# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/01/29 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import sys from hscommon.jobprogress import job from hscommon.util import first from hscommon.testutil import eq_, log_calls from .base import NamedObject from .. import engine from ..engine import * no = NamedObject def get_match_triangle(): o1 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o2 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o3 = NamedObject(with_words=True) m1 = get_match(o1,o2) m2 = get_match(o1,o3) m3 = get_match(o2,o3) return [m1, m2, m3] def get_test_group(): m1, m2, m3 = get_match_triangle() result = Group() result.add_match(m1) result.add_match(m2) result.add_match(m3) return result def assert_match(m, name1, name2): # When testing matches, whether objects are in first or second position very often doesn't # matter. This function makes this test more convenient. if m.first.name == name1: eq_(m.second.name, name2) else: eq_(m.first.name, name2) eq_(m.second.name, name1) class TestCasegetwords: def test_spaces(self): eq_(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], getwords("a b c d")) eq_(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], getwords(" a b c d ")) def test_splitter_chars(self): eq_( [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)], getwords("a-b_c&d+e(f)g;h\\i[j]k{l}m:n.o,pr/s?t~u!v@w#x$y*z") ) def test_joiner_chars(self): eq_(["aec"], getwords("a'e\u0301c")) def test_empty(self): eq_([], getwords('')) def test_returns_lowercase(self): eq_(['foo', 'bar'], getwords('FOO BAR')) def test_decompose_unicode(self): eq_(getwords('foo\xe9bar'), ['fooebar']) class TestCasegetfields: def test_simple(self): eq_([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e']], getfields('a b - c d e')) def test_empty(self): eq_([], getfields('')) def test_cleans_empty_fields(self): expected = [['a', 'bc', 'def']] actual = getfields(' - a bc def') eq_(expected, actual) expected = [['bc', 'def']] class TestCaseunpack_fields: def test_with_fields(self): expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] actual = unpack_fields([['a'], ['b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]) eq_(expected, actual) def test_without_fields(self): expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] actual = unpack_fields(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']) eq_(expected, actual) def test_empty(self): eq_([], unpack_fields([])) class TestCaseWordCompare: def test_list(self): eq_(100, compare(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])) eq_(86, compare(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],['a', 'b', 'c'])) def test_unordered(self): #Sometimes, users don't want fuzzy matching too much When they set the slider #to 100, they don't expect a filename with the same words, but not the same order, to match. #Thus, we want to return 99 in that case. eq_(99, compare(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['d', 'b', 'c', 'a'])) def test_word_occurs_twice(self): #if a word occurs twice in first, but once in second, we want the word to be only counted once eq_(89, compare(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a'], ['d', 'b', 'c', 'a'])) def test_uses_copy_of_lists(self): first = ['foo', 'bar'] second = ['bar', 'bleh'] compare(first, second) eq_(['foo', 'bar'], first) eq_(['bar', 'bleh'], second) def test_word_weight(self): eq_(int((6.0 / 13.0) * 100), compare(['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'bleh'], (WEIGHT_WORDS, ))) def test_similar_words(self): eq_(100, compare(['the', 'white', 'stripes'],['the', 'whites', 'stripe'], (MATCH_SIMILAR_WORDS, ))) def test_empty(self): eq_(0, compare([], [])) def test_with_fields(self): eq_(67, compare([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e']], [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'f']])) def test_propagate_flags_with_fields(self, monkeypatch): def mock_compare(first, second, flags): eq_((0, 1, 2, 3, 5), flags) monkeypatch.setattr(engine, 'compare_fields', mock_compare) compare([['a']], [['a']], (0, 1, 2, 3, 5)) class TestCaseWordCompareWithFields: def test_simple(self): eq_(67, compare_fields([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e']], [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'f']])) def test_empty(self): eq_(0, compare_fields([], [])) def test_different_length(self): eq_(0, compare_fields([['a'], ['b']], [['a'], ['b'], ['c']])) def test_propagates_flags(self, monkeypatch): def mock_compare(first, second, flags): eq_((0, 1, 2, 3, 5), flags) monkeypatch.setattr(engine, 'compare_fields', mock_compare) compare_fields([['a']], [['a']],(0, 1, 2, 3, 5)) def test_order(self): first = [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e']] second = [['c', 'd', 'f'], ['a', 'b']] eq_(0, compare_fields(first, second)) def test_no_order(self): first = [['a','b'],['c','d','e']] second = [['c','d','f'],['a','b']] eq_(67, compare_fields(first, second, (NO_FIELD_ORDER, ))) first = [['a','b'],['a','b']] #a field can only be matched once. second = [['c','d','f'],['a','b']] eq_(0, compare_fields(first, second, (NO_FIELD_ORDER, ))) first = [['a','b'],['a','b','c']] second = [['c','d','f'],['a','b']] eq_(33, compare_fields(first, second, (NO_FIELD_ORDER, ))) def test_compare_fields_without_order_doesnt_alter_fields(self): #The NO_ORDER comp type altered the fields! first = [['a','b'],['c','d','e']] second = [['c','d','f'],['a','b']] eq_(67, compare_fields(first, second, (NO_FIELD_ORDER, ))) eq_([['a','b'],['c','d','e']],first) eq_([['c','d','f'],['a','b']],second) class TestCasebuild_word_dict: def test_with_standard_words(self): l = [NamedObject('foo bar',True)] l.append(NamedObject('bar baz',True)) l.append(NamedObject('baz bleh foo',True)) d = build_word_dict(l) eq_(4,len(d)) eq_(2,len(d['foo'])) assert l[0] in d['foo'] assert l[2] in d['foo'] eq_(2,len(d['bar'])) assert l[0] in d['bar'] assert l[1] in d['bar'] eq_(2,len(d['baz'])) assert l[1] in d['baz'] assert l[2] in d['baz'] eq_(1,len(d['bleh'])) assert l[2] in d['bleh'] def test_unpack_fields(self): o = NamedObject('') o.words = [['foo','bar'],['baz']] d = build_word_dict([o]) eq_(3,len(d)) eq_(1,len(d['foo'])) def test_words_are_unaltered(self): o = NamedObject('') o.words = [['foo','bar'],['baz']] build_word_dict([o]) eq_([['foo','bar'],['baz']],o.words) def test_object_instances_can_only_be_once_in_words_object_list(self): o = NamedObject('foo foo',True) d = build_word_dict([o]) eq_(1,len(d['foo'])) def test_job(self): def do_progress(p,d=''): self.log.append(p) return True j = job.Job(1,do_progress) self.log = [] s = "foo bar" build_word_dict([NamedObject(s, True), NamedObject(s, True), NamedObject(s, True)], j) # We don't have intermediate log because iter_with_progress is called with every > 1 eq_(0,self.log[0]) eq_(100,self.log[1]) class TestCasemerge_similar_words: def test_some_similar_words(self): d = { 'foobar':set([1]), 'foobar1':set([2]), 'foobar2':set([3]), } merge_similar_words(d) eq_(1,len(d)) eq_(3,len(d['foobar'])) class TestCasereduce_common_words: def test_typical(self): d = { 'foo': set([NamedObject('foo bar',True) for i in range(50)]), 'bar': set([NamedObject('foo bar',True) for i in range(49)]) } reduce_common_words(d, 50) assert 'foo' not in d eq_(49,len(d['bar'])) def test_dont_remove_objects_with_only_common_words(self): d = { 'common': set([NamedObject("common uncommon",True) for i in range(50)] + [NamedObject("common",True)]), 'uncommon': set([NamedObject("common uncommon",True)]) } reduce_common_words(d, 50) eq_(1,len(d['common'])) eq_(1,len(d['uncommon'])) def test_values_still_are_set_instances(self): d = { 'common': set([NamedObject("common uncommon",True) for i in range(50)] + [NamedObject("common",True)]), 'uncommon': set([NamedObject("common uncommon",True)]) } reduce_common_words(d, 50) assert isinstance(d['common'],set) assert isinstance(d['uncommon'],set) def test_dont_raise_KeyError_when_a_word_has_been_removed(self): #If a word has been removed by the reduce, an object in a subsequent common word that #contains the word that has been removed would cause a KeyError. d = { 'foo': set([NamedObject('foo bar baz',True) for i in range(50)]), 'bar': set([NamedObject('foo bar baz',True) for i in range(50)]), 'baz': set([NamedObject('foo bar baz',True) for i in range(49)]) } try: reduce_common_words(d, 50) except KeyError: self.fail() def test_unpack_fields(self): #object.words may be fields. def create_it(): o = NamedObject('') o.words = [['foo','bar'],['baz']] return o d = { 'foo': set([create_it() for i in range(50)]) } try: reduce_common_words(d, 50) except TypeError: self.fail("must support fields.") def test_consider_a_reduced_common_word_common_even_after_reduction(self): #There was a bug in the code that causeda word that has already been reduced not to #be counted as a common word for subsequent words. For example, if 'foo' is processed #as a common word, keeping a "foo bar" file in it, and the 'bar' is processed, "foo bar" #would not stay in 'bar' because 'foo' is not a common word anymore. only_common = NamedObject('foo bar',True) d = { 'foo': set([NamedObject('foo bar baz',True) for i in range(49)] + [only_common]), 'bar': set([NamedObject('foo bar baz',True) for i in range(49)] + [only_common]), 'baz': set([NamedObject('foo bar baz',True) for i in range(49)]) } reduce_common_words(d, 50) eq_(1,len(d['foo'])) eq_(1,len(d['bar'])) eq_(49,len(d['baz'])) class TestCaseget_match: def test_simple(self): o1 = NamedObject("foo bar",True) o2 = NamedObject("bar bleh",True) m = get_match(o1,o2) eq_(50,m.percentage) eq_(['foo','bar'],m.first.words) eq_(['bar','bleh'],m.second.words) assert m.first is o1 assert m.second is o2 def test_in(self): o1 = NamedObject("foo",True) o2 = NamedObject("bar",True) m = get_match(o1,o2) assert o1 in m assert o2 in m assert object() not in m def test_word_weight(self): eq_(int((6.0 / 13.0) * 100),get_match(NamedObject("foo bar",True),NamedObject("bar bleh",True),(WEIGHT_WORDS,)).percentage) class TestCaseGetMatches: def test_empty(self): eq_(getmatches([]), []) def test_simple(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar"),NamedObject("bar bleh"),NamedObject("a b c foo")] r = getmatches(l) eq_(2,len(r)) m = first(m for m in r if m.percentage == 50) #"foo bar" and "bar bleh" assert_match(m, 'foo bar', 'bar bleh') m = first(m for m in r if m.percentage == 33) #"foo bar" and "a b c foo" assert_match(m, 'foo bar', 'a b c foo') def test_null_and_unrelated_objects(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar"),NamedObject("bar bleh"),NamedObject(""),NamedObject("unrelated object")] r = getmatches(l) eq_(len(r), 1) m = r[0] eq_(m.percentage, 50) assert_match(m, 'foo bar', 'bar bleh') def test_twice_the_same_word(self): l = [NamedObject("foo foo bar"),NamedObject("bar bleh")] r = getmatches(l) eq_(1,len(r)) def test_twice_the_same_word_when_preworded(self): l = [NamedObject("foo foo bar",True),NamedObject("bar bleh",True)] r = getmatches(l) eq_(1,len(r)) def test_two_words_match(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar"),NamedObject("foo bar bleh")] r = getmatches(l) eq_(1,len(r)) def test_match_files_with_only_common_words(self): #If a word occurs more than 50 times, it is excluded from the matching process #The problem with the common_word_threshold is that the files containing only common #words will never be matched together. We *should* match them. # This test assumes that the common word threashold const is 50 l = [NamedObject("foo") for i in range(50)] r = getmatches(l) eq_(1225,len(r)) def test_use_words_already_there_if_there(self): o1 = NamedObject('foo') o2 = NamedObject('bar') o2.words = ['foo'] eq_(1, len(getmatches([o1,o2]))) def test_job(self): def do_progress(p,d=''): self.log.append(p) return True j = job.Job(1,do_progress) self.log = [] s = "foo bar" getmatches([NamedObject(s), NamedObject(s), NamedObject(s)], j=j) assert len(self.log) > 2 eq_(0,self.log[0]) eq_(100,self.log[-1]) def test_weight_words(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar"),NamedObject("bar bleh")] m = getmatches(l, weight_words=True)[0] eq_(int((6.0 / 13.0) * 100),m.percentage) def test_similar_word(self): l = [NamedObject("foobar"),NamedObject("foobars")] eq_(len(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=True)), 1) eq_(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=True)[0].percentage, 100) l = [NamedObject("foobar"),NamedObject("foo")] eq_(len(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=True)), 0) #too far l = [NamedObject("bizkit"),NamedObject("bizket")] eq_(len(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=True)), 1) l = [NamedObject("foobar"),NamedObject("foosbar")] eq_(len(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=True)), 1) def test_single_object_with_similar_words(self): l = [NamedObject("foo foos")] eq_(len(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=True)), 0) def test_double_words_get_counted_only_once(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar foo bleh"),NamedObject("foo bar bleh bar")] m = getmatches(l)[0] eq_(75,m.percentage) def test_with_fields(self): o1 = NamedObject("foo bar - foo bleh") o2 = NamedObject("foo bar - bleh bar") o1.words = getfields(o1.name) o2.words = getfields(o2.name) m = getmatches([o1, o2])[0] eq_(50, m.percentage) def test_with_fields_no_order(self): o1 = NamedObject("foo bar - foo bleh") o2 = NamedObject("bleh bang - foo bar") o1.words = getfields(o1.name) o2.words = getfields(o2.name) m = getmatches([o1, o2], no_field_order=True)[0] eq_(m.percentage, 50) def test_only_match_similar_when_the_option_is_set(self): l = [NamedObject("foobar"),NamedObject("foobars")] eq_(len(getmatches(l, match_similar_words=False)), 0) def test_dont_recurse_do_match(self): # with nosetests, the stack is increased. The number has to be high enough not to be failing falsely sys.setrecursionlimit(100) files = [NamedObject('foo bar') for i in range(101)] try: getmatches(files) except RuntimeError: self.fail() finally: sys.setrecursionlimit(1000) def test_min_match_percentage(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar"),NamedObject("bar bleh"),NamedObject("a b c foo")] r = getmatches(l, min_match_percentage=50) eq_(1,len(r)) #Only "foo bar" / "bar bleh" should match def test_MemoryError(self, monkeypatch): @log_calls def mocked_match(first, second, flags): if len(mocked_match.calls) > 42: raise MemoryError() return Match(first, second, 0) objects = [NamedObject() for i in range(10)] # results in 45 matches monkeypatch.setattr(engine, 'get_match', mocked_match) try: r = getmatches(objects) except MemoryError: self.fail('MemorryError must be handled') eq_(42, len(r)) class TestCaseGetMatchesByContents: def test_dont_compare_empty_files(self): o1, o2 = no(size=0), no(size=0) assert not getmatches_by_contents([o1, o2]) class TestCaseGroup: def test_empy(self): g = Group() eq_(None,g.ref) eq_([],g.dupes) eq_(0,len(g.matches)) def test_add_match(self): g = Group() m = get_match(NamedObject("foo",True),NamedObject("bar",True)) g.add_match(m) assert g.ref is m.first eq_([m.second],g.dupes) eq_(1,len(g.matches)) assert m in g.matches def test_multiple_add_match(self): g = Group() o1 = NamedObject("a",True) o2 = NamedObject("b",True) o3 = NamedObject("c",True) o4 = NamedObject("d",True) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) assert g.ref is o1 eq_([o2],g.dupes) eq_(1,len(g.matches)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o3)) eq_([o2],g.dupes) eq_(2,len(g.matches)) g.add_match(get_match(o2,o3)) eq_([o2,o3],g.dupes) eq_(3,len(g.matches)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o4)) eq_([o2,o3],g.dupes) eq_(4,len(g.matches)) g.add_match(get_match(o2,o4)) eq_([o2,o3],g.dupes) eq_(5,len(g.matches)) g.add_match(get_match(o3,o4)) eq_([o2,o3,o4],g.dupes) eq_(6,len(g.matches)) def test_len(self): g = Group() eq_(0,len(g)) g.add_match(get_match(NamedObject("foo",True),NamedObject("bar",True))) eq_(2,len(g)) def test_add_same_match_twice(self): g = Group() m = get_match(NamedObject("foo",True),NamedObject("foo",True)) g.add_match(m) eq_(2,len(g)) eq_(1,len(g.matches)) g.add_match(m) eq_(2,len(g)) eq_(1,len(g.matches)) def test_in(self): g = Group() o1 = NamedObject("foo",True) o2 = NamedObject("bar",True) assert o1 not in g g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) assert o1 in g assert o2 in g def test_remove(self): g = Group() o1 = NamedObject("foo",True) o2 = NamedObject("bar",True) o3 = NamedObject("bleh",True) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o3)) g.add_match(get_match(o2,o3)) eq_(3,len(g.matches)) eq_(3,len(g)) g.remove_dupe(o3) eq_(1,len(g.matches)) eq_(2,len(g)) g.remove_dupe(o1) eq_(0,len(g.matches)) eq_(0,len(g)) def test_remove_with_ref_dupes(self): g = Group() o1 = NamedObject("foo",True) o2 = NamedObject("bar",True) o3 = NamedObject("bleh",True) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o3)) g.add_match(get_match(o2,o3)) o1.is_ref = True o2.is_ref = True g.remove_dupe(o3) eq_(0,len(g)) def test_switch_ref(self): o1 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o2 = NamedObject(with_words=True) g = Group() g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) assert o1 is g.ref g.switch_ref(o2) assert o2 is g.ref eq_([o1],g.dupes) g.switch_ref(o2) assert o2 is g.ref g.switch_ref(NamedObject('',True)) assert o2 is g.ref def test_switch_ref_from_ref_dir(self): # When the ref dupe is from a ref dir, switch_ref() does nothing o1 = no(with_words=True) o2 = no(with_words=True) o1.is_ref = True g = Group() g.add_match(get_match(o1, o2)) g.switch_ref(o2) assert o1 is g.ref def test_get_match_of(self): g = Group() for m in get_match_triangle(): g.add_match(m) o = g.dupes[0] m = g.get_match_of(o) assert g.ref in m assert o in m assert g.get_match_of(NamedObject('',True)) is None assert g.get_match_of(g.ref) is None def test_percentage(self): #percentage should return the avg percentage in relation to the ref m1,m2,m3 = get_match_triangle() m1 = Match(m1[0], m1[1], 100) m2 = Match(m2[0], m2[1], 50) m3 = Match(m3[0], m3[1], 33) g = Group() g.add_match(m1) g.add_match(m2) g.add_match(m3) eq_(75,g.percentage) g.switch_ref(g.dupes[0]) eq_(66,g.percentage) g.remove_dupe(g.dupes[0]) eq_(33,g.percentage) g.add_match(m1) g.add_match(m2) eq_(66,g.percentage) def test_percentage_on_empty_group(self): g = Group() eq_(0,g.percentage) def test_prioritize(self): m1,m2,m3 = get_match_triangle() o1 = m1.first o2 = m1.second o3 = m2.second o1.name = 'c' o2.name = 'b' o3.name = 'a' g = Group() g.add_match(m1) g.add_match(m2) g.add_match(m3) assert o1 is g.ref assert g.prioritize(lambda x:x.name) assert o3 is g.ref def test_prioritize_with_tie_breaker(self): # if the ref has the same key as one or more of the dupe, run the tie_breaker func among them g = get_test_group() o1, o2, o3 = g.ordered tie_breaker = lambda ref, dupe: dupe is o3 g.prioritize(lambda x:0, tie_breaker) assert g.ref is o3 def test_prioritize_with_tie_breaker_runs_on_all_dupes(self): # Even if a dupe is chosen to switch with ref with a tie breaker, we still run the tie breaker # with other dupes and the newly chosen ref g = get_test_group() o1, o2, o3 = g.ordered o1.foo = 1 o2.foo = 2 o3.foo = 3 tie_breaker = lambda ref, dupe: dupe.foo > ref.foo g.prioritize(lambda x:0, tie_breaker) assert g.ref is o3 def test_prioritize_with_tie_breaker_runs_only_on_tie_dupes(self): # The tie breaker only runs on dupes that had the same value for the key_func g = get_test_group() o1, o2, o3 = g.ordered o1.foo = 2 o2.foo = 2 o3.foo = 1 o1.bar = 1 o2.bar = 2 o3.bar = 3 key_func = lambda x: -x.foo tie_breaker = lambda ref, dupe: dupe.bar > ref.bar g.prioritize(key_func, tie_breaker) assert g.ref is o2 def test_prioritize_with_ref_dupe(self): # when the ref dupe of a group is from a ref dir, make it stay on top. g = get_test_group() o1, o2, o3 = g o1.is_ref = True o2.size = 2 g.prioritize(lambda x: -x.size) assert g.ref is o1 def test_prioritize_nothing_changes(self): # prioritize() returns False when nothing changes in the group. g = get_test_group() g[0].name = 'a' g[1].name = 'b' g[2].name = 'c' assert not g.prioritize(lambda x:x.name) def test_list_like(self): g = Group() o1,o2 = (NamedObject("foo",True),NamedObject("bar",True)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) assert g[0] is o1 assert g[1] is o2 def test_discard_matches(self): g = Group() o1,o2,o3 = (NamedObject("foo",True),NamedObject("bar",True),NamedObject("baz",True)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o2)) g.add_match(get_match(o1,o3)) g.discard_matches() eq_(1,len(g.matches)) eq_(0,len(g.candidates)) class TestCaseget_groups: def test_empty(self): r = get_groups([]) eq_([],r) def test_simple(self): l = [NamedObject("foo bar"),NamedObject("bar bleh")] matches = getmatches(l) m = matches[0] r = get_groups(matches) eq_(1,len(r)) g = r[0] assert g.ref is m.first eq_([m.second],g.dupes) def test_group_with_multiple_matches(self): #This results in 3 matches l = [NamedObject("foo"),NamedObject("foo"),NamedObject("foo")] matches = getmatches(l) r = get_groups(matches) eq_(1,len(r)) g = r[0] eq_(3,len(g)) def test_must_choose_a_group(self): l = [NamedObject("a b"),NamedObject("a b"),NamedObject("b c"),NamedObject("c d"),NamedObject("c d")] #There will be 2 groups here: group "a b" and group "c d" #"b c" can go either of them, but not both. matches = getmatches(l) r = get_groups(matches) eq_(2,len(r)) eq_(5,len(r[0])+len(r[1])) def test_should_all_go_in_the_same_group(self): l = [NamedObject("a b"),NamedObject("a b"),NamedObject("a b"),NamedObject("a b")] #There will be 2 groups here: group "a b" and group "c d" #"b c" can fit in both, but it must be in only one of them matches = getmatches(l) r = get_groups(matches) eq_(1,len(r)) def test_give_priority_to_matches_with_higher_percentage(self): o1 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o2 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o3 = NamedObject(with_words=True) m1 = Match(o1, o2, 1) m2 = Match(o2, o3, 2) r = get_groups([m1,m2]) eq_(1,len(r)) g = r[0] eq_(2,len(g)) assert o1 not in g assert o2 in g assert o3 in g def test_four_sized_group(self): l = [NamedObject("foobar") for i in range(4)] m = getmatches(l) r = get_groups(m) eq_(1,len(r)) eq_(4,len(r[0])) def test_referenced_by_ref2(self): o1 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o2 = NamedObject(with_words=True) o3 = NamedObject(with_words=True) m1 = get_match(o1,o2) m2 = get_match(o3,o1) m3 = get_match(o3,o2) r = get_groups([m1,m2,m3]) eq_(3,len(r[0])) def test_job(self): def do_progress(p,d=''): self.log.append(p) return True self.log = [] j = job.Job(1,do_progress) m1,m2,m3 = get_match_triangle() #101%: To make sure it is processed first so the job test works correctly m4 = Match(NamedObject('a',True), NamedObject('a',True), 101) get_groups([m1,m2,m3,m4],j) eq_(0,self.log[0]) eq_(100,self.log[-1]) def test_group_admissible_discarded_dupes(self): # If, with a (A, B, C, D) set, all match with A, but C and D don't match with B and that the # (A, B) match is the highest (thus resulting in an (A, B) group), still match C and D # in a separate group instead of discarding them. A, B, C, D = [NamedObject() for _ in range(4)] m1 = Match(A, B, 90) # This is the strongest "A" match m2 = Match(A, C, 80) # Because C doesn't match with B, it won't be in the group m3 = Match(A, D, 80) # Same thing for D m4 = Match(C, D, 70) # However, because C and D match, they should have their own group. groups = get_groups([m1, m2, m3, m4]) eq_(len(groups), 2) g1, g2 = groups assert A in g1 assert B in g1 assert C in g2 assert D in g2