# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/11/11 # Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import os import os.path as op import logging import subprocess import re from send2trash import send2trash from hscommon import io from hscommon.reg import RegistrableApplication from hscommon.notify import Broadcaster from hscommon.path import Path from hscommon.conflict import smart_move, smart_copy from hscommon.util import delete_if_empty, first, escape, nonone from hscommon.trans import tr from . import directories, results, scanner, export, fs JOB_SCAN = 'job_scan' JOB_LOAD = 'job_load' JOB_MOVE = 'job_move' JOB_COPY = 'job_copy' JOB_DELETE = 'job_delete' HAD_FIRST_LAUNCH_PREFERENCE = 'HadFirstLaunch' DEBUG_MODE_PREFERENCE = 'DebugMode' class NoScannableFileError(Exception): pass class DupeGuru(RegistrableApplication, Broadcaster): def __init__(self, data_module, appdata): if self.get_default(DEBUG_MODE_PREFERENCE, False): logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("Debug mode enabled") RegistrableApplication.__init__(self, appid=1) Broadcaster.__init__(self) self.is_first_run = not self.get_default(HAD_FIRST_LAUNCH_PREFERENCE, False) if self.is_first_run: self.set_default(HAD_FIRST_LAUNCH_PREFERENCE, True) self.appdata = appdata if not op.exists(self.appdata): os.makedirs(self.appdata) self.data = data_module self.directories = directories.Directories() self.results = results.Results(data_module) self.scanner = scanner.Scanner() self.options = { 'escape_filter_regexp': True, 'clean_empty_dirs': False, 'ignore_hardlink_matches': False, } self.selected_dupes = [] #--- Private def _do_delete(self, j, replace_with_hardlinks): def op(dupe): j.add_progress() return self._do_delete_dupe(dupe, replace_with_hardlinks) j.start_job(self.results.mark_count) self.results.perform_on_marked(op, True) def _do_delete_dupe(self, dupe, replace_with_hardlinks): if not io.exists(dupe.path): return send2trash(str(dupe.path)) # Raises OSError when there's a problem if replace_with_hardlinks: group = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) ref = group.ref os.link(str(ref.path), str(dupe.path)) self.clean_empty_dirs(dupe.path[:-1]) def _get_display_info(self, dupe, group, delta=False): if (dupe is None) or (group is None): return ['---'] * len(self.data.COLUMNS) try: return self.data.GetDisplayInfo(dupe, group, delta) except Exception as e: logging.warning("Exception on GetDisplayInfo for %s: %s", str(dupe.path), str(e)) return ['---'] * len(self.data.COLUMNS) def _get_file(self, str_path): path = Path(str_path) f = fs.get_file(path, self.directories.fileclasses) if f is None: return None try: f._read_all_info(attrnames=self.data.METADATA_TO_READ) return f except EnvironmentError: return None def _results_changed(self): self.selected_dupes = [d for d in self.selected_dupes if self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(d) is not None] self.notify('results_changed') def _job_completed(self, jobid): # Must be called by subclasses when they detect that an async job is completed. if jobid == JOB_SCAN: self._results_changed() elif jobid in (JOB_LOAD, JOB_MOVE, JOB_DELETE): self._results_changed() self.notify('problems_changed') @staticmethod def _open_path(path): raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def _reveal_path(path): raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def _remove_hardlink_dupes(files): seen_inodes = set() result = [] for file in files: try: inode = io.stat(file.path).st_ino except OSError: # The file was probably deleted or something continue if inode not in seen_inodes: seen_inodes.add(inode) result.append(file) return result def _select_dupes(self, dupes): if dupes == self.selected_dupes: return self.selected_dupes = dupes self.notify('dupes_selected') def _start_job(self, jobid, func, *args): # func(j, *args) raise NotImplementedError() def _get_default(self, key_name, fallback_value=None): raise NotImplementedError() def _set_default(self, key_name, value): raise NotImplementedError() def _show_extra_fairware_reminder(self): raise NotImplementedError() #--- Public def add_directory(self, d): try: self.directories.add_path(Path(d)) self.notify('directories_changed') return 0 except directories.AlreadyThereError: return 1 except directories.InvalidPathError: return 2 def add_selected_to_ignore_list(self): dupes = self.without_ref(self.selected_dupes) for dupe in dupes: g = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) for other in g: if other is not dupe: self.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore(str(other.path), str(dupe.path)) self.remove_duplicates(dupes) def apply_filter(self, filter): self.results.apply_filter(None) if self.options['escape_filter_regexp']: filter = escape(filter, set('()[]\\.|+?^')) filter = escape(filter, '*', '.') self.results.apply_filter(filter) self._results_changed() def show_extra_fairware_reminder_if_needed(self): if self.results.mark_count > 100 and self.should_show_fairware_reminder: self._show_extra_fairware_reminder() def clean_empty_dirs(self, path): if self.options['clean_empty_dirs']: while delete_if_empty(path, ['.DS_Store']): path = path[:-1] def copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type): """ copy: True = Copy False = Move destination: string. dest_type: 0 = right in destination. 1 = relative re-creation. 2 = absolute re-creation. """ source_path = dupe.path location_path = first(p for p in self.directories if dupe.path in p) dest_path = Path(destination) if dest_type == 2: dest_path = dest_path + source_path[1:-1] #Remove drive letter and filename elif dest_type == 1: dest_path = dest_path + source_path[location_path:-1] if not io.exists(dest_path): io.makedirs(dest_path) # Raises an EnvironmentError if there's a problem if copy: smart_copy(source_path, dest_path) else: smart_move(source_path, dest_path) self.clean_empty_dirs(source_path[:-1]) def copy_or_move_marked(self, copy, destination, recreate_path): def do(j): def op(dupe): j.add_progress() self.copy_or_move(dupe, copy, destination, recreate_path) j.start_job(self.results.mark_count) self.results.perform_on_marked(op, not copy) self.show_extra_fairware_reminder_if_needed() jobid = JOB_COPY if copy else JOB_MOVE self._start_job(jobid, do) def delete_marked(self, replace_with_hardlinks=False): self.show_extra_fairware_reminder_if_needed() self._start_job(JOB_DELETE, self._do_delete, replace_with_hardlinks) def export_to_xhtml(self, column_ids): column_ids = [colid for colid in column_ids if colid.isdigit()] column_ids = list(map(int, column_ids)) column_ids.sort() colnames = [col.display for i, col in enumerate(self.data.COLUMNS) if i in column_ids] rows = [] for group in self.results.groups: for dupe in group: data = self._get_display_info(dupe, group) row = [data[colid] for colid in column_ids] row.insert(0, dupe is not group.ref) rows.append(row) return export.export_to_xhtml(colnames, rows) def invoke_command(self, cmd): """Calls command `cmd` with %d and %r placeholders replaced. Using the current selection, %d is replaced with the currently selected dupe and %r is replaced with that dupe's ref file. If there's no selection, the command is not invoked. If the dupe is a ref, %d and %r will be the same. """ if not self.selected_dupes: return dupe = self.selected_dupes[0] group = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) ref = group.ref cmd = cmd.replace('%d', str(dupe.path)) cmd = cmd.replace('%r', str(ref.path)) match = re.match(r'"([^"]+)"(.*)', cmd) if match is not None: # This code here is because subprocess. Popen doesn't seem to accept, under Windows, # executable paths with spaces in it, *even* when they're enclosed in "". So this is # a workaround to make the damn thing work. exepath, args = match.groups() path, exename = op.split(exepath) subprocess.Popen(exename + args, shell=True, cwd=path) else: subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) def load(self): self.directories.load_from_file(op.join(self.appdata, 'last_directories.xml')) self.notify('directories_changed') p = op.join(self.appdata, 'ignore_list.xml') self.scanner.ignore_list.load_from_xml(p) def load_from(self, filename): def do(j): self.results.load_from_xml(filename, self._get_file, j) self._start_job(JOB_LOAD, do) def make_selected_reference(self): dupes = self.without_ref(self.selected_dupes) changed_groups = set() for dupe in dupes: g = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) if g not in changed_groups: self.results.make_ref(dupe) changed_groups.add(g) self.notify('results_changed_but_keep_selection') def mark_all(self): self.results.mark_all() self.notify('marking_changed') def mark_none(self): self.results.mark_none() self.notify('marking_changed') def mark_invert(self): self.results.mark_invert() self.notify('marking_changed') def mark_dupe(self, dupe, marked): if marked: self.results.mark(dupe) else: self.results.unmark(dupe) self.notify('marking_changed') def open_selected(self): if self.selected_dupes: self._open_path(self.selected_dupes[0].path) def purge_ignore_list(self): self.scanner.ignore_list.Filter(lambda f,s:op.exists(f) and op.exists(s)) def remove_directory(self,index): try: del self.directories[index] self.notify('directories_changed') except IndexError: pass def remove_duplicates(self, duplicates): self.results.remove_duplicates(self.without_ref(duplicates)) self.notify('results_changed_but_keep_selection') def remove_marked(self): self.results.perform_on_marked(lambda x:None, True) self._results_changed() def remove_selected(self): self.remove_duplicates(self.selected_dupes) def rename_selected(self, newname): try: d = self.selected_dupes[0] d.rename(newname) return True except (IndexError, fs.FSError) as e: logging.warning("dupeGuru Warning: %s" % str(e)) return False def reveal_selected(self): if self.selected_dupes: self._reveal_path(self.selected_dupes[0].path) def save(self): if not op.exists(self.appdata): os.makedirs(self.appdata) self.directories.save_to_file(op.join(self.appdata, 'last_directories.xml')) p = op.join(self.appdata, 'ignore_list.xml') self.scanner.ignore_list.save_to_xml(p) def save_as(self, filename): self.results.save_to_xml(filename) def start_scanning(self): def do(j): j.set_progress(0, tr("Collecting files to scan")) files = list(self.directories.get_files()) if self.options['ignore_hardlink_matches']: files = self._remove_hardlink_dupes(files) logging.info('Scanning %d files' % len(files)) self.results.groups = self.scanner.GetDupeGroups(files, j) if not self.directories.has_any_file(): raise NoScannableFileError() self.results.groups = [] self._results_changed() self._start_job(JOB_SCAN, do) def toggle_selected_mark_state(self): for dupe in self.selected_dupes: self.results.mark_toggle(dupe) self.notify('marking_changed') def without_ref(self, dupes): return [dupe for dupe in dupes if self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe).ref is not dupe] def get_default(self, key, fallback_value=None): result = nonone(self._get_default(key), fallback_value) if fallback_value is not None and not isinstance(result, type(fallback_value)): # we don't want to end up with garbage values from the prefs try: result = type(fallback_value)(result) except Exception: result = fallback_value return result def set_default(self, key, value): self._set_default(key, value) #--- Properties @property def stat_line(self): result = self.results.stat_line if self.scanner.discarded_file_count: result = tr("%s (%d discarded)") % (result, self.scanner.discarded_file_count) return result