# Copyright 2018 Virgil Dupras # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import os.path as op import re from .build import read_changelog_file, filereplace from sphinx.cmd.build import build_main as sphinx_build CHANGELOG_FORMAT = """ {version} ({date}) ---------------------- {description} """ def tixgen(tixurl): """This is a filter *generator*. tixurl is a url pattern for the tix with a {0} placeholder for the tix # """ urlpattern = tixurl.format("\\1") # will be replaced buy the content of the first group in re R = re.compile(r"#(\d+)") repl = "`#\\1 <{}>`__".format(urlpattern) return lambda text: R.sub(repl, text) def gen( basepath, destpath, changelogpath, tixurl, confrepl=None, confpath=None, changelogtmpl=None, ): """Generate sphinx docs with all bells and whistles. basepath: The base sphinx source path. destpath: The final path of html files changelogpath: The path to the changelog file to insert in changelog.rst. tixurl: The URL (with one formattable argument for the tix number) to the ticket system. confrepl: Dictionary containing replacements that have to be made in conf.py. {name: replacement} """ if confrepl is None: confrepl = {} if confpath is None: confpath = op.join(basepath, "conf.tmpl") if changelogtmpl is None: changelogtmpl = op.join(basepath, "changelog.tmpl") changelog = read_changelog_file(changelogpath) tix = tixgen(tixurl) rendered_logs = [] for log in changelog: description = tix(log["description"]) # The format of the changelog descriptions is in markdown, but since we only use bulled list # and links, it's not worth depending on the markdown package. A simple regexp suffice. description = re.sub(r"\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "`\\1 <\\2>`__", description) rendered = CHANGELOG_FORMAT.format(version=log["version"], date=log["date_str"], description=description) rendered_logs.append(rendered) confrepl["version"] = changelog[0]["version"] changelog_out = op.join(basepath, "changelog.rst") filereplace(changelogtmpl, changelog_out, changelog="\n".join(rendered_logs)) if op.exists(confpath): conf_out = op.join(basepath, "conf.py") filereplace(confpath, conf_out, **confrepl) # Call the sphinx_build function, which is the same as doing sphinx-build from cli try: sphinx_build([basepath, destpath]) except SystemExit: print("Sphinx called sys.exit(), but we're cancelling it because we don't actually want to exit")