# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2013-10-12 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import os.path as op import logging class SpecialFolder: APPDATA = 1 CACHE = 2 def open_url(url): """Open ``url`` with the default browser.""" _open_url(url) def open_path(path): """Open ``path`` with its associated application.""" _open_path(str(path)) def reveal_path(path): """Open the folder containing ``path`` with the default file browser.""" _reveal_path(str(path)) def special_folder_path(special_folder, appname=None, portable=False): """Returns the path of ``special_folder``. ``special_folder`` is a SpecialFolder.* const. The result is the special folder for the current application. The running process' application info is used to determine relevant information. You can override the application name with ``appname``. This argument is ingored under Qt. """ return _special_folder_path(special_folder, appname, portable=portable) try: # Normally, we would simply do "from cocoa import proxy", but due to a bug in pytest (currently # at v2.4.2), our test suite is broken when we do that. This below is a workaround until that # bug is fixed. import cocoa if not hasattr(cocoa, "proxy"): raise ImportError() proxy = cocoa.proxy _open_url = proxy.openURL_ _open_path = proxy.openPath_ _reveal_path = proxy.revealPath_ def _special_folder_path(special_folder, appname=None, portable=False): if special_folder == SpecialFolder.CACHE: base = proxy.getCachePath() else: base = proxy.getAppdataPath() if not appname: appname = proxy.bundleInfo_("CFBundleName") return op.join(base, appname) except ImportError: try: from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QStandardPaths from PyQt5.QtGui import QDesktopServices from qtlib.util import get_appdata from core.util import executable_folder from hscommon.plat import ISWINDOWS, ISOSX import subprocess def _open_url(url): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def _open_path(path): url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(str(path)) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) def _reveal_path(path): if ISWINDOWS: subprocess.run(["explorer", "/select,", op.abspath(path)]) elif ISOSX: subprocess.run(["open", "-R", op.abspath(path)]) else: _open_path(op.dirname(str(path))) def _special_folder_path(special_folder, appname=None, portable=False): if special_folder == SpecialFolder.CACHE: if ISWINDOWS and portable: folder = op.join(executable_folder(), "cache") else: folder = QStandardPaths.standardLocations(QStandardPaths.CacheLocation)[0] else: folder = get_appdata(portable) return folder except ImportError: # We're either running tests, and these functions don't matter much or we're in a really # weird situation. Let's just have dummy fallbacks. logging.warning("Can't setup desktop functions!") def _open_path(path): # Dummy for tests pass def _reveal_path(path): # Dummy for tests pass def _special_folder_path(special_folder, appname=None, portable=False): return "/tmp"