"Collecting files to scan" = "收集文件以备扫描"; "%s (%d discarded)" = "%s (%d 无效)"; "Scanning for duplicates" = "重复文件扫描中"; "Loading" = "载入中"; "Moving" = "移动中"; "Copying" = "复制中"; "Sending to Trash" = "移到垃圾桶"; "0 matches found" = "未找到匹配项"; "%d matches found" = "找到 %d 个匹配项"; "Read size of %d/%d files" = "读取 %d/%d 文件大小"; "Grouped %d/%d matches" = "%d/%d 匹配项组合在一起"; "%d / %d (%s / %s) duplicates marked." = "已标记 %d / %d (%s / %s) 个重复项。"; " filter: %s" = " 筛选: %s"; "Read metadata of %d/%d files" = "读取 %d/%d 文件元数据"; "Removing false matches" = "移除错误匹配项"; "Processed %d/%d matches against the ignore list" = "在忽略列表之外已处理 %d/%d 匹配项"; "Doing group prioritization" = "优化分组"; "Continue" = "继续"; "Continue ({})" = "继续 ({})"; "Analyzed %d/%d pictures" = "分析 %d/%d 图像"; "Preparing for matching" = "准备进行匹配"; "Performed %d/%d chunk matches" = "Performed %d/%d chunk matches"; "Verified %d/%d matches" = "验证 %d/%d 匹配项"; "Removing dead tracks from your iTunes Library" = "从你的iTunes库中移除无效的音轨"; "Scanning the iTunes Library" = "正在扫描iTunes库"; "Probing iPhoto. Don't touch it during the operation!" = "正在对iPhoto进行搜索.请在此过程中不要触碰任何按键!"; "Sending dupes to the Trash" = "将重复文件移到垃圾桶"; /* Prioritization */ "Ends with number" = "Ends with number"; "Doesn't end with number" = "Doesn't end with number"; "Highest" = "Highest"; "Lowest" = "Lowest"; "Newest" = "Newest"; "Oldest" = "Oldest";