# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-03-03 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html """This module is a collection of function to help in HS apps build process. """ import os import sys import os.path as op import shutil import tempfile import plistlib from subprocess import Popen import re import importlib from datetime import datetime import glob from .plat import ISWINDOWS def print_and_do(cmd): """Prints ``cmd`` and executes it in the shell.""" print(cmd) p = Popen(cmd, shell=True) return p.wait() def _perform(src, dst, action, actionname): if not op.lexists(src): print("Copying %s failed: it doesn't exist." % src) return if op.lexists(dst): if op.isdir(dst): shutil.rmtree(dst) else: os.remove(dst) print("%s %s --> %s" % (actionname, src, dst)) action(src, dst) def copy_file_or_folder(src, dst): if op.isdir(src): shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=True) else: shutil.copy(src, dst) def move(src, dst): _perform(src, dst, os.rename, "Moving") def copy(src, dst): _perform(src, dst, copy_file_or_folder, "Copying") def symlink(src, dst): _perform(src, dst, os.symlink, "Symlinking") def hardlink(src, dst): _perform(src, dst, os.link, "Hardlinking") def _perform_on_all(pattern, dst, action): # pattern is a glob pattern, example "folder/foo*". The file is moved directly in dst, no folder # structure from src is kept. filenames = glob.glob(pattern) for fn in filenames: destpath = op.join(dst, op.basename(fn)) action(fn, destpath) def move_all(pattern, dst): _perform_on_all(pattern, dst, move) def copy_all(pattern, dst): _perform_on_all(pattern, dst, copy) def ensure_empty_folder(path): """Make sure that the path exists and that it's an empty folder.""" if op.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) def filereplace(filename, outfilename=None, **kwargs): """Reads `filename`, replaces all {variables} in kwargs, and writes the result to `outfilename`.""" if outfilename is None: outfilename = filename fp = open(filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") contents = fp.read() fp.close() # We can't use str.format() because in some files, there might be {} characters that mess with it. for key, item in kwargs.items(): contents = contents.replace("{{{}}}".format(key), item) fp = open(outfilename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") fp.write(contents) fp.close() def get_module_version(modulename): mod = importlib.import_module(modulename) return mod.__version__ def setup_package_argparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--sign", dest="sign_identity", help="Sign app under specified identity before packaging (OS X only)", ) parser.add_argument( "--nosign", action="store_true", dest="nosign", help="Don't sign the packaged app (OS X only)", ) parser.add_argument( "--src-pkg", action="store_true", dest="src_pkg", help="Build a tar.gz of the current source.", ) parser.add_argument( "--arch-pkg", action="store_true", dest="arch_pkg", help="Force Arch Linux packaging type, regardless of distro name.", ) # `args` come from an ArgumentParser updated with setup_package_argparser() def package_cocoa_app_in_dmg(app_path, destfolder, args): # Rather than signing our app in XCode during the build phase, we sign it during the package # phase because running the app before packaging can modify it and we want to be sure to have # a valid signature. if args.sign_identity: sign_identity = "Developer ID Application: {}".format(args.sign_identity) result = print_and_do('codesign --force --deep --sign "{}" "{}"'.format(sign_identity, app_path)) if result != 0: print("ERROR: Signing failed. Aborting packaging.") return elif not args.nosign: print("ERROR: Either --nosign or --sign argument required.") return build_dmg(app_path, destfolder) def build_dmg(app_path, destfolder): """Builds a DMG volume with application at ``app_path`` and puts it in ``dest_path``. The name of the resulting DMG volume is determined by the app's name and version. """ print(repr(op.join(app_path, "Contents", "Info.plist"))) plist = plistlib.readPlist(op.join(app_path, "Contents", "Info.plist")) workpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() dmgpath = op.join(workpath, plist["CFBundleName"]) os.mkdir(dmgpath) print_and_do('cp -R "%s" "%s"' % (app_path, dmgpath)) print_and_do('ln -s /Applications "%s"' % op.join(dmgpath, "Applications")) dmgname = "%s_osx_%s.dmg" % ( plist["CFBundleName"].lower().replace(" ", "_"), plist["CFBundleVersion"].replace(".", "_"), ) print("Building %s" % dmgname) # UDBZ = bzip compression. UDZO (zip compression) was used before, but it compresses much less. print_and_do('hdiutil create "%s" -format UDBZ -nocrossdev -srcdir "%s"' % (op.join(destfolder, dmgname), dmgpath)) print("Build Complete") def add_to_pythonpath(path): """Adds ``path`` to both ``PYTHONPATH`` env and ``sys.path``.""" abspath = op.abspath(path) pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") pathsep = ";" if ISWINDOWS else ":" pythonpath = pathsep.join([abspath, pythonpath]) if pythonpath else abspath os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = pythonpath sys.path.insert(1, abspath) # This is a method to hack around those freakingly tricky data inclusion/exlusion rules # in setuptools. We copy the packages *without data* in a build folder and then build the plugin # from there. def copy_packages(packages_names, dest, create_links=False, extra_ignores=None): """Copy python packages ``packages_names`` to ``dest``, spurious data. Copy will happen without tests, testdata, mercurial data or C extension module source with it. ``py2app`` include and exclude rules are **quite** funky, and doing this is the only reliable way to make sure we don't end up with useless stuff in our app. """ if ISWINDOWS: create_links = False if not extra_ignores: extra_ignores = [] ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(".hg*", "tests", "testdata", "modules", "docs", "locale", *extra_ignores) for package_name in packages_names: if op.exists(package_name): source_path = package_name else: mod = __import__(package_name) source_path = mod.__file__ if mod.__file__.endswith("__init__.py"): source_path = op.dirname(source_path) dest_name = op.basename(source_path) dest_path = op.join(dest, dest_name) if op.exists(dest_path): if op.islink(dest_path): os.unlink(dest_path) else: shutil.rmtree(dest_path) print("Copying package at {0} to {1}".format(source_path, dest_path)) if create_links: os.symlink(op.abspath(source_path), dest_path) else: if op.isdir(source_path): shutil.copytree(source_path, dest_path, ignore=ignore) else: shutil.copy(source_path, dest_path) def build_debian_changelog( changelogpath, destfile, pkgname, from_version=None, distribution="precise", fix_version=None, ): """Builds a debian changelog out of a YAML changelog. Use fix_version to patch the top changelog to that version (if, for example, there was a packaging error and you need to quickly fix it) """ def desc2list(desc): # We take each item, enumerated with the '*' character, and transform it into a list. desc = desc.replace("\n", " ") desc = desc.replace(" ", " ") result = desc.split("*") return [s.strip() for s in result if s.strip()] ENTRY_MODEL = ( "{pkg} ({version}) {distribution}; urgency=low\n\n{changes}\n " "-- Virgil Dupras {date}\n\n" ) CHANGE_MODEL = " * {description}\n" changelogs = read_changelog_file(changelogpath) if from_version: # We only want logs from a particular version for index, log in enumerate(changelogs): if log["version"] == from_version: changelogs = changelogs[: index + 1] break if fix_version: changelogs[0]["version"] = fix_version rendered_logs = [] for log in changelogs: version = log["version"] logdate = log["date"] desc = log["description"] rendered_date = logdate.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y 00:00:00 +0000") rendered_descs = [CHANGE_MODEL.format(description=d) for d in desc2list(desc)] changes = "".join(rendered_descs) rendered_log = ENTRY_MODEL.format( pkg=pkgname, version=version, changes=changes, date=rendered_date, distribution=distribution, ) rendered_logs.append(rendered_log) result = "".join(rendered_logs) fp = open(destfile, "w") fp.write(result) fp.close() re_changelog_header = re.compile(r"=== ([\d.b]*) \(([\d\-]*)\)") def read_changelog_file(filename): def iter_by_three(it): while True: try: version = next(it) date = next(it) description = next(it) except StopIteration: return yield version, date, description with open(filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fp: contents = fp.read() splitted = re_changelog_header.split(contents)[1:] # the first item is empty result = [] for version, date_str, description in iter_by_three(iter(splitted)): date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d").date() d = { "date": date, "date_str": date_str, "version": version, "description": description.strip(), } result.append(d) return result def fix_qt_resource_file(path): # pyrcc5 under Windows, if the locale is non-english, can produce a source file with a date # containing accented characters. If it does, the encoding is wrong and it prevents the file # from being correctly frozen by cx_freeze. To work around that, we open the file, strip all # comments, and save. with open(path, "rb") as fp: contents = fp.read() lines = contents.split(b"\n") lines = [line for line in lines if not line.startswith(b"#")] with open(path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(b"\n".join(lines))