#!/usr/bin/env python """ Unit Name: dupeguru.directories Created By: Virgil Dupras Created On: 2006/02/27 Last modified by:$Author: virgil $ Last modified on:$Date: 2009-05-28 16:02:48 +0200 (Thu, 28 May 2009) $ $Revision: 4388 $ Copyright 2004-2006 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) """ import xml.dom.minidom from hsfs import phys import hsfs as fs from hsutil.files import FileOrPath from hsutil.path import Path (STATE_NORMAL, STATE_REFERENCE, STATE_EXCLUDED) = range(3) class AlreadyThereError(Exception): """The path being added is already in the directory list""" class InvalidPathError(Exception): """The path being added is invalid""" class Directories(object): #---Override def __init__(self): self._dirs = [] self.states = {} self.dirclass = phys.Directory self.special_dirclasses = {} def __contains__(self,path): for d in self._dirs: if path in d.path: return True return False def __delitem__(self,key): self._dirs.__delitem__(key) def __getitem__(self,key): return self._dirs.__getitem__(key) def __len__(self): return len(self._dirs) #---Private def _default_state_for_path(self, path): # Override this in subclasses to specify the state of some special folders. if path[-1].startswith('.'): # hidden return STATE_EXCLUDED def _get_files(self, from_dir): from_path = from_dir.path state = self.GetState(from_path) if state == STATE_EXCLUDED: # Recursively get files from folders with lots of subfolder is expensive. However, there # might be a subfolder in this path that is not excluded. What we want to do is to skim # through self.states and see if we must continue, or we can stop right here to save time if not any(p[:len(from_path)] == from_path for p in self.states): return result = [] for subdir in from_dir.dirs: for file in self._get_files(subdir): yield file if state != STATE_EXCLUDED: for file in from_dir.files: file.is_ref = state == STATE_REFERENCE yield file #---Public def add_path(self, path): """Adds 'path' to self, if not already there. Raises AlreadyThereError if 'path' is already in self. If path is a directory containing some of the directories already present in self, 'path' will be added, but all directories under it will be removed. Can also raise InvalidPathError if 'path' does not exist. """ if path in self: raise AlreadyThereError self._dirs = [d for d in self._dirs if d.path not in path] try: dirclass = self.special_dirclasses.get(path, self.dirclass) d = dirclass(None, unicode(path)) d[:] #If an InvalidPath exception has to be raised, it will be raised here self._dirs.append(d) return d except fs.InvalidPath: raise InvalidPathError def get_files(self): """Returns a list of all files that are not excluded. Returned files also have their 'is_ref' attr set. """ for d in self._dirs: d.force_update() try: for file in self._get_files(d): yield file except fs.InvalidPath: pass def GetState(self, path): """Returns the state of 'path' (One of the STATE_* const.) """ try: return self.states[path] except KeyError: default_state = self._default_state_for_path(path) if default_state is not None: return default_state parent = path[:-1] if parent in self: return self.GetState(parent) else: return STATE_NORMAL def LoadFromFile(self,infile): try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(infile) except: return root_dir_nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('root_directory') for rdn in root_dir_nodes: if not rdn.getAttributeNode('path'): continue path = rdn.getAttributeNode('path').nodeValue try: self.add_path(Path(path)) except (AlreadyThereError,InvalidPathError): pass state_nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('state') for sn in state_nodes: if not (sn.getAttributeNode('path') and sn.getAttributeNode('value')): continue path = sn.getAttributeNode('path').nodeValue state = sn.getAttributeNode('value').nodeValue self.SetState(Path(path), int(state)) def Remove(self,directory): self._dirs.remove(directory) def SaveToFile(self,outfile): with FileOrPath(outfile, 'wb') as fp: doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() root = doc.appendChild(doc.createElement('directories')) for root_dir in self: root_dir_node = root.appendChild(doc.createElement('root_directory')) root_dir_node.setAttribute('path', unicode(root_dir.path).encode('utf-8')) for path,state in self.states.iteritems(): state_node = root.appendChild(doc.createElement('state')) state_node.setAttribute('path', unicode(path).encode('utf-8')) state_node.setAttribute('value', str(state)) doc.writexml(fp,'\t','\t','\n',encoding='utf-8') def SetState(self,path,state): if self.GetState(path) == state: return # we don't want to needlessly fill self.states. if GetState returns the same thing # without an explicit entry, remove that entry if path in self.states: del self.states[path] if self.GetState(path) == state: # no need for an entry return self.states[path] = state