# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-12-30 # Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import os import os.path as op from optparse import OptionParser import shutil import json from setuptools import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from hscommon import sphinxgen from hscommon.build import (add_to_pythonpath, print_and_do, copy_packages, filereplace, get_module_version, build_all_cocoa_locs, build_all_qt_locs) def parse_args(): usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--clean', action='store_true', dest='clean', help="Clean build folder before building") parser.add_option('--only-help', action='store_true', dest='only_help', help="Build only help file") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options def build_cocoa(edition, dev): from pluginbuilder import build_plugin build_all_cocoa_locs('cocoalib') build_all_cocoa_locs(op.join('cocoa', 'base')) build_all_cocoa_locs(op.join('cocoa', edition)) print("Building dg_cocoa.plugin") if not dev: specific_packages = { 'se': ['core_se'], 'me': ['core_me'], 'pe': ['core_pe'], }[edition] copy_packages(['core', 'hscommon'] + specific_packages, 'build') cocoa_project_path = 'cocoa/{0}'.format(edition) shutil.copy(op.join(cocoa_project_path, 'dg_cocoa.py'), 'build') os.chdir('build') # We have to exclude PyQt4 specifically because it's conditionally imported in hscommon.trans build_plugin('dg_cocoa.py', excludes=['PyQt4'], alias=dev) os.chdir('..') pluginpath = op.join(cocoa_project_path, 'dg_cocoa.plugin') if op.exists(pluginpath): shutil.rmtree(pluginpath) shutil.move('build/dist/dg_cocoa.plugin', pluginpath) if dev: # In alias mode, the tweakings we do to the pythonpath aren't counted in. We have to # manually put a .pth in the plugin pthpath = op.join(pluginpath, 'Contents/Resources/dev.pth') open(pthpath, 'w').write(op.abspath('.')) os.chdir(cocoa_project_path) print('Generating Info.plist') app_version = get_module_version('core_{}'.format(edition)) filereplace('InfoTemplate.plist', 'Info.plist', version=app_version) print("Building the XCode project") args = [] if dev: args.append('-configuration dev') else: args.append('-configuration release') args = ' '.join(args) os.system('xcodebuild {0}'.format(args)) os.chdir('../..') print("Creating the run.py file") subfolder = 'dev' if dev else 'release' app_path = { 'se': 'cocoa/se/build/{0}/dupeGuru.app', 'me': 'cocoa/me/build/{0}/dupeGuru\\ ME.app', 'pe': 'cocoa/pe/build/{0}/dupeGuru\\ PE.app', }[edition].format(subfolder) tmpl = open('run_template_cocoa.py', 'rt').read() run_contents = tmpl.replace('{{app_path}}', app_path) open('run.py', 'wt').write(run_contents) def build_qt(edition, dev): print("Building .ts files") build_all_qt_locs(op.join('qt', 'lang'), extradirs=[op.join('qtlib', 'lang')]) print("Building Qt stuff") print_and_do("pyrcc4 -py3 {0} > {1}".format(op.join('qt', 'base', 'dg.qrc'), op.join('qt', 'base', 'dg_rc.py'))) print("Creating the run.py file") tmpl = open('run_template_qt.py', 'rt').read() run_contents = tmpl.replace('{{edition}}', edition) open('run.py', 'wt').write(run_contents) def build_help(edition): print("Generating Help") current_path = op.abspath('.') help_basepath = op.join(current_path, 'help', 'en') help_destpath = op.join(current_path, 'build', 'help'.format(edition)) changelog_path = op.join(current_path, 'help', 'changelog_{}'.format(edition)) tixurl = "https://hardcoded.lighthouseapp.com/projects/31699-dupeguru/tickets/{0}" appname = {'se': 'dupeGuru', 'me': 'dupeGuru Music Edition', 'pe': 'dupeGuru Picture Edition'}[edition] homepage = 'http://www.hardcoded.net/dupeguru{}/'.format('_' + edition if edition != 'se' else '') confrepl = {'edition': edition, 'appname': appname, 'homepage': homepage} sphinxgen.gen(help_basepath, help_destpath, changelog_path, tixurl, confrepl) def build_pe_modules(ui): def move(src, dst): if not op.exists(src): return if op.exists(dst): os.remove(dst) print('Moving %s --> %s' % (src, dst)) os.rename(src, dst) print("Building PE Modules") exts = [ Extension("_block", [op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'block.c'), op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'common.c')]), Extension("_cache", [op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'cache.c'), op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'common.c')]), ] if ui == 'qt': exts.append(Extension("_block_qt", [op.join('qt', 'pe', 'modules', 'block.c')])) elif ui == 'cocoa': exts.append(Extension( "_block_osx", [op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'block_osx.m'), op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'common.c')], extra_link_args=[ "-framework", "CoreFoundation", "-framework", "Foundation", "-framework", "ApplicationServices",] )) setup( script_args = ['build_ext', '--inplace'], ext_modules = exts, ) move('_block.so', op.join('core_pe', '_block.so')) move('_block.pyd', op.join('core_pe', '_block.pyd')) move('_block_osx.so', op.join('core_pe', '_block_osx.so')) move('_cache.so', op.join('core_pe', '_cache.so')) move('_cache.pyd', op.join('core_pe', '_cache.pyd')) move('_block_qt.so', op.join('qt', 'pe', '_block_qt.so')) move('_block_qt.pyd', op.join('qt', 'pe', '_block_qt.pyd')) def build_normal(edition, ui, dev): print("Building dupeGuru {0} with UI {1}".format(edition.upper(), ui)) add_to_pythonpath('.') build_help(edition) print("Building dupeGuru") if edition == 'pe': build_pe_modules(ui) if ui == 'cocoa': build_cocoa(edition, dev) elif ui == 'qt': build_qt(edition, dev) def main(): options = parse_args() conf = json.load(open('conf.json')) edition = conf['edition'] ui = conf['ui'] dev = conf['dev'] if dev: print("Building in Dev mode") if options.clean: if op.exists('build'): shutil.rmtree('build') if not op.exists('build'): os.mkdir('build') if options.only_help: build_help(edition) else: build_normal(edition, ui, dev) if __name__ == '__main__': main()