/* Copyright 2011 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license */ #import "ResultWindow.h" #import "Dialogs.h" #import "Utils.h" #import "Consts.h" #import "PyDupeGuru.h" @implementation ResultWindow /* Override */ - (void)initResultColumns { HSColumnDef defs[] = { {@"marked", 26, 26, 26, NO, [NSButtonCell class]}, {@"name", 162, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"folder_path", 142, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"size", 63, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"extension", 40, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"dimensions", 73, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"mtime", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"percentage", 58, 16, 0, YES, nil}, {@"dupe_count", 80, 16, 0, YES, nil}, nil }; [[table columns] initializeColumns:defs]; NSTableColumn *c = [matches tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"marked"]; [[c dataCell] setButtonType:NSSwitchButton]; [[c dataCell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]; c = [matches tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"size"]; [[c dataCell] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment]; [[table columns] restoreColumns]; } - (void)setScanOptions { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; PyDupeGuru *_py = (PyDupeGuru *)py; [_py setScanType:[ud objectForKey:@"scanType"]]; [_py setMinMatchPercentage:[ud objectForKey:@"minMatchPercentage"]]; [_py setMixFileKind:n2b([ud objectForKey:@"mixFileKind"])]; [_py setIgnoreHardlinkMatches:n2b([ud objectForKey:@"ignoreHardlinkMatches"])]; [_py setMatchScaled:[ud objectForKey:@"matchScaled"]]; } /* Actions */ - (IBAction)clearPictureCache:(id)sender { NSString *msg = TR(@"Do you really want to remove all your cached picture analysis?"); if ([Dialogs askYesNo:msg] == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn) // NO return; [(PyDupeGuru *)py clearPictureCache]; } @end