PreferencesDialog 0 0 350 322 Preferences false true 100 0 100 16777215 Scan Type: Filename Filename - Fields Filename - Fields (No Order) Tags Contents Audio Contents 100 0 100 16777215 Filter Hardness: 0 12 0 0 1 100 true Qt::Horizontal 21 0 100 0 More Results Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Less Results 0 40 0 0 91 17 Tags to scan: 10 20 51 21 Track 60 20 51 21 Artist 110 20 61 21 Album 170 20 51 21 Title 220 20 61 21 Genre 280 20 51 21 Year Word weighting Match similar words Can mix file kind Use regular expressions when filtering Remove empty folders on delete or move 100 0 100 16777215 Copy and Move: 0 0 Right in destination Recreate relative path Recreate absolute path QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults filterHardnessSlider valueChanged(int) filterHardnessLabel setNum(int) 182 26 271 26 buttonBox accepted() PreferencesDialog accept() 182 228 182 124 buttonBox rejected() PreferencesDialog reject() 182 228 182 124