# Copyright 2017 Virgil Dupras # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import sys import os import os.path as op import compileall import shutil import json from argparse import ArgumentParser import platform from hscommon.build import ( print_and_do, copy_packages, build_debian_changelog, get_module_version, filereplace, copy, setup_package_argparser, copy_all ) def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser() setup_package_argparser(parser) return parser.parse_args() def copy_files_to_package(destpath, packages, with_so): # when with_so is true, we keep .so files in the package, and otherwise, we don't. We need this # flag because when building debian src pkg, we *don't* want .so files (they're compiled later) # and when we're packaging under Arch, we're packaging a binary package, so we want them. if op.exists(destpath): shutil.rmtree(destpath) os.makedirs(destpath) shutil.copy('run.py', op.join(destpath, 'run.py')) extra_ignores = ['*.so'] if not with_so else None copy_packages(packages, destpath, extra_ignores=extra_ignores) os.remove(op.join(destpath, 'qt', 'run_template.py')) # It doesn't belong in the package. shutil.copytree(op.join('build', 'help'), op.join(destpath, 'help')) shutil.copytree(op.join('build', 'locale'), op.join(destpath, 'locale')) compileall.compile_dir(destpath) def package_debian_distribution(distribution): app_version = get_module_version('core') version = '{}~{}'.format(app_version, distribution) destpath = op.join('build', 'dupeguru-{}'.format(version)) srcpath = op.join(destpath, 'src') packages = [ 'hscommon', 'core', 'qtlib', 'qt', 'send2trash', 'hsaudiotag' ] copy_files_to_package(srcpath, packages, with_so=False) os.mkdir(op.join(destpath, 'modules')) copy_all(op.join('core', 'pe', 'modules', '*.*'), op.join(destpath, 'modules')) copy(op.join('qt', 'pe', 'modules', 'block.c'), op.join(destpath, 'modules', 'block_qt.c')) copy(op.join('pkg', 'debian', 'build_pe_modules.py'), op.join(destpath, 'build_pe_modules.py')) debdest = op.join(destpath, 'debian') debskel = op.join('pkg', 'debian') os.makedirs(debdest) debopts = json.load(open(op.join(debskel, 'dupeguru.json'))) for fn in ['compat', 'copyright', 'dirs', 'rules']: copy(op.join(debskel, fn), op.join(debdest, fn)) filereplace(op.join(debskel, 'control'), op.join(debdest, 'control'), **debopts) filereplace(op.join(debskel, 'Makefile'), op.join(destpath, 'Makefile'), **debopts) filereplace(op.join(debskel, 'dupeguru.desktop'), op.join(debdest, 'dupeguru.desktop'), **debopts) changelogpath = op.join('help', 'changelog') changelog_dest = op.join(debdest, 'changelog') project_name = debopts['pkgname'] from_version = '2.9.2' build_debian_changelog( changelogpath, changelog_dest, project_name, from_version=from_version, distribution=distribution ) shutil.copy(op.join('images', 'dgse_logo_128.png'), srcpath) os.chdir(destpath) cmd = "dpkg-buildpackage -S" os.system(cmd) os.chdir('../..') def package_debian(): print("Packaging for Ubuntu") for distribution in ['trusty', 'xenial']: package_debian_distribution(distribution) def package_arch(): # For now, package_arch() will only copy the source files into build/. It copies less packages # than package_debian because there are more python packages available in Arch (so we don't # need to include them). print("Packaging for Arch") srcpath = op.join('build', 'dupeguru-arch') packages = [ 'hscommon', 'core', 'qtlib', 'qt', 'send2trash', 'hsaudiotag', ] copy_files_to_package(srcpath, packages, with_so=True) shutil.copy(op.join('images', 'dgse_logo_128.png'), srcpath) debopts = json.load(open(op.join('pkg', 'arch', 'dupeguru.json'))) filereplace(op.join('pkg', 'arch', 'dupeguru.desktop'), op.join(srcpath, 'dupeguru.desktop'), **debopts) def package_source_tgz(): print("Creating git archive") app_version = get_module_version('core') name = 'dupeguru-src-{}.tar'.format(app_version) base_path = os.getcwd() build_path = op.join(base_path, 'build') dest = op.join(build_path, name) print_and_do('git archive -o {} HEAD'.format(dest)) # Now, we need to include submodules SUBMODULES = ['hscommon', 'qtlib'] for submodule in SUBMODULES: print("Adding submodule {} to archive".format(submodule)) os.chdir(submodule) archive_path = op.join(build_path, '{}.tar'.format(submodule)) print_and_do('git archive -o {} --prefix {}/ HEAD'.format(archive_path, submodule)) os.chdir(base_path) print_and_do('tar -A {} -f {}'.format(archive_path, dest)) print_and_do('gzip {}'.format(dest)) def package_windows(): from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable app_version = get_module_version('core') arch = platform.architecture()[0] buildpath = op.join('build', 'dupeguru-win{}'.format(arch)) # remove existing build directory if op.exists(buildpath): shutil.rmtree(buildpath) include_files = [] # include locale files if they are built otherwise exit as it will break # the localization if op.exists('build/locale'): include_files.append(('build/locale', 'locale')) else: print("Locale files not built, exiting...") return # include help files if they are built otherwise exit as they should be included? if op.exists('build/help'): include_files.append(('build/help', 'help')) else: print("Help files not built, exiting...") return # options for cx_Freeze # if zip_include packages is not used, the cx_Freeze packager will include # the whole PyQT5 directory options = { 'build_exe': { 'build_exe': buildpath, 'excludes': [], 'includes': ['atexit'], 'include_files': include_files, 'include_msvcr': True, 'zip_include_packages': ['*'], 'zip_exclude_packages': [] }, } # executables to build, uses se edition icon executables = [ Executable( script='run.py', base='Win32GUI', targetName='dupeguru.exe', icon='images/dgse_logo.ico', copyright='Copyright (C) 2017 Hardcoded Software' ) ] # call cx_freeze setup( name='dupeguru', version=app_version, description='Tool to find duplicate files on your computer.', options=options, executables=executables, script_args=['build'] ) def main(): args = parse_args() if args.src_pkg: print("Creating source package for dupeGuru") package_source_tgz() return print("Packaging dupeGuru with UI qt") if sys.platform == 'win32': package_windows() else: if not args.arch_pkg: distname, _, _ = platform.dist() else: distname = 'arch' if distname == 'arch': package_arch() else: package_debian() if __name__ == '__main__': main()