# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/02/21 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import sys import os import pytest from ..path import Path, pathify from ..testutil import eq_ @pytest.fixture def force_ossep(request): monkeypatch = request.getfixturevalue("monkeypatch") monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", "/") def test_empty(force_ossep): path = Path("") eq_("", str(path)) eq_(0, len(path)) path = Path(()) eq_("", str(path)) eq_(0, len(path)) def test_single(force_ossep): path = Path("foobar") eq_("foobar", path) eq_(1, len(path)) def test_multiple(force_ossep): path = Path("foo/bar") eq_("foo/bar", path) eq_(2, len(path)) def test_init_with_tuple_and_list(force_ossep): path = Path(("foo", "bar")) eq_("foo/bar", path) path = Path(["foo", "bar"]) eq_("foo/bar", path) def test_init_with_invalid_value(force_ossep): try: Path(42) assert False except TypeError: pass def test_access(force_ossep): path = Path("foo/bar/bleh") eq_("foo", path[0]) eq_("foo", path[-3]) eq_("bar", path[1]) eq_("bar", path[-2]) eq_("bleh", path[2]) eq_("bleh", path[-1]) def test_slicing(force_ossep): path = Path("foo/bar/bleh") subpath = path[:2] eq_("foo/bar", subpath) assert isinstance(subpath, Path) def test_parent(force_ossep): path = Path("foo/bar/bleh") subpath = path.parent() eq_("foo/bar", subpath) assert isinstance(subpath, Path) def test_filename(force_ossep): path = Path("foo/bar/bleh.ext") eq_(path.name, "bleh.ext") def test_deal_with_empty_components(force_ossep): """Keep ONLY a leading space, which means we want a leading slash.""" eq_("foo//bar", str(Path(("foo", "", "bar")))) eq_("/foo/bar", str(Path(("", "foo", "bar")))) eq_("foo/bar", str(Path("foo/bar/"))) def test_old_compare_paths(force_ossep): eq_(Path("foobar"), Path("foobar")) eq_(Path("foobar/"), Path("foobar\\", "\\")) eq_(Path("/foobar/"), Path("\\foobar\\", "\\")) eq_(Path("/foo/bar"), Path("\\foo\\bar", "\\")) eq_(Path("/foo/bar"), Path("\\foo\\bar\\", "\\")) assert Path("/foo/bar") != Path("\\foo\\foo", "\\") # We also have to test __ne__ assert not (Path("foobar") != Path("foobar")) assert Path("/a/b/c.x") != Path("/a/b/c.y") def test_old_split_path(force_ossep): eq_(Path("foobar"), ("foobar",)) eq_(Path("foo/bar"), ("foo", "bar")) eq_(Path("/foo/bar/"), ("", "foo", "bar")) eq_(Path("\\foo\\bar", "\\"), ("", "foo", "bar")) def test_representation(force_ossep): eq_("('foo', 'bar')", repr(Path(("foo", "bar")))) def test_add(force_ossep): eq_("foo/bar/bar/foo", Path(("foo", "bar")) + Path("bar/foo")) eq_("foo/bar/bar/foo", Path("foo/bar") + "bar/foo") eq_("foo/bar/bar/foo", Path("foo/bar") + ("bar", "foo")) eq_("foo/bar/bar/foo", ("foo", "bar") + Path("bar/foo")) eq_("foo/bar/bar/foo", "foo/bar" + Path("bar/foo")) # Invalid concatenation try: Path(("foo", "bar")) + 1 assert False except TypeError: pass def test_path_slice(force_ossep): foo = Path("foo") bar = Path("bar") foobar = Path("foo/bar") eq_("bar", foobar[foo:]) eq_("foo", foobar[:bar]) eq_("foo/bar", foobar[bar:]) eq_("foo/bar", foobar[:foo]) eq_((), foobar[foobar:]) eq_((), foobar[:foobar]) abcd = Path("a/b/c/d") a = Path("a") d = Path("d") z = Path("z") eq_("b/c", abcd[a:d]) eq_("b/c/d", abcd[a : d + z]) eq_("b/c", abcd[a : z + d]) eq_("a/b/c/d", abcd[:z]) def test_add_with_root_path(force_ossep): """if I perform /a/b/c + /d/e/f, I want /a/b/c/d/e/f, not /a/b/c//d/e/f""" eq_("/foo/bar", str(Path("/foo") + Path("/bar"))) def test_create_with_tuple_that_have_slash_inside(force_ossep, monkeypatch): eq_(("", "foo", "bar"), Path(("/foo", "bar"))) monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", "\\") eq_(("", "foo", "bar"), Path(("\\foo", "bar"))) def test_auto_decode_os_sep(force_ossep, monkeypatch): """Path should decode any either / or os.sep, but always encode in os.sep.""" eq_(("foo\\bar", "bleh"), Path("foo\\bar/bleh")) monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", "\\") eq_(("foo", "bar/bleh"), Path("foo\\bar/bleh")) path = Path("foo/bar") eq_(("foo", "bar"), path) eq_("foo\\bar", str(path)) def test_contains(force_ossep): p = Path(("foo", "bar")) assert Path(("foo", "bar", "bleh")) in p assert Path(("foo", "bar")) in p assert "foo" in p assert "bleh" not in p assert Path("foo") not in p def test_is_parent_of(force_ossep): assert Path(("foo", "bar")).is_parent_of(Path(("foo", "bar", "bleh"))) assert not Path(("foo", "bar")).is_parent_of(Path(("foo", "baz"))) assert not Path(("foo", "bar")).is_parent_of(Path(("foo", "bar"))) def test_windows_drive_letter(force_ossep): p = Path(("c:",)) eq_("c:\\", str(p)) def test_root_path(force_ossep): p = Path("/") eq_("/", str(p)) def test_str_encodes_unicode_to_getfilesystemencoding(force_ossep): p = Path(("foo", "bar\u00e9")) eq_("foo/bar\u00e9".encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), p.tobytes()) def test_unicode(force_ossep): p = Path(("foo", "bar\u00e9")) eq_("foo/bar\u00e9", str(p)) def test_str_repr_of_mix_between_non_ascii_str_and_unicode(force_ossep): u = "foo\u00e9" encoded = u.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) p = Path((encoded, "bar")) print(repr(tuple(p))) eq_("foo\u00e9/bar".encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), p.tobytes()) def test_path_of_a_path_returns_self(force_ossep): # if Path() is called with a path as value, just return value. p = Path("foo/bar") assert Path(p) is p def test_getitem_str(force_ossep): # path['something'] returns the child path corresponding to the name p = Path("/foo/bar") eq_(p["baz"], Path("/foo/bar/baz")) def test_getitem_path(force_ossep): # path[Path('something')] returns the child path corresponding to the name (or subpath) p = Path("/foo/bar") eq_(p[Path("baz/bleh")], Path("/foo/bar/baz/bleh")) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="pytest's capture mechanism is flaky, I have to investigate") def test_log_unicode_errors(force_ossep, monkeypatch, capsys): # When an there's a UnicodeDecodeError on path creation, log it so it can be possible # to debug the cause of it. monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "getfilesystemencoding", lambda: "ascii") with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError): Path(["", b"foo\xe9"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert repr(b"foo\xe9") in err def test_has_drive_letter(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", "\\") p = Path("foo\\bar") assert not p.has_drive_letter() p = Path("C:\\") assert p.has_drive_letter() p = Path("z:\\foo") assert p.has_drive_letter() def test_remove_drive_letter(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", "\\") p = Path("foo\\bar") eq_(p.remove_drive_letter(), Path("foo\\bar")) p = Path("C:\\") eq_(p.remove_drive_letter(), Path("")) p = Path("z:\\foo") eq_(p.remove_drive_letter(), Path("foo")) def test_pathify(): @pathify def foo(a: Path, b, c: Path): return a, b, c a, b, c = foo("foo", 0, c=Path("bar")) assert isinstance(a, Path) assert a == Path("foo") assert b == 0 assert isinstance(c, Path) assert c == Path("bar") def test_pathify_preserve_none(): # @pathify preserves None value and doesn't try to return a Path @pathify def foo(a: Path): return a a = foo(None) assert a is None