# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/02/23 # Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import logging import re from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from . import engine from jobprogress.job import nulljob from hscommon.markable import Markable from hscommon.util import flatten, nonone, FileOrPath, format_size class Results(Markable): #---Override def __init__(self, data_module): super(Results, self).__init__() self.__groups = [] self.__group_of_duplicate = {} self.__groups_sort_descriptor = None # This is a tuple (key, asc) self.__dupes = None self.__dupes_sort_descriptor = None # This is a tuple (key, asc, delta) self.__filters = None self.__filtered_dupes = None self.__filtered_groups = None self.__recalculate_stats() self.__marked_size = 0 self.data = data_module self.problems = [] # (dupe, error_msg) self.is_modified = False def _did_mark(self, dupe): self.__marked_size += dupe.size def _did_unmark(self, dupe): self.__marked_size -= dupe.size def _get_markable_count(self): return self.__total_count def _is_markable(self, dupe): if dupe.is_ref: return False g = self.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) if not g: return False if dupe is g.ref: return False if self.__filtered_dupes and dupe not in self.__filtered_dupes: return False return True #---Private def __get_dupe_list(self): if self.__dupes is None: self.__dupes = flatten(group.dupes for group in self.groups) if None in self.__dupes: # This is debug logging to try to figure out #44 logging.warning("There is a None value in the Results' dupe list. dupes: %r groups: %r", self.__dupes, self.groups) if self.__filtered_dupes: self.__dupes = [dupe for dupe in self.__dupes if dupe in self.__filtered_dupes] sd = self.__dupes_sort_descriptor if sd: self.sort_dupes(sd[0], sd[1], sd[2]) return self.__dupes def __get_groups(self): if self.__filtered_groups is None: return self.__groups else: return self.__filtered_groups def __get_stat_line(self): if self.__filtered_dupes is None: mark_count = self.mark_count marked_size = self.__marked_size total_count = self.__total_count total_size = self.__total_size else: mark_count = len([dupe for dupe in self.__filtered_dupes if self.is_marked(dupe)]) marked_size = sum(dupe.size for dupe in self.__filtered_dupes if self.is_marked(dupe)) total_count = len([dupe for dupe in self.__filtered_dupes if self.is_markable(dupe)]) total_size = sum(dupe.size for dupe in self.__filtered_dupes if self.is_markable(dupe)) if self.mark_inverted: marked_size = self.__total_size - marked_size result = '%d / %d (%s / %s) duplicates marked.' % ( mark_count, total_count, format_size(marked_size, 2), format_size(total_size, 2), ) if self.__filters: result += ' filter: %s' % ' --> '.join(self.__filters) return result def __recalculate_stats(self): self.__total_size = 0 self.__total_count = 0 for group in self.groups: markable = [dupe for dupe in group.dupes if self._is_markable(dupe)] self.__total_count += len(markable) self.__total_size += sum(dupe.size for dupe in markable) def __set_groups(self, new_groups): self.mark_none() self.__groups = new_groups self.__group_of_duplicate = {} for g in self.__groups: for dupe in g: self.__group_of_duplicate[dupe] = g if not hasattr(dupe, 'is_ref'): dupe.is_ref = False self.is_modified = bool(self.__groups) old_filters = nonone(self.__filters, []) self.apply_filter(None) for filter_str in old_filters: self.apply_filter(filter_str) #---Public def apply_filter(self, filter_str): ''' Applies a filter 'filter_str' to self.groups When you apply the filter, only dupes with the filename matching 'filter_str' will be in in the results. To cancel the filter, just call apply_filter with 'filter_str' to None, and the results will go back to normal. If call apply_filter on a filtered results, the filter will be applied *on the filtered results*. 'filter_str' is a string containing a regexp to filter dupes with. ''' if not filter_str: self.__filtered_dupes = None self.__filtered_groups = None self.__filters = None else: if not self.__filters: self.__filters = [] try: filter_re = re.compile(filter_str, re.IGNORECASE) except re.error: return # don't apply this filter. self.__filters.append(filter_str) if self.__filtered_dupes is None: self.__filtered_dupes = flatten(g[:] for g in self.groups) self.__filtered_dupes = set(dupe for dupe in self.__filtered_dupes if filter_re.search(str(dupe.path))) filtered_groups = set() for dupe in self.__filtered_dupes: filtered_groups.add(self.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe)) self.__filtered_groups = list(filtered_groups) self.__recalculate_stats() sd = self.__groups_sort_descriptor if sd: self.sort_groups(sd[0], sd[1]) self.__dupes = None def get_group_of_duplicate(self, dupe): try: return self.__group_of_duplicate[dupe] except (TypeError, KeyError): return None is_markable = _is_markable def load_from_xml(self, infile, get_file, j=nulljob): def do_match(ref_file, other_files, group): if not other_files: return for other_file in other_files: group.add_match(engine.get_match(ref_file, other_file)) do_match(other_files[0], other_files[1:], group) self.apply_filter(None) try: root = ET.parse(infile).getroot() except Exception: return group_elems = list(root.getiterator('group')) groups = [] marked = set() for group_elem in j.iter_with_progress(group_elems, every=100): group = engine.Group() dupes = [] for file_elem in group_elem.getiterator('file'): path = file_elem.get('path') words = file_elem.get('words', '') if not path: continue file = get_file(path) if file is None: continue file.words = words.split(',') file.is_ref = file_elem.get('is_ref') == 'y' dupes.append(file) if file_elem.get('marked') == 'y': marked.add(file) for match_elem in group_elem.getiterator('match'): try: attrs = match_elem.attrib first_file = dupes[int(attrs['first'])] second_file = dupes[int(attrs['second'])] percentage = int(attrs['percentage']) group.add_match(engine.Match(first_file, second_file, percentage)) except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError): # Covers missing attr, non-int values and indexes out of bounds pass if (not group.matches) and (len(dupes) >= 2): do_match(dupes[0], dupes[1:], group) group.prioritize(lambda x: dupes.index(x)) if len(group): groups.append(group) j.add_progress() self.groups = groups for dupe_file in marked: self.mark(dupe_file) self.is_modified = False def make_ref(self, dupe): g = self.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) r = g.ref self._remove_mark_flag(dupe) g.switch_ref(dupe); if not r.is_ref: self.__total_count += 1 self.__total_size += r.size if not dupe.is_ref: self.__total_count -= 1 self.__total_size -= dupe.size self.__dupes = None self.is_modified = True def perform_on_marked(self, func, remove_from_results): # Performs `func` on all marked dupes. If an EnvironmentError is raised during the call, # the problematic dupe is added to self.problems. self.problems = [] to_remove = [] marked = (dupe for dupe in self.dupes if self.is_marked(dupe)) for dupe in marked: try: func(dupe) to_remove.append(dupe) except EnvironmentError as e: self.problems.append((dupe, str(e))) if remove_from_results: self.remove_duplicates(to_remove) self.mark_none() for dupe, _ in self.problems: self.mark(dupe) def remove_duplicates(self, dupes): '''Remove 'dupes' from their respective group, and remove the group is it ends up empty. ''' affected_groups = set() for dupe in dupes: group = self.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe) if dupe not in group.dupes: return group.remove_dupe(dupe, False) self._remove_mark_flag(dupe) self.__total_count -= 1 self.__total_size -= dupe.size if not group: self.__groups.remove(group) if self.__filtered_groups: self.__filtered_groups.remove(group) else: affected_groups.add(group) for group in affected_groups: group.discard_matches() self.__dupes = None self.is_modified = True def save_to_xml(self, outfile): self.apply_filter(None) root = ET.Element('results') # writer = XMLGenerator(outfile, 'utf-8') for g in self.groups: group_elem = ET.SubElement(root, 'group') dupe2index = {} for index, d in enumerate(g): dupe2index[d] = index try: words = engine.unpack_fields(d.words) except AttributeError: words = () file_elem = ET.SubElement(group_elem, 'file') try: file_elem.set('path', str(d.path)) file_elem.set('words', ','.join(words)) except ValueError: # If there's an invalid character, just skip the file file_elem.set('path', '') file_elem.set('is_ref', ('y' if d.is_ref else 'n')) file_elem.set('marked', ('y' if self.is_marked(d) else 'n')) for match in g.matches: match_elem = ET.SubElement(group_elem, 'match') match_elem.set('first', str(dupe2index[match.first])) match_elem.set('second', str(dupe2index[match.second])) match_elem.set('percentage', str(int(match.percentage))) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) with FileOrPath(outfile, 'wb') as fp: tree.write(fp, encoding='utf-8') self.is_modified = False def sort_dupes(self, key, asc=True, delta=False): if not self.__dupes: self.__get_dupe_list() self.__dupes.sort(key=lambda d: self.data.GetDupeSortKey(d, lambda: self.get_group_of_duplicate(d), key, delta)) if not asc: self.__dupes.reverse() self.__dupes_sort_descriptor = (key,asc,delta) def sort_groups(self,key,asc=True): self.groups.sort(key=lambda g: self.data.GetGroupSortKey(g, key)) if not asc: self.groups.reverse() self.__groups_sort_descriptor = (key,asc) #---Properties dupes = property(__get_dupe_list) groups = property(__get_groups, __set_groups) stat_line = property(__get_stat_line)