Match(first, second, 100)) else: if first.md5 == second.md5: result.append(Match(first, second, 100)) j.add_progress(desc=tr("%d matches found") % len(result)) return result class Group: """A group of :class:`~core.fs.File` that match together. This manages match pairs into groups and ensures that all files in the group match to each other. .. attribute:: ref The "reference" file, which is the file among the group that isn't going to be deleted. .. attribute:: ordered Ordered list of duplicates in the group (including the :attr:`ref`). .. attribute:: unordered Set duplicates in the group (including the :attr:`ref`). .. attribute:: dupes An ordered list of the group's duplicate, without :attr:`ref`. Equivalent to ``ordered[1:]`` .. attribute:: percentage Average match percentage of match pairs containing :attr:`ref`. """ # ---Override def __init__(self): self._clear() def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.unordered def __getitem__(self, key): return self.ordered.__getitem__(key) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.ordered) def __len__(self): return len(self.ordered) # ---Private def _clear(self): self._percentage = None self._matches_for_ref = None self.matches = set() self.candidates = defaultdict(set) self.ordered = [] self.unordered = set() def _get_matches_for_ref(self): if self._matches_for_ref is None: ref = self.ref self._matches_for_ref = [match for match in self.matches if ref in match] return self._matches_for_ref # ---Public def add_match(self, match): """Adds ``match`` to internal match list and possibly add duplicates to the group. A duplicate can only be considered as such if it matches all other duplicates in the group. This method registers that pair (A, B) represented in ``match`` as possible candidates and, if A and/or B end up matching every other duplicates in the group, add these duplicates to the group. :param tuple match: pair of :class:`~core.fs.File` to add """ def add_candidate(item, match): matches = self.candidates[item] matches.add(match) if self.unordered <= matches: self.ordered.append(item) self.unordered.add(item) if match in self.matches: return self.matches.add(match) first, second, _ = match if first not in self.unordered: add_candidate(first, second) if second not in self.unordered: add_candidate(second, first) self._percentage = None self._matches_for_ref = None def discard_matches(self): """Remove all recorded matches that didn't result in a duplicate being added to the group. You can call this after the duplicate scanning process to free a bit of memory. """ discarded = set(m for m in self.matches if not all(obj in self.unordered for obj in [m.first, m.second])) self.matches -= discarded self.candidates = defaultdict(set) return discarded def get_match_of(self, item): """Returns the match pair between ``item`` and :attr:`ref`.""" if item is self.ref: return for m in self._get_matches_for_ref(): if item in m: return m def prioritize(self, key_func, tie_breaker=None): """Reorders :attr:`ordered` according to ``key_func``. :param key_func: Key (f(x)) to be used for sorting :param tie_breaker: function to be used to select the reference position in case the top duplicates have the same key_func() result. """ # tie_breaker(ref, dupe) --> True if dupe should be ref # Returns True if anything changed during prioritization. new_order = sorted(self.ordered, key=lambda x: (-x.is_ref, key_func(x))) changed = new_order != self.ordered self.ordered = new_order if tie_breaker is None: return changed ref = self.ref key_value = key_func(ref) for dupe in self.dupes: if key_func(dupe) != key_value: break if tie_breaker(ref, dupe): ref = dupe if ref is not self.ref: self.switch_ref(ref) return True return changed def remove_dupe(self, item, discard_matches=True): try: self.ordered.remove(item) self.unordered.remove(item) self._percentage = None self._matches_for_ref = None if (len(self) > 1) and any(not getattr(item, "is_ref", False) for item in self): if discard_matches: self.matches = set(m for m in self.matches if item not in m) else: self._clear() except ValueError: pass def switch_ref(self, with_dupe): """Make the :attr:`ref` dupe of the group switch position with ``with_dupe``.""" if self.ref.is_ref: return False try: self.ordered.remove(with_dupe) self.ordered.insert(0, with_dupe) self._percentage = None self._matches_for_ref = None return True except ValueError: return False dupes = property(lambda self: self[1:]) @property def percentage(self): if self._percentage is None: if self.dupes: matches = self._get_matches_for_ref() self._percentage = sum(match.percentage for match in matches) // len(matches) else: self._percentage = 0 return self._percentage @property def ref(self): if self: return self[0] def get_groups(matches): """Returns a list of :class:`Group` from ``matches``. Create groups out of match pairs in the smartest way possible. """ matches.sort(key=lambda match: -match.percentage) dupe2group = {} groups = [] try: for match in matches: first, second, _ = match first_group = dupe2group.get(first) second_group = dupe2group.get(second) if first_group: if second_group: if first_group is second_group: target_group = first_group else: continue else: target_group = first_group dupe2group[second] = target_group else: if second_group: target_group = second_group dupe2group[first] = target_group else: target_group = Group() groups.append(target_group) dupe2group[first] = target_group dupe2group[second] = target_group target_group.add_match(match) except MemoryError: del dupe2group del matches # should free enough memory to continue logging.warning("Memory Overflow. Groups: {0}".format(len(groups))) # Now that we have a group, we have to discard groups' matches and see if there're any "orphan" # matches, that is, matches that were candidate in a group but that none of their 2 files were # accepted in the group. With these orphan groups, it's safe to build additional groups matched_files = set(flatten(groups)) orphan_matches = [] for group in groups: orphan_matches += { m for m in group.discard_matches() if not any(obj in matched_files for obj in [m.first, m.second]) } if groups and orphan_matches: groups += get_groups(orphan_matches) # no job, as it isn't supposed to take a long time return groups