# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-05-03 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSettings, QRect, QObject, pyqtSignal, QStandardPaths from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDockWidget from hscommon.trans import trget from hscommon.util import tryint from hscommon.plat import ISWINDOWS from os import path as op tr = trget("qtlib") def get_langnames(): return { "cs": tr("Czech"), "de": tr("German"), "el": tr("Greek"), "en": tr("English"), "es": tr("Spanish"), "fr": tr("French"), "hy": tr("Armenian"), "it": tr("Italian"), "ja": tr("Japanese"), "ko": tr("Korean"), "nl": tr("Dutch"), "pl_PL": tr("Polish"), "pt_BR": tr("Brazilian"), "ru": tr("Russian"), "tr": tr("Turkish"), "uk": tr("Ukrainian"), "vi": tr("Vietnamese"), "zh_CN": tr("Chinese (Simplified)"), } def normalize_for_serialization(v): # QSettings doesn't consider set/tuple as "native" typs for serialization, so if we don't # change them into a list, we get a weird serialized QVariant value which isn't a very # "portable" value. if isinstance(v, (set, tuple)): v = list(v) if isinstance(v, list): v = [normalize_for_serialization(item) for item in v] return v def adjust_after_deserialization(v): # In some cases, when reading from prefs, we end up with strings that are supposed to be # bool or int. Convert these. if isinstance(v, list): return [adjust_after_deserialization(sub) for sub in v] if isinstance(v, str): # might be bool or int, try them if v == "true": return True elif v == "false": return False else: return tryint(v, v) return v def createQSettings(): # Create a QSettings instance with the correct arguments. # On windows use an ini file in the AppDataLocation instead of registry if possible as it # makes it easier for a user to clear it out when there are issues. if ISWINDOWS: Locations = QStandardPaths.standardLocations(QStandardPaths.AppDataLocation) if Locations: return QSettings(op.join(Locations[0], "settings.ini"), QSettings.IniFormat) else: return QSettings() else: return QSettings() # About QRect conversion: # I think Qt supports putting basic structures like QRect directly in QSettings, but I prefer not # to rely on it and stay with generic structures. class Preferences(QObject): prefsChanged = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) self.reset() self._settings = createQSettings() def _load_values(self, settings, get): pass def get_rect(self, name, default=None): r = self.get_value(name, default) if r is not None: return QRect(*r) else: return None def get_value(self, name, default=None): if self._settings.contains(name): result = adjust_after_deserialization(self._settings.value(name)) if result is not None: return result else: # If result is None, but still present in self._settings, it usually means a value # like "@Invalid". return default else: return default def load(self): self.reset() self._load_values(self._settings) def reset(self): pass def _save_values(self, settings, set_): pass def save(self): self._save_values(self._settings) self._settings.sync() def set_rect(self, name, r): if isinstance(r, QRect): rectAsList = [r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()] self.set_value(name, rectAsList) def set_value(self, name, value): self._settings.setValue(name, normalize_for_serialization(value)) def saveGeometry(self, name, widget): # We save geometry under a 7-sized int array: first item is a flag # for whether the widget is maximized, second item is a flag for whether # the widget is docked, third item is a Qt::DockWidgetArea enum value, # and the other 4 are (x, y, w, h). m = 1 if widget.isMaximized() else 0 d = 1 if isinstance(widget, QDockWidget) and not widget.isFloating() else 0 area = widget.parent.dockWidgetArea(widget) if d else 0 r = widget.geometry() rectAsList = [r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()] self.set_value(name, [m, d, area] + rectAsList) def restoreGeometry(self, name, widget): geometry = self.get_value(name) if geometry and len(geometry) == 7: m, d, area, x, y, w, h = geometry if m: widget.setWindowState(Qt.WindowMaximized) else: r = QRect(x, y, w, h) widget.setGeometry(r) if isinstance(widget, QDockWidget): # Inform of the previous dock state and the area used return bool(d), area return False, 0