import os import os.path as op import shutil import re import tempfile import polib from . import pygettext from .util import modified_after, dedupe, ensure_folder, ensure_file from .build import print_and_do, ensure_empty_folder, copy LC_MESSAGES = 'LC_MESSAGES' def get_langs(folder): return [name for name in os.listdir(folder) if op.isdir(op.join(folder, name))] def files_with_ext(folder, ext): return [op.join(folder, fn) for fn in os.listdir(folder) if fn.endswith(ext)] def generate_pot(folders, outpath, keywords, merge=False): if merge and not op.exists(outpath): merge = False if merge: _, genpath = tempfile.mkstemp() else: genpath = outpath pyfiles = [] for folder in folders: for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(folder): keep = [fn for fn in filenames if fn.endswith('.py')] pyfiles += [op.join(root, fn) for fn in keep] pygettext.main(pyfiles, outpath=genpath, keywords=keywords) if merge: merge_po_and_preserve(genpath, outpath) os.remove(genpath) def compile_all_po(base_folder): langs = get_langs(base_folder) for lang in langs: pofolder = op.join(base_folder, lang, LC_MESSAGES) pofiles = files_with_ext(pofolder, '.po') for pofile in pofiles: p = polib.pofile(pofile) p.save_as_mofile(pofile[:-3] + '.mo') def merge_locale_dir(target, mergeinto): langs = get_langs(target) for lang in langs: if not op.exists(op.join(mergeinto, lang)): continue mofolder = op.join(target, lang, LC_MESSAGES) mofiles = files_with_ext(mofolder, '.mo') for mofile in mofiles: shutil.copy(mofile, op.join(mergeinto, lang, LC_MESSAGES)) def merge_pots_into_pos(folder): # We're going to take all pot files in `folder` and for each lang, merge it with the po file # with the same name. potfiles = files_with_ext(folder, '.pot') for potfile in potfiles: refpot = polib.pofile(potfile) refname = op.splitext(op.basename(potfile))[0] for lang in get_langs(folder): po = polib.pofile(op.join(folder, lang, LC_MESSAGES, refname + '.po')) po.merge(refpot) def merge_po_and_preserve(source, dest): # Merges source entries into dest, but keep old entries intact sourcepo = polib.pofile(source) destpo = polib.pofile(dest) for entry in sourcepo: if destpo.find(entry.msgid) is not None: # The entry is already there continue destpo.append(entry) #--- Cocoa def all_lproj_paths(folder): return files_with_ext(folder, '.lproj') def escape_cocoa_strings(s): return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n') def unescape_cocoa_strings(s): return s.replace('\\\\', '\\').replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\n', '\n') def strings2pot(target, dest): with open(target, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fp: contents = # We're reading an en.lproj file. We only care about the righthand part of the translation. re_trans = re.compile(r'".*" = "(.*)";') strings = re_trans.findall(contents) ensure_file(dest) po = polib.pofile(dest) for s in dedupe(strings): s = unescape_cocoa_strings(s) entry = po.find(s) if entry is None: entry = polib.POEntry(msgid=s) po.append(entry) # we don't know or care about a line number so we put 0 entry.occurrences.append((target, '0')) entry.occurrences = dedupe(entry.occurrences) def allstrings2pot(lprojpath, dest, excludes=None): allstrings = files_with_ext(lprojpath, '.strings') if excludes: allstrings = [p for p in allstrings if op.splitext(op.basename(p))[0] not in excludes] for strings_path in allstrings: strings2pot(strings_path, dest) def po2strings(pofile, en_strings, dest): # Takes en_strings and replace all righthand parts of "foo" = "bar"; entries with translations # in pofile, then puts the result in dest. po = polib.pofile(pofile) if not modified_after(pofile, dest): return ensure_folder(op.dirname(dest)) print("Creating {} from {}".format(dest, pofile)) with open(en_strings, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fp: contents = re_trans = re.compile(r'(?<= = ").*(?=";\n)') def repl(match): s = unescaped = unescape_cocoa_strings(s) entry = po.find(unescaped) if entry is None: print("WARNING: Could not find entry '{}' in .po file".format(s)) return s trans = entry.msgstr return escape_cocoa_strings(trans) if trans else s contents = re_trans.sub(repl, contents) with open(dest, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(contents) def generate_cocoa_strings_from_code(code_folder, dest_folder): # Uses the "genstrings" command to generate strings file from all .m files in "code_folder". # The strings file (their name depends on the localization table used in the source) will be # placed in "dest_folder". # genstrings produces utf-16 files with comments. After having generated the files, we convert # them to utf-8 and remove the comments. ensure_empty_folder(dest_folder) print_and_do('genstrings -o "{}" `find "{}" -name *.m | xargs`'.format(dest_folder, code_folder)) for stringsfile in os.listdir(dest_folder): stringspath = op.join(dest_folder, stringsfile) with open(stringspath, 'rt', encoding='utf-16') as fp: content = content = re.sub('/\*.*?\*/', '', content) content = re.sub('\n{2,}', '\n', content) # I have no idea why, but genstrings seems to have problems with "%" character in strings # and inserts (number)$ after it. Find these bogus inserts and remove them. content = re.sub('%\d\$', '%', content) with open(stringspath, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(content) def build_cocoa_localizations(app, en_stringsfile=op.join('cocoa', 'en.lproj', 'Localizable.strings')): # Creates .lproj folders with Localizable.strings and cocoalib.strings based on cocoalib.po and # ui.po for all available languages as well as base strings files in en.lproj. These lproj # folders are created in `app`'s (a OSXAppStructure) resource folder. print("Creating lproj folders based on .po files") en_cocoastringsfile = op.join('cocoalib', 'en.lproj', 'cocoalib.strings') for lang in get_langs('locale'): pofile = op.join('locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'ui.po') dest_lproj = op.join(app.resources, lang + '.lproj') ensure_folder(dest_lproj) po2strings(pofile, en_stringsfile, op.join(dest_lproj, 'Localizable.strings')) pofile = op.join('cocoalib', 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'cocoalib.po') po2strings(pofile, en_cocoastringsfile, op.join(dest_lproj, 'cocoalib.strings')) # We also have to copy the "en.lproj" strings en_lproj = op.join(app.resources, 'en.lproj') ensure_folder(en_lproj) copy(en_stringsfile, en_lproj) copy(en_cocoastringsfile, en_lproj)