# Copyright 2016 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import pytest from hscommon.jobprogress import job from hscommon.path import Path from hscommon.testutil import eq_ from .. import fs from ..engine import getwords, Match from ..ignore import IgnoreList from ..scanner import Scanner, ScanType from ..me.scanner import ScannerME class NamedObject: def __init__(self, name="foobar", size=1, path=None): if path is None: path = Path(name) else: path = Path(path)[name] self.name = name self.size = size self.path = path self.words = getwords(name) def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.name, self.path) no = NamedObject @pytest.fixture def fake_fileexists(request): # This is a hack to avoid invalidating all previous tests since the scanner started to test # for file existence before doing the match grouping. monkeypatch = request.getfixturevalue("monkeypatch") monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "exists", lambda _: True) def test_empty(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() r = s.get_dupe_groups([]) eq_(r, []) def test_default_settings(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() eq_(s.min_match_percentage, 80) eq_(s.scan_type, ScanType.FILENAME) eq_(s.mix_file_kind, True) eq_(s.word_weighting, False) eq_(s.match_similar_words, False) eq_(s.size_threshold, 0) eq_(s.large_size_threshold, 0) eq_(s.big_file_size_threshold, 0) def test_simple_with_default_settings(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() f = [no("foo bar", path="p1"), no("foo bar", path="p2"), no("foo bleh")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) g = r[0] # 'foo bleh' cannot be in the group because the default min match % is 80 eq_(len(g), 2) assert g.ref in f[:2] assert g.dupes[0] in f[:2] def test_simple_with_lower_min_match(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.min_match_percentage = 50 f = [no("foo bar", path="p1"), no("foo bar", path="p2"), no("foo bleh")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) g = r[0] eq_(len(g), 3) def test_trim_all_ref_groups(fake_fileexists): # When all files of a group are ref, don't include that group in the results, but also don't # count the files from that group as discarded. s = Scanner() f = [ no("foo", path="p1"), no("foo", path="p2"), no("bar", path="p1"), no("bar", path="p2"), ] f[2].is_ref = True f[3].is_ref = True r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) eq_(s.discarded_file_count, 0) def test_prioritize(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() f = [ no("foo", path="p1"), no("foo", path="p2"), no("bar", path="p1"), no("bar", path="p2"), ] f[1].size = 2 f[2].size = 3 f[3].is_ref = True r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) g1, g2 = r assert f[1] in (g1.ref, g2.ref) assert f[0] in (g1.dupes[0], g2.dupes[0]) assert f[3] in (g1.ref, g2.ref) assert f[2] in (g1.dupes[0], g2.dupes[0]) def test_content_scan(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS f = [no("foo"), no("bar"), no("bleh")] f[0].md5 = f[0].md5partial = f[0].md5samples = "foobar" f[1].md5 = f[1].md5partial = f[1].md5samples = "foobar" f[2].md5 = f[2].md5partial = f[1].md5samples = "bleh" r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) eq_(len(r[0]), 2) eq_(s.discarded_file_count, 0) # don't count the different md5 as discarded! def test_content_scan_compare_sizes_first(fake_fileexists): class MyFile(no): @property def md5(self): raise AssertionError() s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS f = [MyFile("foo", 1), MyFile("bar", 2)] eq_(len(s.get_dupe_groups(f)), 0) def test_ignore_file_size(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS small_size = 10 # 10KB s.size_threshold = 0 large_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB s.large_size_threshold = 0 f = [ no("smallignore1", small_size - 1), no("smallignore2", small_size - 1), no("small1", small_size), no("small2", small_size), no("large1", large_size), no("large2", large_size), no("largeignore1", large_size + 1), no("largeignore2", large_size + 1), ] f[0].md5 = f[0].md5partial = f[0].md5samples = "smallignore" f[1].md5 = f[1].md5partial = f[1].md5samples = "smallignore" f[2].md5 = f[2].md5partial = f[2].md5samples = "small" f[3].md5 = f[3].md5partial = f[3].md5samples = "small" f[4].md5 = f[4].md5partial = f[4].md5samples = "large" f[5].md5 = f[5].md5partial = f[5].md5samples = "large" f[6].md5 = f[6].md5partial = f[6].md5samples = "largeignore" f[7].md5 = f[7].md5partial = f[7].md5samples = "largeignore" r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) # No ignores eq_(len(r), 4) # Ignore smaller s.size_threshold = small_size r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 3) # Ignore larger s.size_threshold = 0 s.large_size_threshold = large_size r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 3) # Ignore both s.size_threshold = small_size r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 2) def test_big_file_partial_hashes(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS smallsize = 1 bigsize = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB s.big_file_size_threshold = bigsize f = [no("bigfoo", bigsize), no("bigbar", bigsize), no("smallfoo", smallsize), no("smallbar", smallsize)] f[0].md5 = f[0].md5partial = f[0].md5samples = "foobar" f[1].md5 = f[1].md5partial = f[1].md5samples = "foobar" f[2].md5 = f[2].md5partial = "bleh" f[3].md5 = f[3].md5partial = "bleh" r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 2) # md5partial is still the same, but the file is actually different f[1].md5 = f[1].md5samples = "difffoobar" # here we compare the full md5s, as the user disabled the optimization s.big_file_size_threshold = 0 r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) # here we should compare the md5samples, and see they are different s.big_file_size_threshold = bigsize r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_min_match_perc_doesnt_matter_for_content_scan(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS f = [no("foo"), no("bar"), no("bleh")] f[0].md5 = f[0].md5partial = f[0].md5samples = "foobar" f[1].md5 = f[1].md5partial = f[1].md5samples = "foobar" f[2].md5 = f[2].md5partial = f[2].md5samples = "bleh" s.min_match_percentage = 101 r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) eq_(len(r[0]), 2) s.min_match_percentage = 0 r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) eq_(len(r[0]), 2) def test_content_scan_doesnt_put_md5_in_words_at_the_end(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS f = [no("foo"), no("bar")] f[0].md5 = f[0].md5partial = f[0].md5samples = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f" f[1].md5 = f[1].md5partial = f[1].md5samples = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f" r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) # FIXME looks like we are missing something here? r[0] def test_extension_is_not_counted_in_filename_scan(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.min_match_percentage = 100 f = [no("foo.bar"), no("foo.bleh")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) eq_(len(r[0]), 2) def test_job(fake_fileexists): def do_progress(progress, desc=""): log.append(progress) return True s = Scanner() log = [] f = [no("foo bar"), no("foo bar"), no("foo bleh")] s.get_dupe_groups(f, j=job.Job(1, do_progress)) eq_(log[0], 0) eq_(log[-1], 100) def test_mix_file_kind(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.mix_file_kind = False f = [no("foo.1"), no("foo.2")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 0) def test_word_weighting(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.min_match_percentage = 75 s.word_weighting = True f = [no("foo bar"), no("foo bar bleh")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) g = r[0] m = g.get_match_of(g.dupes[0]) eq_(m.percentage, 75) # 16 letters, 12 matching def test_similar_words(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.match_similar_words = True f = [ no("The White Stripes"), no("The Whites Stripe"), no("Limp Bizkit"), no("Limp Bizkitt"), ] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 2) def test_fields(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.FIELDS f = [no("The White Stripes - Little Ghost"), no("The White Stripes - Little Acorn")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 0) def test_fields_no_order(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.FIELDSNOORDER f = [no("The White Stripes - Little Ghost"), no("Little Ghost - The White Stripes")] r = s.get_dupe_groups(f) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_tag_scan(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o1.artist = "The White Stripes" o1.title = "The Air Near My Fingers" o2.artist = "The White Stripes" o2.title = "The Air Near My Fingers" r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_tag_with_album_scan(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG s.scanned_tags = set(["artist", "album", "title"]) o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o3 = no("bleh") o1.artist = "The White Stripes" o1.title = "The Air Near My Fingers" o1.album = "Elephant" o2.artist = "The White Stripes" o2.title = "The Air Near My Fingers" o2.album = "Elephant" o3.artist = "The White Stripes" o3.title = "The Air Near My Fingers" o3.album = "foobar" r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2, o3]) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_that_dash_in_tags_dont_create_new_fields(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG s.scanned_tags = set(["artist", "album", "title"]) s.min_match_percentage = 50 o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o1.artist = "The White Stripes - a" o1.title = "The Air Near My Fingers - a" o1.album = "Elephant - a" o2.artist = "The White Stripes - b" o2.title = "The Air Near My Fingers - b" o2.album = "Elephant - b" r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_tag_scan_with_different_scanned(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG s.scanned_tags = set(["track", "year"]) o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o1.artist = "The White Stripes" o1.title = "some title" o1.track = "foo" o1.year = "bar" o2.artist = "The White Stripes" o2.title = "another title" o2.track = "foo" o2.year = "bar" r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_tag_scan_only_scans_existing_tags(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG s.scanned_tags = set(["artist", "foo"]) o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o1.artist = "The White Stripes" o1.foo = "foo" o2.artist = "The White Stripes" o2.foo = "bar" r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) eq_(len(r), 1) # Because 'foo' is not scanned, they match def test_tag_scan_converts_to_str(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG s.scanned_tags = set(["track"]) o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o1.track = 42 o2.track = 42 try: r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) except TypeError: raise AssertionError() eq_(len(r), 1) def test_tag_scan_non_ascii(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.TAG s.scanned_tags = set(["title"]) o1 = no("foo") o2 = no("bar") o1.title = "foobar\u00e9" o2.title = "foobar\u00e9" try: r = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise AssertionError() eq_(len(r), 1) def test_ignore_list(fake_fileexists): s = Scanner() f1 = no("foobar") f2 = no("foobar") f3 = no("foobar") f1.path = Path("dir1/foobar") f2.path = Path("dir2/foobar") f3.path = Path("dir3/foobar") ignore_list = IgnoreList() ignore_list.ignore(str(f1.path), str(f2.path)) ignore_list.ignore(str(f1.path), str(f3.path)) r = s.get_dupe_groups([f1, f2, f3], ignore_list=ignore_list) eq_(len(r), 1) g = r[0] eq_(len(g.dupes), 1) assert f1 not in g assert f2 in g assert f3 in g # Ignored matches are not counted as discarded eq_(s.discarded_file_count, 0) def test_ignore_list_checks_for_unicode(fake_fileexists): # scanner was calling path_str for ignore list checks. Since the Path changes, it must # be unicode(path) s = Scanner() f1 = no("foobar") f2 = no("foobar") f3 = no("foobar") f1.path = Path("foo1\u00e9") f2.path = Path("foo2\u00e9") f3.path = Path("foo3\u00e9") ignore_list = IgnoreList() ignore_list.ignore(str(f1.path), str(f2.path)) ignore_list.ignore(str(f1.path), str(f3.path)) r = s.get_dupe_groups([f1, f2, f3], ignore_list=ignore_list) eq_(len(r), 1) g = r[0] eq_(len(g.dupes), 1) assert f1 not in g assert f2 in g assert f3 in g def test_file_evaluates_to_false(fake_fileexists): # A very wrong way to use any() was added at some point, causing resulting group list # to be empty. class FalseNamedObject(NamedObject): def __bool__(self): return False s = Scanner() f1 = FalseNamedObject("foobar", path="p1") f2 = FalseNamedObject("foobar", path="p2") r = s.get_dupe_groups([f1, f2]) eq_(len(r), 1) def test_size_threshold(fake_fileexists): # Only file equal or higher than the size_threshold in size are scanned s = Scanner() f1 = no("foo", 1, path="p1") f2 = no("foo", 2, path="p2") f3 = no("foo", 3, path="p3") s.size_threshold = 2 groups = s.get_dupe_groups([f1, f2, f3]) eq_(len(groups), 1) [group] = groups eq_(len(group), 2) assert f1 not in group assert f2 in group assert f3 in group def test_tie_breaker_path_deepness(fake_fileexists): # If there is a tie in prioritization, path deepness is used as a tie breaker s = Scanner() o1, o2 = no("foo"), no("foo") o1.path = Path("foo") o2.path = Path("foo/bar") [group] = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) assert group.ref is o2 def test_tie_breaker_copy(fake_fileexists): # if copy is in the words used (even if it has a deeper path), it becomes a dupe s = Scanner() o1, o2 = no("foo bar Copy"), no("foo bar") o1.path = Path("deeper/path") o2.path = Path("foo") [group] = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) assert group.ref is o2 def test_tie_breaker_same_name_plus_digit(fake_fileexists): # if ref has the same words as dupe, but has some just one extra word which is a digit, it # becomes a dupe s = Scanner() o1 = no("foo bar 42") o2 = no("foo bar [42]") o3 = no("foo bar (42)") o4 = no("foo bar {42}") o5 = no("foo bar") # all numbered names have deeper paths, so they'll end up ref if the digits aren't correctly # used as tie breakers o1.path = Path("deeper/path") o2.path = Path("deeper/path") o3.path = Path("deeper/path") o4.path = Path("deeper/path") o5.path = Path("foo") [group] = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2, o3, o4, o5]) assert group.ref is o5 def test_partial_group_match(fake_fileexists): # Count the number of discarded matches (when a file doesn't match all other dupes of the # group) in Scanner.discarded_file_count s = Scanner() o1, o2, o3 = no("a b"), no("a"), no("b") s.min_match_percentage = 50 [group] = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2, o3]) eq_(len(group), 2) assert o1 in group # The file that will actually be counted as a dupe is undefined. The only thing we want to test # is that we don't have both if o2 in group: assert o3 not in group else: assert o3 in group eq_(s.discarded_file_count, 1) def test_dont_group_files_that_dont_exist(tmpdir): # when creating groups, check that files exist first. It's possible that these files have # been moved during the scan by the user. # In this test, we have to delete one of the files between the get_matches() part and the # get_groups() part. s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS p = Path(str(tmpdir)) p["file1"].open("w").write("foo") p["file2"].open("w").write("foo") file1, file2 = fs.get_files(p) def getmatches(*args, **kw): file2.path.remove() return [Match(file1, file2, 100)] s._getmatches = getmatches assert not s.get_dupe_groups([file1, file2]) def test_folder_scan_exclude_subfolder_matches(fake_fileexists): # when doing a Folders scan type, don't include matches for folders whose parent folder already # match. s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.FOLDERS topf1 = no("top folder 1", size=42) topf1.md5 = topf1.md5partial = topf1.md5samples = b"some_md5_1" topf1.path = Path("/topf1") topf2 = no("top folder 2", size=42) topf2.md5 = topf2.md5partial = topf2.md5samples = b"some_md5_1" topf2.path = Path("/topf2") subf1 = no("sub folder 1", size=41) subf1.md5 = subf1.md5partial = subf1.md5samples = b"some_md5_2" subf1.path = Path("/topf1/sub") subf2 = no("sub folder 2", size=41) subf2.md5 = subf2.md5partial = subf2.md5samples = b"some_md5_2" subf2.path = Path("/topf2/sub") eq_(len(s.get_dupe_groups([topf1, topf2, subf1, subf2])), 1) # only top folders # however, if another folder matches a subfolder, keep in in the matches otherf = no("other folder", size=41) otherf.md5 = otherf.md5partial = otherf.md5samples = b"some_md5_2" otherf.path = Path("/otherfolder") eq_(len(s.get_dupe_groups([topf1, topf2, subf1, subf2, otherf])), 2) def test_ignore_files_with_same_path(fake_fileexists): # It's possible that the scanner is fed with two file instances pointing to the same path. One # of these files has to be ignored s = Scanner() f1 = no("foobar", path="path1/foobar") f2 = no("foobar", path="path1/foobar") eq_(s.get_dupe_groups([f1, f2]), []) def test_dont_count_ref_files_as_discarded(fake_fileexists): # To speed up the scan, we don't bother comparing contents of files that are both ref files. # However, this causes problems in "discarded" counting and we make sure here that we don't # report discarded matches in exact duplicate scans. s = Scanner() s.scan_type = ScanType.CONTENTS o1 = no("foo", path="p1") o2 = no("foo", path="p2") o3 = no("foo", path="p3") o1.md5 = o1.md5partial = o1.md5samples = "foobar" o2.md5 = o2.md5partial = o2.md5samples = "foobar" o3.md5 = o3.md5partial = o3.md5samples = "foobar" o1.is_ref = True o2.is_ref = True eq_(len(s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2, o3])), 1) eq_(s.discarded_file_count, 0) def test_prioritize_me(fake_fileexists): # in ScannerME, bitrate goes first (right after is_ref) in prioritization s = ScannerME() o1, o2 = no("foo", path="p1"), no("foo", path="p2") o1.bitrate = 1 o2.bitrate = 2 [group] = s.get_dupe_groups([o1, o2]) assert group.ref is o2