
Selectable() Mix-in for a Sequence that manages its selection status.
SelectableList([items]) A list that can manage selection of its items.
GUISelectableList([items]) Cross-toolkit GUI-enabled list view.
GUISelectableListView Expected interface for GUISelectableList’s view.
class hscommon.gui.selectable_list.Selectable

Mix-in for a Sequence that manages its selection status.

When mixed in with a Sequence, we enable it to manage its selection status. The selection is held as a list of int indexes. Multiple selection is supported.


(Virtual) Updates the model’s selection appropriately.

Called after selection has been updated. Takes the table’s selection and does appropriates updates on the view and/or model. Common sense would dictate that when the selection doesn’t change, we don’t update anything (and thus don’t call _update_selection() at all), but there are cases where it’s false. For example, if our list updates its items but doesn’t change its selection, we probably want to update the model’s selection.

By default, does nothing.

Important note: This is only called on select(), not on changes to selected_indexes.


Update selection to indexes.

_update_selection() is called afterwards.

Parameters:indexes (list) – List of int that is to become the new selection.

Points to the first selected index.

int. get/set.

Thin wrapper around selected_indexes. None if selection is empty. Using this property only makes sense if your selectable sequence supports single selection only.


List of selected indexes.

list of int. get/set.

When setting the value, automatically removes out-of-bounds indexes. The list is kept sorted.

class hscommon.gui.selectable_list.SelectableList(items=None)

A list that can manage selection of its items.

Subclasses Selectable. Behaves like a list.


(Virtual) Called whenever the contents of the list changes.

By default, does nothing.


S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence

insert(index, item)

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index


S.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present.

class hscommon.gui.selectable_list.GUISelectableList(items=None)

Cross-toolkit GUI-enabled list view.

Represents a UI element presenting the user with a selectable list of items.

Subclasses SelectableList and GUIObject. Expected view: GUISelectableListView.

Parameters:items (iterable) – If specified, items to fill the list with initially.

Refreshes the view contents with GUISelectableListView.refresh().

Overrides SelectableList._on_change().


Refreshes the view selection with GUISelectableListView.update_selection().

Overrides Selectable._update_selection().


Refreshes the view contents with GUISelectableListView.refresh().

Overrides _view_updated().

class hscommon.gui.selectable_list.GUISelectableListView

Expected interface for GUISelectableList’s view.

Not actually used in the code. For documentation purposes only.

Our view, some kind of list view or combobox, is expected to sync with the list’s contents by appropriately behave to all callbacks in this interface.


Refreshes the contents of the list widget.

Ensures that the contents of the list widget is synced with the model.


Update selection status.

Ensures that the list widget’s selection is in sync with the model.