"SelectResultToLoadMsg" = "Select a results file to load"; "SelectCopyDestinationMsg" = "Select a directory to copy marked files to"; "SelectMoveDestinationMsg" = "Select a directory to move marked files to"; "SelectResultToSaveMsg" = "Select a file to save your results to"; "SelectFolderToAddMsg" = "Select a folder to add to the scanning list"; "ReallyWantToQuitMsg" = "You have unsaved results, do you really want to quit?"; "ReallyWantToContinueMsg" = "You have unsaved results, do you really want to continue?"; "FolderAlreadyInListMsg" = "'%@' already is in the list."; "FolderDoesNotExistMsg" = "'%@' does not exist."; "FileRemovalConfirmMsg" = "You are about to remove %d files from results. Continue?"; "FilenameAlreadyExistsMsg" = "The name '%@' already exists."; "NoScannableFileMsg" = "The selected directories contain no scannable file."; "UnknownErrorMsg" = "Unknown Error."; "SendToTrashConfirmMsg" = "You are about to send %d files to Trash. Continue?"; "HardlinkConfirmMsg" = "You are about to send %d files to Trash (and hardlink them afterwards). Continue?"; "ClearIgnoreListConfirmMsg" = "Do you really want to remove all %d items from the ignore list?"; "IgnoreConfirmMsg" = "All selected %d matches are going to be ignored in all subsequent scans. Continue?"; "NoCustomCommandMsg" = "You have no custom command set up. Set it up in your preferences."; "CopySuccessMsg" = "All marked files were copied sucessfully."; "MoveSuccessMsg" = "All marked files were moved sucessfully."; "SendToTrashSuccessMsg" = "All marked files were sucessfully sent to Trash."; "NoDuplicateFoundMsg" = "No duplicates found."; "TaskHangingMsg" = "A previous action is still hanging in there. You can't start a new one yet. Wait a few seconds, then try again."; "RemoveDeadTracksConfirmMsg" = "Your iTunes Library contains %d dead tracks ready to be removed. Continue?"; "NoDeadTrackMsg" = "You have no dead tracks in your iTunes Library"; "IPhotoAppNotFoundMsg" = "The iPhoto application couldn't be found."; "ClearPictureCacheConfirmMsg" = "Do you really want to remove all your cached picture analysis?";