#import #define DuplicateSelectionChangedNotification @"DuplicateSelectionChangedNotification" /* ResultsChangedNotification happens on major changes, which requires a complete reload of the data*/ #define ResultsChangedNotification @"ResultsChangedNotification" /* ResultsChangedNotification happens on minor changes, which requires buffer flush*/ #define ResultsUpdatedNotification @"ResultsUpdatedNotification" #define ResultsMarkingChangedNotification @"ResultsMarkingChangedNotification" #define RegistrationRequired @"RegistrationRequired" #define JobStarted @"JobStarted" #define JobInProgress @"JobInProgress" #define jobLoad @"job_load" #define jobScan @"job_scan" #define jobCopy @"job_copy" #define jobMove @"job_move" #define jobDelete @"job_delete" #define DEMO_MAX_ACTION_COUNT 10 #define LIMIT_DESC @"In the demo version, only 10 duplicates per session can be sent to Trash, moved or copied."