# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2007-06-23 # Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "HS" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license import os import logging from hsutil.testutil import eq_ from hsutil.testcase import TestCase from hsutil import io from hsutil.path import Path from hsutil.decorators import log_calls import hsutil.files from hscommon.job import nulljob from . import data from .results_test import GetTestGroups from .. import app, fs, engine from ..app import DupeGuru as DupeGuruBase from ..gui.details_panel import DetailsPanel from ..gui.directory_tree import DirectoryTree from ..gui.result_tree import ResultTree class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase): def __init__(self): DupeGuruBase.__init__(self, data, '/tmp', appid=4) def _start_job(self, jobid, func): func(nulljob) class CallLogger(object): """This is a dummy object that logs all calls made to it. It is used to simulate the GUI layer. """ def __init__(self): self.calls = [] def __getattr__(self, func_name): def func(*args, **kw): self.calls.append(func_name) return func def clear_calls(self): del self.calls[:] class TCDupeGuru(TestCase): cls_tested_module = app def test_apply_filter_calls_results_apply_filter(self): app = DupeGuru() self.mock(app.results, 'apply_filter', log_calls(app.results.apply_filter)) app.apply_filter('foo') self.assertEqual(2, len(app.results.apply_filter.calls)) call = app.results.apply_filter.calls[0] self.assert_(call['filter_str'] is None) call = app.results.apply_filter.calls[1] self.assertEqual('foo', call['filter_str']) def test_apply_filter_escapes_regexp(self): app = DupeGuru() self.mock(app.results, 'apply_filter', log_calls(app.results.apply_filter)) app.apply_filter('()[]\\.|+?^abc') call = app.results.apply_filter.calls[1] self.assertEqual('\\(\\)\\[\\]\\\\\\.\\|\\+\\?\\^abc', call['filter_str']) app.apply_filter('(*)') # In "simple mode", we want the * to behave as a wilcard call = app.results.apply_filter.calls[3] self.assertEqual('\(.*\)', call['filter_str']) app.options['escape_filter_regexp'] = False app.apply_filter('(abc)') call = app.results.apply_filter.calls[5] self.assertEqual('(abc)', call['filter_str']) def test_copy_or_move(self): # The goal here is just to have a test for a previous blowup I had. I know my test coverage # for this unit is pathetic. What's done is done. My approach now is to add tests for # every change I want to make. The blowup was caused by a missing import. p = self.tmppath() io.open(p + 'foo', 'w').close() self.mock(hsutil.files, 'copy', log_calls(lambda source_path, dest_path: None)) self.mock(os, 'makedirs', lambda path: None) # We don't want the test to create that fake directory app = DupeGuru() app.directories.add_path(p) [f] = app.directories.get_files() app.copy_or_move(f, True, 'some_destination', 0) self.assertEqual(1, len(hsutil.files.copy.calls)) call = hsutil.files.copy.calls[0] self.assertEqual('some_destination', call['dest_path']) self.assertEqual(f.path, call['source_path']) def test_copy_or_move_clean_empty_dirs(self): tmppath = Path(self.tmpdir()) sourcepath = tmppath + 'source' io.mkdir(sourcepath) io.open(sourcepath + 'myfile', 'w') app = DupeGuru() app.directories.add_path(tmppath) [myfile] = app.directories.get_files() self.mock(app, 'clean_empty_dirs', log_calls(lambda path: None)) app.copy_or_move(myfile, False, tmppath + 'dest', 0) calls = app.clean_empty_dirs.calls self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) self.assertEqual(sourcepath, calls[0]['path']) def test_Scan_with_objects_evaluating_to_false(self): class FakeFile(fs.File): def __bool__(self): return False # At some point, any() was used in a wrong way that made Scan() wrongly return 1 app = DupeGuru() f1, f2 = [FakeFile('foo') for i in range(2)] f1.is_ref, f2.is_ref = (False, False) assert not (bool(f1) and bool(f2)) app.directories.get_files = lambda: iter([f1, f2]) app.directories._dirs.append('this is just so Scan() doesnt return 3') app.start_scanning() # no exception class TCDupeGuru_clean_empty_dirs(TestCase): cls_tested_module = app def setUp(self): self.mock(hsutil.files, 'delete_if_empty', log_calls(lambda path, files_to_delete=[]: None)) self.app = DupeGuru() def test_option_off(self): self.app.clean_empty_dirs(Path('/foo/bar')) self.assertEqual(0, len(hsutil.files.delete_if_empty.calls)) def test_option_on(self): self.app.options['clean_empty_dirs'] = True self.app.clean_empty_dirs(Path('/foo/bar')) calls = hsutil.files.delete_if_empty.calls self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) self.assertEqual(Path('/foo/bar'), calls[0]['path']) self.assertEqual(['.DS_Store'], calls[0]['files_to_delete']) def test_recurse_up(self): # delete_if_empty must be recursively called up in the path until it returns False @log_calls def mock_delete_if_empty(path, files_to_delete=[]): return len(path) > 1 self.mock(hsutil.files, 'delete_if_empty', mock_delete_if_empty) self.app.options['clean_empty_dirs'] = True self.app.clean_empty_dirs(Path('not-empty/empty/empty')) calls = hsutil.files.delete_if_empty.calls self.assertEqual(3, len(calls)) self.assertEqual(Path('not-empty/empty/empty'), calls[0]['path']) self.assertEqual(Path('not-empty/empty'), calls[1]['path']) self.assertEqual(Path('not-empty'), calls[2]['path']) class TCDupeGuruWithResults(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.app = DupeGuru() self.objects,self.matches,self.groups = GetTestGroups() self.app.results.groups = self.groups self.dpanel_gui = CallLogger() self.dpanel = DetailsPanel(self.dpanel_gui, self.app) self.dtree_gui = CallLogger() self.dtree = DirectoryTree(self.dtree_gui, self.app) self.rtree_gui = CallLogger() self.rtree = ResultTree(self.rtree_gui, self.app) self.dpanel.connect() self.dtree.connect() self.rtree.connect() tmppath = self.tmppath() io.mkdir(tmppath + 'foo') io.mkdir(tmppath + 'bar') self.app.directories.add_path(tmppath) def check_gui_calls(self, gui, expected, verify_order=False): """Checks that the expected calls have been made to 'gui', then clears the log. `expected` is an iterable of strings representing method names. If `verify_order` is True, the order of the calls matters. """ if verify_order: eq_(gui.calls, expected) else: eq_(set(gui.calls), set(expected)) gui.clear_calls() def check_gui_calls_partial(self, gui, expected=None, not_expected=None): """Checks that the expected calls have been made to 'gui', then clears the log. `expected` is an iterable of strings representing method names. Order doesn't matter. Moreover, if calls have been made that are not in expected, no failure occur. `not_expected` can be used for a more explicit check (rather than calling `check_gui_calls` with an empty `expected`) to assert that calls have *not* been made. """ calls = set(gui.calls) if expected is not None: expected = set(expected) not_called = expected - calls assert not not_called, "These calls haven't been made: {0}".format(not_called) if not_expected is not None: not_expected = set(not_expected) called = not_expected & calls assert not called, "These calls shouldn't have been made: {0}".format(called) gui.clear_calls() def clear_gui_calls(self): for attr in dir(self): if attr.endswith('_gui'): gui = getattr(self, attr) if hasattr(gui, 'calls'): # We might have test methods ending with '_gui' gui.clear_calls() def test_GetObjects(self): objects = self.objects groups = self.groups n = self.rtree.get_node([0]) assert n._group is groups[0] assert n._dupe is objects[0] n = self.rtree.get_node([0, 0]) assert n._group is groups[0] assert n._dupe is objects[1] n = self.rtree.get_node([1, 0]) assert n._group is groups[1] assert n._dupe is objects[4] def test_GetObjects_after_sort(self): objects = self.objects groups = self.groups[:] # we need an un-sorted reference self.rtree.sort(0, False) #0 = Filename n = self.rtree.get_node([0, 0]) assert n._group is groups[1] assert n._dupe is objects[4] def test_selected_result_node_paths(self): # app.selected_dupes is correctly converted into node paths paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1]] self.rtree.selected_paths = paths eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, paths) def test_selected_result_node_paths_after_deletion(self): # cases where the selected dupes aren't there are correctly handled paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1]] self.rtree.selected_paths = paths self.app.remove_selected() # The first 2 dupes have been removed. The 3rd one is a ref. it stays there, in first pos. eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, [[0, 0]]) # no exception def test_selectResultNodePaths(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1]] eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 2) assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1] assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2] def test_selectResultNodePaths_with_ref(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1]] eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3) assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1] assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2] assert app.selected_dupes[2] is self.groups[1].ref def test_selectResultNodePaths_after_sort(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects groups = self.groups[:] #To keep the old order in memory self.rtree.sort(0, False) #0 = Filename #Now, the group order is supposed to be reversed self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1], [1, 0]] eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3) assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4] assert app.selected_dupes[1] is groups[0].ref assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1] def test_selected_powermarker_node_paths(self): # app.selected_dupes is correctly converted into paths app = self.app objects = self.objects self.rtree.power_marker = True self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0], [1], [2]] self.rtree.power_marker = False eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]) def test_selected_powermarker_node_paths_after_deletion(self): # cases where the selected dupes aren't there are correctly handled app = self.app objects = self.objects self.rtree.power_marker = True self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0], [1], [2]] app.remove_selected() eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, []) # no exception def test_selectPowerMarkerRows(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]] eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3) assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1] assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2] assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[4] def test_selectPowerMarkerRows_empty(self): self.rtree.selected_paths = [] eq_(len(self.app.selected_dupes), 0) def test_selectPowerMarkerRows_after_sort(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects self.rtree.power_marker = True self.rtree.sort(0, False) #0 = Filename self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0], [1], [2]] eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3) assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4] assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2] assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1] def test_toggleSelectedMark(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects app.toggle_selected_mark_state() eq_(app.results.mark_count, 0) self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] app.toggle_selected_mark_state() eq_(app.results.mark_count, 2) assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[0]) assert app.results.is_marked(objects[1]) assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[2]) assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[3]) assert app.results.is_marked(objects[4]) def test_refreshDetailsWithSelected(self): self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] eq_(self.dpanel.row(0), ('Filename', 'bar bleh', 'foo bar')) self.check_gui_calls(self.dpanel_gui, ['refresh']) self.rtree.selected_paths = [] eq_(self.dpanel.row(0), ('Filename', '---', '---')) self.check_gui_calls(self.dpanel_gui, ['refresh']) def test_makeSelectedReference(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects groups = self.groups self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] app.make_selected_reference() assert groups[0].ref is objects[1] assert groups[1].ref is objects[4] def test_makeSelectedReference_by_selecting_two_dupes_in_the_same_group(self): app = self.app objects = self.objects groups = self.groups self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]] #Only [0, 0] and [1, 0] must go ref, not [0, 1] because it is a part of the same group app.make_selected_reference() assert groups[0].ref is objects[1] assert groups[1].ref is objects[4] def test_removeSelected(self): app = self.app self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] app.remove_selected() eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 1) # the first path is now selected app.remove_selected() eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 0) def test_addDirectory_simple(self): # There's already a directory in self.app, so adding another once makes 2 of em app = self.app eq_(app.add_directory(self.datadirpath()), 0) eq_(len(app.directories), 2) def test_addDirectory_already_there(self): app = self.app self.assertEqual(0,app.add_directory(self.datadirpath())) self.assertEqual(1,app.add_directory(self.datadirpath())) def test_addDirectory_does_not_exist(self): app = self.app self.assertEqual(2,app.add_directory('/does_not_exist')) def test_ignore(self): app = self.app self.rtree.selected_path = [1, 0] #The dupe of the second, 2 sized group app.add_selected_to_ignore_list() eq_(len(app.scanner.ignore_list), 1) self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0] #first dupe of the 3 dupes group app.add_selected_to_ignore_list() #BOTH the ref and the other dupe should have been added eq_(len(app.scanner.ignore_list), 3) def test_purgeIgnoreList(self): app = self.app p1 = self.filepath('zerofile') p2 = self.filepath('zerofill') dne = '/does_not_exist' app.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore(dne,p1) app.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore(p2,dne) app.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore(p1,p2) app.purge_ignore_list() self.assertEqual(1,len(app.scanner.ignore_list)) self.assert_(app.scanner.ignore_list.AreIgnored(p1,p2)) self.assert_(not app.scanner.ignore_list.AreIgnored(dne,p1)) def test_only_unicode_is_added_to_ignore_list(self): def FakeIgnore(first,second): if not isinstance(first,str): self.fail() if not isinstance(second,str): self.fail() app = self.app app.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore = FakeIgnore self.rtree.selected_path = [1, 0] app.add_selected_to_ignore_list() class TCDupeGuru_renameSelected(TestCase): def setUp(self): p = self.tmppath() fp = open(str(p + 'foo bar 1'),mode='w') fp.close() fp = open(str(p + 'foo bar 2'),mode='w') fp.close() fp = open(str(p + 'foo bar 3'),mode='w') fp.close() files = fs.get_files(p) matches = engine.getmatches(files) groups = engine.get_groups(matches) g = groups[0] g.prioritize(lambda x:x.name) app = DupeGuru() app.results.groups = groups self.app = app self.groups = groups self.p = p self.files = files self.rtree_gui = CallLogger() self.rtree = ResultTree(self.rtree_gui, self.app) self.rtree.connect() def test_simple(self): app = self.app g = self.groups[0] self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0] assert app.rename_selected('renamed') names = io.listdir(self.p) assert 'renamed' in names assert 'foo bar 2' not in names eq_(g.dupes[0].name, 'renamed') def test_none_selected(self): app = self.app g = self.groups[0] self.rtree.selected_paths = [] self.mock(logging, 'warning', log_calls(lambda msg: None)) assert not app.rename_selected('renamed') msg = logging.warning.calls[0]['msg'] eq_('dupeGuru Warning: list index out of range', msg) names = io.listdir(self.p) assert 'renamed' not in names assert 'foo bar 2' in names eq_(g.dupes[0].name, 'foo bar 2') def test_name_already_exists(self): app = self.app g = self.groups[0] self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0] self.mock(logging, 'warning', log_calls(lambda msg: None)) assert not app.rename_selected('foo bar 1') msg = logging.warning.calls[0]['msg'] assert msg.startswith('dupeGuru Warning: \'foo bar 1\' already exists in') names = io.listdir(self.p) assert 'foo bar 1' in names assert 'foo bar 2' in names eq_(g.dupes[0].name, 'foo bar 2')