#!/usr/bin/env python """ Unit Name: dupeguru.data Created By: Virgil Dupras Created On: 2006/03/15 Last modified by:$Author: virgil $ Last modified on:$Date: 2009-05-28 15:22:39 +0200 (Thu, 28 May 2009) $ $Revision: 4385 $ Copyright 2004-2006 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) """ from hsutil.str import format_size from .data import format_path, format_timestamp, format_perc, format_dupe_count, cmp_value def format_dimensions(dimensions): return '%d x %d' % (dimensions[0], dimensions[1]) COLUMNS = [ {'attr':'name','display':'Filename'}, {'attr':'path','display':'Directory'}, {'attr':'size','display':'Size (KB)'}, {'attr':'extension','display':'Kind'}, {'attr':'dimensions','display':'Dimensions'}, {'attr':'ctime','display':'Creation'}, {'attr':'mtime','display':'Modification'}, {'attr':'percentage','display':'Match %'}, {'attr':'dupe_count','display':'Dupe Count'}, ] def GetDisplayInfo(dupe,group,delta=False): if (dupe is None) or (group is None): return ['---'] * len(COLUMNS) size = dupe.size ctime = dupe.ctime mtime = dupe.mtime m = group.get_match_of(dupe) if m: percentage = m.percentage dupe_count = 0 if delta: r = group.ref size -= r.size ctime -= r.ctime mtime -= r.mtime else: percentage = group.percentage dupe_count = len(group.dupes) dupe_path = getattr(dupe, 'display_path', dupe.path) return [ dupe.name, format_path(dupe_path), format_size(size, 0, 1, False), dupe.extension, format_dimensions(dupe.dimensions), format_timestamp(ctime, delta and m), format_timestamp(mtime, delta and m), format_perc(percentage), format_dupe_count(dupe_count) ] def GetDupeSortKey(dupe, get_group, key, delta): if key == 7: m = get_group().get_match_of(dupe) return m.percentage if key == 8: return 0 r = cmp_value(getattr(dupe, COLUMNS[key]['attr'])) if delta and (key in (2, 5, 6)): r -= cmp_value(getattr(get_group().ref, COLUMNS[key]['attr'])) return r def GetGroupSortKey(group, key): if key == 7: return group.percentage if key == 8: return len(group) return cmp_value(getattr(group.ref, COLUMNS[key]['attr']))