# Copyright 2016 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import logging import re import os.path as op from collections import namedtuple from hscommon.jobprogress import job from hscommon.util import dedupe, rem_file_ext, get_file_ext from hscommon.trans import tr from . import engine # It's quite ugly to have scan types from all editions all put in the same class, but because there's # there will be some nasty bugs popping up (ScanType is used in core when in should exclusively be # used in core_*). One day I'll clean this up. class ScanType: Filename = 0 Fields = 1 FieldsNoOrder = 2 Tag = 3 Folders = 4 Contents = 5 # PE FuzzyBlock = 10 ExifTimestamp = 11 ScanOption = namedtuple("ScanOption", "scan_type label") SCANNABLE_TAGS = ["track", "artist", "album", "title", "genre", "year"] RE_DIGIT_ENDING = re.compile(r"\d+|\(\d+\)|\[\d+\]|{\d+}") def is_same_with_digit(name, refname): # Returns True if name is the same as refname, but with digits (with brackets or not) at the end if not name.startswith(refname): return False end = name[len(refname) :].strip() return RE_DIGIT_ENDING.match(end) is not None def remove_dupe_paths(files): # Returns files with duplicates-by-path removed. Files with the exact same path are considered # duplicates and only the first file to have a path is kept. In certain cases, we have files # that have the same path, but not with the same case, that's why we normalize. However, we also # have case-sensitive filesystems, and in those, we don't want to falsely remove duplicates, # that's why we have a `samefile` mechanism. result = [] path2file = {} for f in files: normalized = str(f.path).lower() if normalized in path2file: try: if op.samefile(normalized, str(path2file[normalized].path)): continue # same file, it's a dupe else: pass # We don't treat them as dupes except OSError: continue # File doesn't exist? Well, treat them as dupes else: path2file[normalized] = f result.append(f) return result class Scanner: def __init__(self): self.discarded_file_count = 0 def _getmatches(self, files, j): if self.size_threshold or self.scan_type in { ScanType.Contents, ScanType.Folders, }: j = j.start_subjob([2, 8]) for f in j.iter_with_progress(files, tr("Read size of %d/%d files")): f.size # pre-read, makes a smoother progress if read here (especially for bundles) if self.size_threshold: files = [f for f in files if f.size >= self.size_threshold] if self.scan_type in {ScanType.Contents, ScanType.Folders}: return engine.getmatches_by_contents( files, bigsize=self.big_file_size_threshold, j=j ) else: j = j.start_subjob([2, 8]) kw = {} kw["match_similar_words"] = self.match_similar_words kw["weight_words"] = self.word_weighting kw["min_match_percentage"] = self.min_match_percentage if self.scan_type == ScanType.FieldsNoOrder: self.scan_type = ScanType.Fields kw["no_field_order"] = True func = { ScanType.Filename: lambda f: engine.getwords(rem_file_ext(f.name)), ScanType.Fields: lambda f: engine.getfields(rem_file_ext(f.name)), ScanType.Tag: lambda f: [ engine.getwords(str(getattr(f, attrname))) for attrname in SCANNABLE_TAGS if attrname in self.scanned_tags ], }[self.scan_type] for f in j.iter_with_progress(files, tr("Read metadata of %d/%d files")): logging.debug("Reading metadata of %s", f.path) f.words = func(f) return engine.getmatches(files, j=j, **kw) @staticmethod def _key_func(dupe): return -dupe.size @staticmethod def _tie_breaker(ref, dupe): refname = rem_file_ext(ref.name).lower() dupename = rem_file_ext(dupe.name).lower() if "copy" in dupename: return False if "copy" in refname: return True if is_same_with_digit(dupename, refname): return False if is_same_with_digit(refname, dupename): return True return len(dupe.path) > len(ref.path) @staticmethod def get_scan_options(): """Returns a list of scanning options for this scanner. Returns a list of ``ScanOption``. """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_dupe_groups(self, files, ignore_list=None, j=job.nulljob): for f in (f for f in files if not hasattr(f, "is_ref")): f.is_ref = False files = remove_dupe_paths(files) logging.info("Getting matches. Scan type: %d", self.scan_type) matches = self._getmatches(files, j) logging.info("Found %d matches" % len(matches)) j.set_progress(100, tr("Almost done! Fiddling with results...")) # In removing what we call here "false matches", we first want to remove, if we scan by # folders, we want to remove folder matches for which the parent is also in a match (they're # "duplicated duplicates if you will). Then, we also don't want mixed file kinds if the # option isn't enabled, we want matches for which both files exist and, lastly, we don't # want matches with both files as ref. if self.scan_type == ScanType.Folders and matches: allpath = {m.first.path for m in matches} allpath |= {m.second.path for m in matches} sortedpaths = sorted(allpath) toremove = set() last_parent_path = sortedpaths[0] for p in sortedpaths[1:]: if p in last_parent_path: toremove.add(p) else: last_parent_path = p matches = [ m for m in matches if m.first.path not in toremove or m.second.path not in toremove ] if not self.mix_file_kind: matches = [ m for m in matches if get_file_ext(m.first.name) == get_file_ext(m.second.name) ] matches = [ m for m in matches if m.first.path.exists() and m.second.path.exists() ] matches = [m for m in matches if not (m.first.is_ref and m.second.is_ref)] if ignore_list: matches = [ m for m in matches if not ignore_list.AreIgnored(str(m.first.path), str(m.second.path)) ] logging.info("Grouping matches") groups = engine.get_groups(matches) if self.scan_type in { ScanType.Filename, ScanType.Fields, ScanType.FieldsNoOrder, ScanType.Tag, }: matched_files = dedupe( [m.first for m in matches] + [m.second for m in matches] ) self.discarded_file_count = len(matched_files) - sum(len(g) for g in groups) else: # Ticket #195 # To speed up the scan, we don't bother comparing contents of files that are both ref # files. However, this messes up "discarded" counting because there's a missing match # in cases where we end up with a dupe group anyway (with a non-ref file). Because it's # impossible to have discarded matches in exact dupe scans, we simply set it at 0, thus # bypassing our tricky problem. # Also, although ScanType.FuzzyBlock is not always doing exact comparisons, we also # bypass ref comparison, thus messing up with our "discarded" count. So we're # effectively disabling the "discarded" feature in PE, but it's better than falsely # reporting discarded matches. self.discarded_file_count = 0 groups = [g for g in groups if any(not f.is_ref for f in g)] logging.info("Created %d groups" % len(groups)) for g in groups: g.prioritize(self._key_func, self._tie_breaker) return groups match_similar_words = False min_match_percentage = 80 mix_file_kind = True scan_type = ScanType.Filename scanned_tags = {"artist", "title"} size_threshold = 0 big_file_size_threshold = 0 word_weighting = False