ownerclass = 'HSErrorReportWindow' ownerimport = 'HSErrorReportWindow.h' result = Window(524, 470, "Error Report") result.canClose = False result.canResize = False result.canMinimize = False label1 = Label(result, "Something went wrong. How about reporting the error?") errorTextView = TextView(result) label2 = Label(result, "Error reports should be reported as Github issues. You can copy the error traceback " "above and paste it in a new issue (bonus point if you run a search to make sure the " "issue doesn't already exist). What usually really helps is if you add a description " "of how you got the error. Thanks!" "\n\n" "Although the application should continue to run after this error, it may be in an " "unstable state, so it is recommended that you restart the application." ) sendButton = Button(result, "Go to Github") dontSendButton = Button(result, "Close") owner.contentTextView = errorTextView sendButton.action = Action(owner, 'goToGithub') sendButton.keyEquivalent = "\\r" dontSendButton.action = Action(owner, 'close') dontSendButton.keyEquivalent = "\\E" label1.height = 34 errorTextView.height = 221 label2.height = 130 sendButton.width = 100 dontSendButton.width = 100 label1.moveTo(Pack.UpperLeft) label1.fill(Pack.Right) errorTextView.moveNextTo(label1, Pack.Below, Pack.Left) errorTextView.fill(Pack.Right) label2.moveNextTo(errorTextView, Pack.Below, Pack.Left) label2.fill(Pack.Right) sendButton.moveNextTo(label2, Pack.Below, Pack.Right) dontSendButton.moveNextTo(sendButton, Pack.Left, Pack.Middle)