#!/usr/bin/env python # Unit Name: # Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-04-23 # $Id$ # Copyright 2009 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL, Qt, QAbstractItemModel, QVariant, QModelIndex, QRect from PyQt4.QtGui import QBrush, QStyledItemDelegate, QFont, QTreeView, QColor from tree_model import TreeNode, TreeModel class ResultNode(TreeNode): def __init__(self, model, parent, row, dupe, group): TreeNode.__init__(self, parent, row) self.model = model self.dupe = dupe self.group = group self._normalData = None self._deltaData = None def _get_children(self): children = [] if self.dupe is self.group.ref: for index, dupe in enumerate(self.group.dupes): children.append(ResultNode(self.model, self, index, dupe, self.group)) return children def reset(self): self._normalData = None self._deltaData = None @property def normalData(self): if self._normalData is None: self._normalData = self.model._data.GetDisplayInfo(self.dupe, self.group, delta=False) return self._normalData @property def deltaData(self): if self._deltaData is None: self._deltaData = self.model._data.GetDisplayInfo(self.dupe, self.group, delta=True) return self._deltaData class ResultsDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def initStyleOption(self, option, index): QStyledItemDelegate.initStyleOption(self, option, index) node = index.internalPointer() if node.group.ref is node.dupe: newfont = QFont(option.font) newfont.setBold(True) option.font = newfont class ResultsModel(TreeModel): def __init__(self, app): self._app = app self._results = app.results self._data = app.data self._delta_columns = app.DELTA_COLUMNS self.delta = False self._power_marker = False TreeModel.__init__(self) def _root_nodes(self): nodes = [] if self.power_marker: for index, dupe in enumerate(self._results.dupes): group = self._results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) nodes.append(ResultNode(self, None, index, dupe, group)) else: for index, group in enumerate(self._results.groups): nodes.append(ResultNode(self, None, index, group.ref, group)) return nodes def columnCount(self, parent): return len(self._data.COLUMNS) def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return QVariant() node = index.internalPointer() if role == Qt.DisplayRole: data = node.deltaData if self.delta else node.normalData return QVariant(data[index.column()]) elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole: if index.column() == 0 and node.dupe is not node.group.ref: state = Qt.Checked if self._results.is_marked(node.dupe) else Qt.Unchecked return QVariant(state) elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: if node.dupe is node.group.ref or node.dupe.is_ref: return QVariant(QBrush(Qt.blue)) elif self.delta and index.column() in self._delta_columns: return QVariant(QBrush(QColor(255, 142, 40))) # orange elif role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return QVariant(node.normalData[index.column()]) return QVariant() def dupesForIndexes(self, indexes): nodes = [index.internalPointer() for index in indexes] return [node.dupe for node in nodes] def indexesForDupes(self, dupes): def index(dupe): try: if self.power_marker: row = self._results.dupes.index(dupe) node = self.nodes[row] assert node.dupe is dupe return self.createIndex(row, 0, node) else: group = self._results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) row = self._results.groups.index(group) node = self.nodes[row] if dupe is group.ref: assert node.dupe is dupe return self.createIndex(row, 0, node) subrow = group.dupes.index(dupe) subnode = node.children[subrow] assert subnode.dupe is dupe return self.createIndex(subrow, 0, subnode) except ValueError: # the dupe is not there anymore return QModelIndex() return map(index, dupes) def flags(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable if index.column() == 0: flags |= Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEditable return flags def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole and section < len(self._data.COLUMNS): return QVariant(self._data.COLUMNS[section]['display']) return QVariant() def setData(self, index, value, role): if not index.isValid(): return False node = index.internalPointer() if role == Qt.CheckStateRole: if index.column() == 0: self._app.toggle_marking_for_dupes([node.dupe]) return True if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: value = unicode(value.toString()) if self._app.rename_dupe(node.dupe, value): node.reset() return True return False def sort(self, column, order): if self.power_marker: self._results.sort_dupes(column, order == Qt.AscendingOrder, self.delta) else: self._results.sort_groups(column, order == Qt.AscendingOrder) self.reset() def toggleMarked(self, indexes): assert indexes dupes = self.dupesForIndexes(indexes) self._app.toggle_marking_for_dupes(dupes) #--- Properties @property def power_marker(self): return self._power_marker @power_marker.setter def power_marker(self, value): if value == self._power_marker: return self._power_marker = value self.reset() class ResultsView(QTreeView): #--- Override def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.text() == ' ': self.model().toggleMarked(self.selectionModel().selectedRows()) return QTreeView.keyPressEvent(self, event) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): self.emit(SIGNAL('doubleClicked()')) # We don't call the superclass' method because the default behavior is to rename the cell. def setModel(self, model): assert isinstance(model, ResultsModel) QTreeView.setModel(self, model) #--- Public def selectedDupes(self): return self.model().dupesForIndexes(self.selectionModel().selectedRows())