# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/11/13 # Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "HS" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license import os.path as op import logging import plistlib import re from AppKit import NSBundle, NSUserDefaults, NSURL from appscript import app, k, CommandError from hsutil import io from hsutil.str import get_file_ext from hsutil.path import Path from hsutil.cocoa import as_fetch from core import fs from core import app_cocoa, directories from . import data from .cache import string_to_colors from .scanner import ScannerPE mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle() PictureBlocks = mainBundle.classNamed_('PictureBlocks') assert PictureBlocks is not None class Photo(fs.File): INITIAL_INFO = fs.File.INITIAL_INFO.copy() INITIAL_INFO.update({ 'dimensions': (0,0), }) HANDLED_EXTS = set(['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'psd', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif', 'nef', 'cr2']) @classmethod def can_handle(cls, path): return fs.File.can_handle(path) and get_file_ext(path[-1]) in cls.HANDLED_EXTS def _read_info(self, field): fs.File._read_info(self, field) if field == 'dimensions': size = PictureBlocks.getImageSize_(unicode(self.path)) self.dimensions = (size.width, size.height) def get_blocks(self, block_count_per_side): try: blocks = PictureBlocks.getBlocksFromImagePath_blockCount_(unicode(self.path), block_count_per_side) except Exception as e: raise IOError('The reading of "%s" failed with "%s"' % (unicode(self.path), unicode(e))) if not blocks: raise IOError('The picture %s could not be read' % unicode(self.path)) return string_to_colors(blocks) class IPhoto(Photo): @property def display_path(self): return Path(('iPhoto Library', self.name)) def get_iphoto_database_path(): ud = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() prefs = ud.persistentDomainForName_('com.apple.iApps') if prefs is None: raise directories.InvalidPathError() if 'iPhotoRecentDatabases' not in prefs: raise directories.InvalidPathError() plisturl = NSURL.URLWithString_(prefs['iPhotoRecentDatabases'][0]) return Path(plisturl.path()) def get_iphoto_pictures(plistpath): if not io.exists(plistpath): return [] s = io.open(plistpath).read() # There was a case where a guy had 0x10 chars in his plist, causing expat errors on loading s = s.replace('\x10', '') # It seems that iPhoto sometimes doesn't properly escape & chars. The regexp below is to find # any & char that is not a &-based entity (&, ", etc.). based on TextMate's XML # bundle's regexp s, count = re.subn(r'&(?![a-zA-Z0-9_-]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)', '', s) if count: logging.warning("%d invalid XML entities replacement made", count) plist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(s) result = [] for photo_data in plist['Master Image List'].values(): if photo_data['MediaType'] != 'Image': continue photo_path = Path(photo_data['ImagePath']) photo = IPhoto(photo_path) result.append(photo) return result class Directories(directories.Directories): def __init__(self): directories.Directories.__init__(self, fileclasses=[Photo]) try: self.iphoto_libpath = get_iphoto_database_path() self.set_state(self.iphoto_libpath[:-1], directories.STATE_EXCLUDED) except directories.InvalidPathError: self.iphoto_libpath = None def _get_files(self, from_path): if from_path == Path('iPhoto Library'): if self.iphoto_libpath is None: return [] is_ref = self.get_state(from_path) == directories.STATE_REFERENCE photos = get_iphoto_pictures(self.iphoto_libpath) for photo in photos: photo.is_ref = is_ref return photos else: return directories.Directories._get_files(self, from_path) @staticmethod def get_subfolders(path): if path == Path('iPhoto Library'): return [] else: return directories.Directories.get_subfolders(path) def add_path(self, path): if path == Path('iPhoto Library'): if path not in self: self._dirs.append(path) else: directories.Directories.add_path(self, path) class DupeGuruPE(app_cocoa.DupeGuru): def __init__(self): app_cocoa.DupeGuru.__init__(self, data, 'dupeGuru Picture Edition', appid=5) self.scanner = ScannerPE() self.directories = Directories() self.scanner.cache_path = op.join(self.appdata, 'cached_pictures.db') def _do_delete(self, j): def op(dupe): j.add_progress() return self._do_delete_dupe(dupe) marked = [dupe for dupe in self.results.dupes if self.results.is_marked(dupe)] self.path2iphoto = {} if any(isinstance(dupe, IPhoto) for dupe in marked): j = j.start_subjob([6, 4], "Probing iPhoto. Don\'t touch it during the operation!") try: a = app('iPhoto') a.activate(timeout=0) a.select(a.photo_library_album(timeout=0), timeout=0) photos = as_fetch(a.photo_library_album().photos, k.item) for photo in j.iter_with_progress(photos): try: self.path2iphoto[unicode(photo.image_path(timeout=0))] = photo except CommandError: pass except (CommandError, RuntimeError): pass j.start_job(self.results.mark_count, "Sending dupes to the Trash") self.last_op_error_count = self.results.perform_on_marked(op, True) del self.path2iphoto def _do_delete_dupe(self, dupe): if isinstance(dupe, IPhoto): if unicode(dupe.path) in self.path2iphoto: photo = self.path2iphoto[unicode(dupe.path)] try: a = app('iPhoto') a.remove(photo, timeout=0) return True except (CommandError, RuntimeError): return False else: logging.warning(u"Could not find photo %s in iPhoto Library", unicode(dupe.path)) return False else: return app_cocoa.DupeGuru._do_delete_dupe(self, dupe) def _do_load(self, j): self.directories.load_from_file(op.join(self.appdata, 'last_directories.xml')) self.results.load_from_xml(op.join(self.appdata, 'last_results.xml'), self._get_file, j) def _get_file(self, str_path): p = Path(str_path) if (self.directories.iphoto_libpath is not None) and (p in self.directories.iphoto_libpath[:-1]): return IPhoto(p) return app_cocoa.DupeGuru._get_file(self, str_path) def copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type): if isinstance(dupe, IPhoto): copy = True return app_cocoa.DupeGuru.copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type) def selected_dupe_path(self): if not self.selected_dupes: return None return self.selected_dupes[0].path def selected_dupe_ref_path(self): if not self.selected_dupes: return None ref = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(self.selected_dupes[0]).ref if ref is self.selected_dupes[0]: # we don't want the same pic to be displayed on both sides return None return ref.path