# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-10-23 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import mutagen from hscommon.util import get_file_ext, format_size, format_time from core.util import format_timestamp, format_perc, format_words, format_dupe_count from core import fs TAG_FIELDS = { "audiosize", "duration", "bitrate", "samplerate", "title", "artist", "album", "genre", "year", "track", "comment", } # This is a temporary workaround for migration from hsaudiotag for the can_handle method SUPPORTED_EXTS = {"mp3", "wma", "m4a", "m4p", "ogg", "flac", "aif", "aiff", "aifc"} class MusicFile(fs.File): INITIAL_INFO = fs.File.INITIAL_INFO.copy() INITIAL_INFO.update( { "audiosize": 0, "bitrate": 0, "duration": 0, "samplerate": 0, "artist": "", "album": "", "title": "", "genre": "", "comment": "", "year": "", "track": 0, } ) __slots__ = fs.File.__slots__ + tuple(INITIAL_INFO.keys()) @classmethod def can_handle(cls, path): if not fs.File.can_handle(path): return False return get_file_ext(path.name) in SUPPORTED_EXTS def get_display_info(self, group, delta): size = self.size duration = self.duration bitrate = self.bitrate samplerate = self.samplerate mtime = self.mtime m = group.get_match_of(self) if m: percentage = m.percentage dupe_count = 0 if delta: r = group.ref size -= r.size duration -= r.duration bitrate -= r.bitrate samplerate -= r.samplerate mtime -= r.mtime else: percentage = group.percentage dupe_count = len(group.dupes) dupe_folder_path = getattr(self, "display_folder_path", self.folder_path) return { "name": self.name, "folder_path": str(dupe_folder_path), "size": format_size(size, 2, 2, False), "duration": format_time(duration, with_hours=False), "bitrate": str(bitrate), "samplerate": str(samplerate), "extension": self.extension, "mtime": format_timestamp(mtime, delta and m), "title": self.title, "artist": self.artist, "album": self.album, "genre": self.genre, "year": self.year, "track": str(self.track), "comment": self.comment, "percentage": format_perc(percentage), "words": format_words(self.words) if hasattr(self, "words") else "", "dupe_count": format_dupe_count(dupe_count), } def _get_md5partial_offset_and_size(self): # No longer calculating the offset and audio size, just whole file size = self.path.stat().st_size return (0, size) def _read_info(self, field): fs.File._read_info(self, field) if field in TAG_FIELDS: # The various conversions here are to make this look like the previous implementation file = mutagen.File(str(self.path), easy=True) self.audiosize = self.path.stat().st_size self.bitrate = file.info.bitrate / 1000 self.duration = file.info.length self.samplerate = file.info.sample_rate self.artist = ", ".join(file.tags.get("artist") or []) self.album = ", ".join(file.tags.get("album") or []) self.title = ", ".join(file.tags.get("title") or []) self.genre = ", ".join(file.tags.get("genre") or []) self.comment = ", ".join(file.tags.get("comment") or [""]) self.year = ", ".join(file.tags.get("date") or []) self.track = (file.tags.get("tracknumber") or [""])[0]