# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/09/14 # $Id$ # Copyright 2009 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "HS" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license import os import logging import sqlite3 as sqlite import hsutil.sqlite from _cache import string_to_colors def colors_to_string(colors): """Transform the 3 sized tuples 'colors' into a hex string. [(0,100,255)] --> 0064ff [(1,2,3),(4,5,6)] --> 010203040506 """ return ''.join(['%02x%02x%02x' % (r,g,b) for r,g,b in colors]) # This function is an important bottleneck of dupeGuru PE. It has been converted to Cython. # def string_to_colors(s): # """Transform the string 's' in a list of 3 sized tuples. # """ # result = [] # for i in xrange(0, len(s), 6): # number = int(s[i:i+6], 16) # result.append((number >> 16, (number >> 8) & 0xff, number & 0xff)) # return result class Cache(object): """A class to cache picture blocks. """ def __init__(self, db=':memory:', threaded=True): def create_tables(): sql = "create table pictures(path TEXT, blocks TEXT)" self.con.execute(sql); sql = "create index idx_path on pictures (path)" self.con.execute(sql) self.dbname = db if threaded: self.con = hsutil.sqlite.ThreadedConn(db, True) else: self.con = sqlite.connect(db, isolation_level=None) try: self.con.execute("select * from pictures where 1=2") except sqlite.OperationalError: # new db create_tables() except sqlite.DatabaseError, e: # corrupted db logging.warning('Could not create picture cache because of an error: %s', str(e)) self.con.close() os.remove(db) if threaded: self.con = hsutil.sqlite.ThreadedConn(db, True) else: self.con = sqlite.connect(db, isolation_level=None) create_tables() def __contains__(self, key): sql = "select count(*) from pictures where path = ?" result = self.con.execute(sql, [key]).fetchall() return result[0][0] > 0 def __delitem__(self, key): if key not in self: raise KeyError(key) sql = "delete from pictures where path = ?" self.con.execute(sql, [key]) # Optimized def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): sql = "select blocks from pictures where rowid = ?" else: sql = "select blocks from pictures where path = ?" result = self.con.execute(sql, [key]).fetchone() if result: result = string_to_colors(result[0]) return result else: raise KeyError(key) def __iter__(self): sql = "select path from pictures" result = self.con.execute(sql) return (row[0] for row in result) def __len__(self): sql = "select count(*) from pictures" result = self.con.execute(sql).fetchall() return result[0][0] def __setitem__(self, key, value): value = colors_to_string(value) if key in self: sql = "update pictures set blocks = ? where path = ?" else: sql = "insert into pictures(blocks,path) values(?,?)" try: self.con.execute(sql, [value, key]) except sqlite.OperationalError: logging.warning('Picture cache could not set %r for key %r', value, key) except sqlite.DatabaseError, e: logging.warning('DatabaseError while setting %r for key %r: %s', value, key, str(e)) def clear(self): sql = "delete from pictures" self.con.execute(sql) def filter(self, func): to_delete = [key for key in self if not func(key)] for key in to_delete: del self[key] def get_id(self, path): sql = "select rowid from pictures where path = ?" result = self.con.execute(sql, [path]).fetchone() if result: return result[0] else: raise ValueError(path) def get_multiple(self, rowids): sql = "select rowid, blocks from pictures where rowid in (%s)" % ','.join(map(str, rowids)) cur = self.con.execute(sql) return ((rowid, string_to_colors(blocks)) for rowid, blocks in cur)