======================================== :mod:`path` - Work with paths ======================================== .. module:: path .. class:: Path(value, separator=None) ``Path`` instances can be created from strings, other ``Path`` instances or tuples. If ``separator`` is not specified, the one from the OS is used. Once created, paths can be manipulated like a tuple, each element being an element of the path. It makes a few common operations easy, such as getting the filename (``path[-1]``) or the directory name or parent (``path[:-1]``). HS apps pretty much always refer to ``Path`` instances when a variable name ends with ``path``. If a variable is of another type, that type is usually explicited in the name. To make common operations (from ``os.path``, ``os`` and ``shutil``) convenient, the :mod:`io` module wraps these functions and converts paths to strings.