# Copyright 2017 Virgil Dupras # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import os import os.path as op import sys from optparse import OptionParser import shutil from setuptools import setup, Extension from hscommon import sphinxgen from hscommon.build import ( add_to_pythonpath, print_and_do, move_all, fix_qt_resource_file, ) from hscommon import loc def parse_args(): usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "--clean", action="store_true", dest="clean", help="Clean build folder before building", ) parser.add_option("--doc", action="store_true", dest="doc", help="Build only the help file") parser.add_option("--loc", action="store_true", dest="loc", help="Build only localization") parser.add_option( "--updatepot", action="store_true", dest="updatepot", help="Generate .pot files from source code.", ) parser.add_option( "--mergepot", action="store_true", dest="mergepot", help="Update all .po files based on .pot files.", ) parser.add_option( "--normpo", action="store_true", dest="normpo", help="Normalize all PO files (do this before commit).", ) parser.add_option( "--modules", action="store_true", dest="modules", help="Build the python modules.", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options def build_help(): print("Generating Help") current_path = op.abspath(".") help_basepath = op.join(current_path, "help", "en") help_destpath = op.join(current_path, "build", "help") changelog_path = op.join(current_path, "help", "changelog") tixurl = "https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru/issues/{}" confrepl = {"language": "en"} changelogtmpl = op.join(current_path, "help", "changelog.tmpl") conftmpl = op.join(current_path, "help", "conf.tmpl") sphinxgen.gen( help_basepath, help_destpath, changelog_path, tixurl, confrepl, conftmpl, changelogtmpl, ) def build_qt_localizations(): loc.compile_all_po(op.join("qtlib", "locale")) loc.merge_locale_dir(op.join("qtlib", "locale"), "locale") def build_localizations(): loc.compile_all_po("locale") build_qt_localizations() locale_dest = op.join("build", "locale") if op.exists(locale_dest): shutil.rmtree(locale_dest) shutil.copytree("locale", locale_dest, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("*.po", "*.pot")) def build_updatepot(): print("Building .pot files from source files") print("Building core.pot") loc.generate_pot(["core"], op.join("locale", "core.pot"), ["tr"]) print("Building columns.pot") loc.generate_pot(["core"], op.join("locale", "columns.pot"), ["coltr"]) print("Building ui.pot") # When we're not under OS X, we don't want to overwrite ui.pot because it contains Cocoa locs # We want to merge the generated pot with the old pot in the most preserving way possible. ui_packages = ["qt", op.join("cocoa", "inter")] loc.generate_pot(ui_packages, op.join("locale", "ui.pot"), ["tr"], merge=True) print("Building qtlib.pot") loc.generate_pot(["qtlib"], op.join("qtlib", "locale", "qtlib.pot"), ["tr"]) def build_mergepot(): print("Updating .po files using .pot files") loc.merge_pots_into_pos("locale") loc.merge_pots_into_pos(op.join("qtlib", "locale")) # loc.merge_pots_into_pos(op.join("cocoalib", "locale")) def build_normpo(): loc.normalize_all_pos("locale") loc.normalize_all_pos(op.join("qtlib", "locale")) # loc.normalize_all_pos(op.join("cocoalib", "locale")) def build_pe_modules(): print("Building PE Modules") exts = [ Extension( "_block", [ op.join("core", "pe", "modules", "block.c"), op.join("core", "pe", "modules", "common.c"), ], ), Extension( "_cache", [ op.join("core", "pe", "modules", "cache.c"), op.join("core", "pe", "modules", "common.c"), ], ), ] exts.append(Extension("_block_qt", [op.join("qt", "pe", "modules", "block.c")])) setup( script_args=["build_ext", "--inplace"], ext_modules=exts, ) move_all("_block_qt*", op.join("qt", "pe")) move_all("_block*", op.join("core", "pe")) move_all("_cache*", op.join("core", "pe")) def build_normal(): print("Building dupeGuru with UI qt") add_to_pythonpath(".") print("Building dupeGuru") build_pe_modules() print("Building localizations") build_localizations() print("Building Qt stuff") print_and_do("pyrcc5 {0} > {1}".format(op.join("qt", "dg.qrc"), op.join("qt", "dg_rc.py"))) fix_qt_resource_file(op.join("qt", "dg_rc.py")) build_help() def main(): if sys.version_info < (3, 6): sys.exit("Python < 3.6 is unsupported.") options = parse_args() if options.clean and op.exists("build"): shutil.rmtree("build") if not op.exists("build"): os.mkdir("build") if options.doc: build_help() elif options.loc: build_localizations() elif options.updatepot: build_updatepot() elif options.mergepot: build_mergepot() elif options.normpo: build_normpo() elif options.modules: build_pe_modules() else: build_normal() if __name__ == "__main__": main()