# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2011-01-11 # Copyright 2015 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html from io import StringIO from pytest import raises from ..testutil import eq_ from ..path import Path from ..util import ( nonone, tryint, minmax, first, flatten, dedupe, stripfalse, extract, allsame, trailiter, format_time, format_time_decimal, format_size, remove_invalid_xml, multi_replace, delete_if_empty, open_if_filename, FileOrPath, iterconsume, escape, get_file_ext, rem_file_ext, pluralize, ) def test_nonone(): eq_("foo", nonone("foo", "bar")) eq_("bar", nonone(None, "bar")) def test_tryint(): eq_(42, tryint("42")) eq_(0, tryint("abc")) eq_(0, tryint(None)) eq_(42, tryint(None, 42)) def test_minmax(): eq_(minmax(2, 1, 3), 2) eq_(minmax(0, 1, 3), 1) eq_(minmax(4, 1, 3), 3) # --- Sequence def test_first(): eq_(first([3, 2, 1]), 3) eq_(first(i for i in [3, 2, 1] if i < 3), 2) def test_flatten(): eq_([1, 2, 3, 4], flatten([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) eq_([], flatten([])) def test_dedupe(): reflist = [0, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3] eq_(dedupe(reflist), [0, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) def test_stripfalse(): eq_([1, 2, 3], stripfalse([None, 0, 1, 2, 3, None])) def test_extract(): wheat, shaft = extract(lambda n: n % 2 == 0, list(range(10))) eq_(wheat, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) eq_(shaft, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) def test_allsame(): assert allsame([42, 42, 42]) assert not allsame([42, 43, 42]) assert not allsame([43, 42, 42]) # Works on non-sequence as well assert allsame(iter([42, 42, 42])) def test_trailiter(): eq_(list(trailiter([])), []) eq_(list(trailiter(["foo"])), [(None, "foo")]) eq_(list(trailiter(["foo", "bar"])), [(None, "foo"), ("foo", "bar")]) eq_(list(trailiter(["foo", "bar"], skipfirst=True)), [("foo", "bar")]) eq_(list(trailiter([], skipfirst=True)), []) # no crash def test_iterconsume(): # We just want to make sure that we return *all* items and that we're not mistakenly skipping # one. eq_(list(range(2500)), list(iterconsume(list(range(2500))))) eq_(list(reversed(range(2500))), list(iterconsume(list(range(2500)), reverse=False))) # --- String def test_escape(): eq_("f\\o\\ob\\ar", escape("foobar", "oa")) eq_("f*o*ob*ar", escape("foobar", "oa", "*")) eq_("f*o*ob*ar", escape("foobar", set("oa"), "*")) def test_get_file_ext(): eq_(get_file_ext("foobar"), "") eq_(get_file_ext("foo.bar"), "bar") eq_(get_file_ext("foobar."), "") eq_(get_file_ext(".foobar"), "foobar") def test_rem_file_ext(): eq_(rem_file_ext("foobar"), "foobar") eq_(rem_file_ext("foo.bar"), "foo") eq_(rem_file_ext("foobar."), "foobar") eq_(rem_file_ext(".foobar"), "") def test_pluralize(): eq_("0 song", pluralize(0, "song")) eq_("1 song", pluralize(1, "song")) eq_("2 songs", pluralize(2, "song")) eq_("1 song", pluralize(1.1, "song")) eq_("2 songs", pluralize(1.5, "song")) eq_("1.1 songs", pluralize(1.1, "song", 1)) eq_("1.5 songs", pluralize(1.5, "song", 1)) eq_("2 entries", pluralize(2, "entry", plural_word="entries")) def test_format_time(): eq_(format_time(0), "00:00:00") eq_(format_time(1), "00:00:01") eq_(format_time(23), "00:00:23") eq_(format_time(60), "00:01:00") eq_(format_time(101), "00:01:41") eq_(format_time(683), "00:11:23") eq_(format_time(3600), "01:00:00") eq_(format_time(3754), "01:02:34") eq_(format_time(36000), "10:00:00") eq_(format_time(366666), "101:51:06") eq_(format_time(0, with_hours=False), "00:00") eq_(format_time(1, with_hours=False), "00:01") eq_(format_time(23, with_hours=False), "00:23") eq_(format_time(60, with_hours=False), "01:00") eq_(format_time(101, with_hours=False), "01:41") eq_(format_time(683, with_hours=False), "11:23") eq_(format_time(3600, with_hours=False), "60:00") eq_(format_time(6036, with_hours=False), "100:36") eq_(format_time(60360, with_hours=False), "1006:00") def test_format_time_decimal(): eq_(format_time_decimal(0), "0.0 second") eq_(format_time_decimal(1), "1.0 second") eq_(format_time_decimal(23), "23.0 seconds") eq_(format_time_decimal(60), "1.0 minute") eq_(format_time_decimal(101), "1.7 minutes") eq_(format_time_decimal(683), "11.4 minutes") eq_(format_time_decimal(3600), "1.0 hour") eq_(format_time_decimal(6036), "1.7 hours") eq_(format_time_decimal(86400), "1.0 day") eq_(format_time_decimal(160360), "1.9 days") def test_format_size(): eq_(format_size(1024), "1 KB") eq_(format_size(1024, 2), "1.00 KB") eq_(format_size(1024, 0, 2), "1 MB") eq_(format_size(1024, 2, 2), "0.01 MB") eq_(format_size(1024, 3, 2), "0.001 MB") eq_(format_size(1024, 3, 2, False), "0.001") eq_(format_size(1023), "1023 B") eq_(format_size(1023, 0, 1), "1 KB") eq_(format_size(511, 0, 1), "1 KB") eq_(format_size(9), "9 B") eq_(format_size(99), "99 B") eq_(format_size(999), "999 B") eq_(format_size(9999), "10 KB") eq_(format_size(99999), "98 KB") eq_(format_size(999999), "977 KB") eq_(format_size(9999999), "10 MB") eq_(format_size(99999999), "96 MB") eq_(format_size(999999999), "954 MB") eq_(format_size(9999999999), "10 GB") eq_(format_size(99999999999), "94 GB") eq_(format_size(999999999999), "932 GB") eq_(format_size(9999999999999), "10 TB") eq_(format_size(99999999999999), "91 TB") eq_(format_size(999999999999999), "910 TB") eq_(format_size(9999999999999999), "9 PB") eq_(format_size(99999999999999999), "89 PB") eq_(format_size(999999999999999999), "889 PB") eq_(format_size(9999999999999999999), "9 EB") eq_(format_size(99999999999999999999), "87 EB") eq_(format_size(999999999999999999999), "868 EB") eq_(format_size(9999999999999999999999), "9 ZB") eq_(format_size(99999999999999999999999), "85 ZB") eq_(format_size(999999999999999999999999), "848 ZB") def test_remove_invalid_xml(): eq_(remove_invalid_xml("foo\0bar\x0bbaz"), "foo bar baz") # surrogate blocks have to be replaced, but not the rest eq_(remove_invalid_xml("foo\ud800bar\udfffbaz\ue000"), "foo bar baz\ue000") # replace with something else eq_(remove_invalid_xml("foo\0baz", replace_with="bar"), "foobarbaz") def test_multi_replace(): eq_("136", multi_replace("123456", ("2", "45"))) eq_("1 3 6", multi_replace("123456", ("2", "45"), " ")) eq_("1 3 6", multi_replace("123456", "245", " ")) eq_("173896", multi_replace("123456", "245", "789")) eq_("173896", multi_replace("123456", "245", ("7", "8", "9"))) eq_("17386", multi_replace("123456", ("2", "45"), "78")) eq_("17386", multi_replace("123456", ("2", "45"), ("7", "8"))) with raises(ValueError): multi_replace("123456", ("2", "45"), ("7", "8", "9")) eq_("17346", multi_replace("12346", ("2", "45"), "78")) # --- Files class TestCaseDeleteIfEmpty: def test_is_empty(self, tmpdir): testpath = Path(str(tmpdir)) assert delete_if_empty(testpath) assert not testpath.exists() def test_not_empty(self, tmpdir): testpath = Path(str(tmpdir)) testpath["foo"].mkdir() assert not delete_if_empty(testpath) assert testpath.exists() def test_with_files_to_delete(self, tmpdir): testpath = Path(str(tmpdir)) testpath["foo"].open("w") testpath["bar"].open("w") assert delete_if_empty(testpath, ["foo", "bar"]) assert not testpath.exists() def test_directory_in_files_to_delete(self, tmpdir): testpath = Path(str(tmpdir)) testpath["foo"].mkdir() assert not delete_if_empty(testpath, ["foo"]) assert testpath.exists() def test_delete_files_to_delete_only_if_dir_is_empty(self, tmpdir): testpath = Path(str(tmpdir)) testpath["foo"].open("w") testpath["bar"].open("w") assert not delete_if_empty(testpath, ["foo"]) assert testpath.exists() assert testpath["foo"].exists() def test_doesnt_exist(self): # When the 'path' doesn't exist, just do nothing. delete_if_empty(Path("does_not_exist")) # no crash def test_is_file(self, tmpdir): # When 'path' is a file, do nothing. p = Path(str(tmpdir)) + "filename" p.open("w").close() delete_if_empty(p) # no crash def test_ioerror(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch): # if an IO error happens during the operation, ignore it. def do_raise(*args, **kw): raise OSError() monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "rmdir", do_raise) delete_if_empty(Path(str(tmpdir))) # no crash class TestCaseOpenIfFilename: def test_file_name(self, tmpdir): filepath = str(tmpdir.join("test.txt")) open(filepath, "wb").write(b"test_data") file, close = open_if_filename(filepath) assert close eq_(b"test_data", file.read()) file.close() def test_opened_file(self): sio = StringIO() sio.write("test_data") sio.seek(0) file, close = open_if_filename(sio) assert not close eq_("test_data", file.read()) def test_mode_is_passed_to_open(self, tmpdir): filepath = str(tmpdir.join("test.txt")) open(filepath, "w").close() file, close = open_if_filename(filepath, "a") eq_("a", file.mode) file.close() class TestCaseFileOrPath: def test_path(self, tmpdir): filepath = str(tmpdir.join("test.txt")) open(filepath, "wb").write(b"test_data") with FileOrPath(filepath) as fp: eq_(b"test_data", fp.read()) def test_opened_file(self): sio = StringIO() sio.write("test_data") sio.seek(0) with FileOrPath(sio) as fp: eq_("test_data", fp.read()) def test_mode_is_passed_to_open(self, tmpdir): filepath = str(tmpdir.join("test.txt")) open(filepath, "w").close() with FileOrPath(filepath, "a") as fp: eq_("a", fp.mode)