"Add New Folder..." = "Přidat novou složku..."; "Load from file..." = "Nahrát ze souboru..."; "Reset to Default" = "Výchozí nastavení"; "Select a results file to load" = "Vyberte soubor s výsledky, který chcete nahrát"; "You have unsaved results, do you really want to quit?" = "Máte neuložené výsledky, opravdu si přejete skončit?"; "Select a directory to copy marked files to" = "Select a directory to copy marked files to"; "Select a directory to move marked files to" = "Select a directory to move marked files to"; "Select a file to save your results to" = "Vyberte soubor pro uložení výsledků"; "Select a folder to add to the scanning list" = "Vyberte složku, kterou chcete přidat do prohledávacího seznamu"; "You have unsaved results, do you really want to continue?" = "Máte neuložené výsledky, opravdu si přejete pokračovat?"; "'%@' already is in the list." = "'%@' already is in the list."; "'%@' does not exist." = "'%@' does not exist."; "You are about to remove %d files from results. Continue?" = "Chystáte se z výsledků odstranit %d souborů. Pokračovat?"; "The name '%@' already exists." = "The name '%@' already exists."; "You are about to send %d files to Trash. Continue?" = "Chystáte se vyhodit %d souborů do koše. Pokračovat?"; "You are about to send %d files to Trash (and hardlink them afterwards). Continue?" = "Chystáte se vyhodit %d souborů do koše (a následně na ně vytvořit hardlinky). Pokračovat?"; "Do you really want to remove all %d items from the ignore list?" = "Opravdu chcete odstranit všech %d položek ze seznamu výjimek?"; "All selected %d matches are going to be ignored in all subsequent scans. Continue?" = "Všech %d vybraných shod bude v následujících hledáních ignorováno. Pokračovat?"; "You have no custom command set up. Set it up in your preferences." = "Nedefinoval jste žádný uživatelský příkaz. Nadefinujete ho v předvolbách."; "All marked files were copied sucessfully." = "All marked files were copied sucessfully."; "All marked files were moved sucessfully." = "All marked files were moved sucessfully."; "All marked files were sucessfully sent to Trash." = "All marked files were sucessfully sent to Trash."; "No duplicates found." = "Nebyli nalezeny žádné duplicity."; "A previous action is still hanging in there. You can't start a new one yet. Wait a few seconds, then try again." = "Předchozí akce stále nebyla ukončena. Novou zatím nemůžete spustit. Počkejte pár sekund a zkuste to znovu."; "Your iTunes Library contains %d dead tracks ready to be removed. Continue?" = "Your iTunes Library contains %d dead tracks ready to be removed. Continue?"; "You have no dead tracks in your iTunes Library" = "You have no dead tracks in your iTunes Library"; "Do you really want to remove all your cached picture analysis?" = "Opravdu chcete odstranit veškeré uložené analýzy snímků?"; "Add iTunes Directory" = "Přidat složku iTunes"; "Remove Dead Tracks in iTunes" = "Odstranit z iTunes mrtvé stopy"; "Add iPhoto Library" = "Přidat knihovnu iPhoto"; "Clear Picture Cache" = "Vyčistit cache snímků";